Photographs David Farreny
Photographs David Farreny

Photography is a minor art; that is why I practice it.


Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression


200 / 218

Disposable postcards

Art (found works)

photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 152” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Bohuslän, Västra Götaland, Tanum, Fjällbacka, Skagerrak, mer, sea, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, îles, islands, rocher, rock, eau, water, nuages, clouds, Ingrid Bergman
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 152
photograph “XI.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Ordan-Larroque, campagne, countryside, paysage, landscape, collines, hills, arbre, tree, chêne, oak, tronc, trunk, automne, autumn, fall, nuages, clouds, branches, arbres, trees, champs, fields
photograph “VII.2024 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Prats, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, soir, evening, forêt, forest, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, pylône, électrique, transmission, tower, électricité, electricity, métal, metal
VII.2024 — Whatever
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 242” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, rocher, rock, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, nature, Sund
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 242
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 144. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, archipel, archipelago, Drøno, Drøna, Drøni, île, island, moutons, sheep, herbe, grass, rochers, rocks, arbres, trees, clôture, fence, mer, sea, paysage, landscape, paix, peace
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 144. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni
photograph “IV.2009 — Sandrine Rousseau reared by a moral revolt” par David Farreny — — Irlande, Ireland, Eire, Dublin, zoo, otarie, sea lion, animal, béton, concrete, mur, wall, paroi, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, red, métal, metal, révolte, revolt, mou, soft, colère, anger, molle
IV.2009 — Sandrine Rousseau reared by a moral revolt
photograph “VIII.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, maison, house, arbre, tree, platane, plane tree, tronc, trunk, porte, door, portail, gate, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, génoises, pierre, stone, cheminée, chimney, balustrade, balustre, baluster, guirlande, fanions, pennant, garland, fête, village, party, couleurs, colours, colors
photograph “XII.2020” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gard, La Capelle-et-Masmolène, hiver, winter, campagne, countryside, château, castle, paysage, landscape, branches, ciel, sky, tour, tower, nuages, clouds
photograph “XII.2019” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Llanes, Llamés, Guadamia, Pría, hiver, winter, soir, evening, paysage, landscape, mer, sea, océan, ocean, golfe de Gascogne, bay of Biscay, rochers, rocks, roche, rock, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, soleil, sun, falaises, cliffs, nature, carte postale, postcard
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 240” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Fagerheim, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, lac, lake, eau, water, espace, space, refuge, shelter, maison, house, nuages, clouds
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 240
photograph “V.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Monteils, parc de la Lère, lac, lake, eau, water, printemps, spring, springtime, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, nature, herbes, grasses, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, rive, shore, ombre, shadow
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Casamanya, Montaup, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, hiver, winter, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, sommet, pic, peak, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, froid, cold
photograph “V.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, champ, field, blé, wheat, vert, green, poteau, électrique, electricity, post, pole, câble, cable, fil, wire, nuage, cloud, orage, storm, ciel, sky, arbres, trees, carte postale, postcard
photograph “V.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Monteils, parc de la Lère, lac, lake, eau, water, printemps, spring, springtime, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, nature, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, herbes, grasses, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, rive, shore
photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, neige, snow, herbes, grasses, couchées, lying, cailloux, stones, rayon, soleil, ray, sun, nature
photograph “XII.2020” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hendaye, Pays basque, Basque country, océan, Atlantique, Atlantic, ocean, mer, sea, eau, water, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, vagues, waves, ciel, sky, soir, evening, hiver, winter, bleu, blue, sable, sand, plage, beach, horizon, ligne, line, jeune, femme, young, woman, Lu*, assise, sitting, muret, low wall, pierres, stones, contemplation, piétons, pedestrians, flous, blurred, chien, dog, lumières, lights, rivage, seashore, carte postale, postcard
photograph “VI.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Revel, arcades, piliers, pillars, colonnes, columns, publicités, advertising, pubs, ads, vieux, old, peinture, paint, alcool, alcohol, peppermint, China, bouteille, bottle, perspective, poubelle, bin, trash, can, garbage, pierre, stone
photograph “XI.2018 — Working hours” par David Farreny — — France, campagne, countryside, champ, field, paysage, landscape, automne, autumn, fall, soleil, sun, herbe, grass, arbres, trees, nature, nuages, clouds, semi-liberté, temporary release, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
XI.2018 — Working hours
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, montagne, mountain, hiver, winter, neige, snow, forest, forêt, paysage, landscape, gris, grey, gray
photograph “VII.2019” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Llanes, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, mer, sea, océan, ocean, golfe de Gascogne, bay of Biscay, rochers, rocks, eau, water, mouette, seagull, oiseau, bird, horizon, nature
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 77” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, pêcheurs, fishermen, à la ligne, anglers, eau, water, soleil, sun, reflet, reflection, hommes, men, carte postale, postcard
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 77
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 122” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, village, maisons, houses, café, kafe, enseigne, sign, rambarde, guardrail, bois, wood, bâches, tarpaulins, plastique, plastic, pilotis, piles, mer, sea, eau, water, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, Ølkontinden
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 122
photograph “V.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, champ, field, blé, wheat, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, arbre, tree, poteau, post, pole, bois, wood, paysage, landscape, ombre, shadow, photographe, photographer, horizon
photograph “V.2013 — Pure postcardness w/ lighthouse, 2” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Sussex, East Sussex, Eastbourne, Beachy Head, falaise, cliff, cap, promontoire, cape, headland, craie, chalk, phare, lighthouse, mer, sea, Channel, Manche, horizon, herbe, grass, suicide, suicide spot, paysage, landscape, seascape, eau, water, carte postale, postcard
V.2013 — Pure postcardness w/ lighthouse, 2
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 10” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, paysage, landscape, volcan, volcano, cratère, crater, maison, house, nuages, clouds, montagne, mountain, coulures, runoffs
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 10
photograph “II.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Lot, Promilhanes, village, mur, wall, pierre, stone, beige, maison, house, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, rue, street, femme, woman, homme, man, couple, ombre, shadow
photograph “Where you are not” par David Farreny — — États-Unis, United States, Amérique, America, Wyoming, Sheridan, ville, city, hiver, winter, carrefour, crossing, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, bâtiments, buildings, brique, brick, fenêtres, windows, lampadaires, lamps, maisons, houses, trottoir, pavement, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, stop, enseigne, Lous Transfer Storage Co, plaque, plate, Scott St., voitures, cars, soleil, sun, bas, low, errance, wandering
Where you are not
photograph “I.2024 — Temporary name” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, montagne, mountain, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, route, road, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, ligne, line, jaune, yellow, mur, paroi, wall, pierre, stone, neige, snow, hiver, winter, champ, field, pré, meadow, ciel, sky, froid, cold, prénom, first name, Jenny, écriture, writing, signature
I.2024 — Temporary name
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 69” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canarias, Canary, Canaries, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, Caldera colorada, île, island, volcan, volcano, montagne, mountain, lave, lava, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, rochers, rocks, ombre, shadow, nature, Tías
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 69
photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, eau, water, glace, ice, rive, shore, herbe, grass, rochers, rocks, bille, verte, green, ball
photograph “VII.2010 — King\'s gate” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Thanet, Isle of Thanet, Kingsgate, Manche, Channel, mer, sea, Botany Bay, Broadstairs, Kent, plage, beach, sable, sand, falaise, cliff, porte, door, gate, craie, chalk, mur, wall, rocher, rock, graffiti, vague, wave, horizon, seascape, paysage, landscape, rivage, seashore
VII.2010 — King's gate
photograph “XI.2016” par David Farreny — — France, rivière, river, eau, water, rive, shore, vert, green, bleu, blue, arbres, trees, tronc, trunk, feuilles, leaves, reflet, reflection, automne, autumn, fall, coude, angle, bend, elbow, branches, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Condom
photograph “XII.2023 — Faces of home, 205” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Caussade, ville, city, bourgade, town, maison, house, brique, brick, pierre, stone, crépi, roughcast, enduit, porte, door, bois, wood, volet, shutter, verre, vitre, glass, plantes, plants, clôture, grillage, fence, fencing, boîte à lettres, mailbox, letterbox, métal, metal, ombre, shadow, panneau, sign, Interdit aux cons, Forbidden to idiots, domicile, home
XII.2023 — Faces of home, 205
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 12” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, La Geria, rochers, rocks, volcan, volcano, vignes, vines, vineyards, lave, lava, murets, low walls, zocos, demi-cercles, semicircles, noir, black, montagne, montain, sommet, summit, top
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 12
photograph “XI.2016 — Arrival to the village” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, automne, autumn, fall, soir, evening, champ, field, chemin, path, campagne, countryside, village, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, ombre, shadow, photographe, photographer, arbres, trees, maisons, houses, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, terre, earth, sol, soil, cailloux, stones
XI.2016 — Arrival to the village
photograph “V.2022 — Somewhere fucking else” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Lido, hôtel, hotel, cour, courtyard, yard, maison, house, bâtiment, immeuble, building, coin, corner, angle, porte, door, métal, metal, rideaux, curtains, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, bois, wood, table, banc, bench, porte-manteau, coat hanger, printemps, spring, springtime, vacances, holidays, matin, morning, petit déjeuner, dallage, paving, pierre, stone, rampe, ramp, arcade, arch, arche, ombre, shadow, rouge, red, structure, nappe, tablecloth, rose, pink, bleu, blue, lampe, lamp
V.2022 — Somewhere fucking else
photograph “XII.2019” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun, halle, hall, pierre, stone, porte, door, sapin, tree, arbre, Noël, Christmas, guirlande lumineuse, light string, lumières, lights, piliers, pillars, arche, arch, bois, wood
photograph “VIII.2016 — The infinity that meanders” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, nuit, night, soir, evening, sol, soil, ciment, cement, reptile, serpent, snake, vert, green, infini, infinity, signe, sign, ∞, animal, écailles, scales, torsion, twist, œil, eye
VIII.2016 — The infinity that meanders
photograph “V.2018 — Outdated support” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Condom, maison, house, imprimerie, printing house, fermée, closed down, enseigne, sign, Imprimeries de Gascogne, Gascony printing houses, fer, métal, porte, door, pierre, stone, plaque, plate, numéro, number, 48, panneau, board, bois, wood, volets, shutters, fronton, triangulaire, vieux, old, industrie, industry
V.2018 — Outdated support
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 13” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, paysage, landscape, pyramide, pyramid, pierre, stone, montagne, mountain, Valle de Abajo, mer, sea, océan, ocean, eau, water, îles, islands, horizon
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 13
photograph “XII.2023 — Faces of home, 203” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Quercy, Tarn-et-Garonne, Molières, Coutié, ferme, farm, campagne, countryside, étable, stable, brique, brick, crue, raw, vache, cow, blonde d'Aquitaine, animal, bétail, cattle, bête, beast, corne, horn, arbre, tree, hiver, winter, boue, mud, porte, door, volet, shutter, bois, wood, pot, pré, prairie, meadow, paille, straw, domicile, home
XII.2023 — Faces of home, 203
photograph “X.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, jardin, garden, table, verre, vitre, glass, métal, metal, pieds, legs, chaise, chair, plastique, plastic, blanc, white, chat, cat, chatte, femelle, female, blonde, étonnée, surprised, yeux, eyes, reflet, reflection, ciel, sky, arbres, trees, branches, toit, roof, herbe, grass, dallage, paving, pierre, stone, animal, félin, feline
photograph “VII.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mur, wall, pierre, stone, passage, rampe, ramp, champ, field, portail, gate, métal, metal, herbe, grass, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
photograph “X.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Ordino, Vall de Sorteny, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, paysage, landscape, sommet, peak, neige, snow, arbres, trees, forêt, forest, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, ombre, shadow, nature
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 196” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, seashore, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, reflet, reflection, Nesland, Kvalvik
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 196
photograph “XI.2021 — Masticate vs. mysticate” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, automne, autumn, fall, pré, meadow, prairie, neige, snow, froid, cold, vaches, cows, broutage, grazing, ciel, sky, soleil, sun, lumière, light, nuages, clouds, montagne, mountain, animaux, animals, bétail, cattle
XI.2021 — Masticate vs. mysticate
photograph “V.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Lavardens, restaurant, table, chaise, chair, muret, low wall, pierre, stone, portail, gate, bois, wood, menu, panneau, board, Le Restaurant du Château, Chez Christophe, parasol, umbrella, terrasse, terrace, gravier, gravel, pot, volets, shutters, enseigne, sign, peinture, paint, structure, métal, metal
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pistoia, Pistoie, ville, city, rue, street, murs, walls, maisons, houses, fenêtres, windows, portes, doors, volets, shutters, bois, wood, lampe, lamp, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, tables, graffitis, tags, peinture, paint, tuiles, tiles, charnières, hinges, câbles, cables, fils, wires
photograph “II.2018 — At night” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, Yaiza, Playa Blanca, île, island, plage, beach, mer, sea, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, rivage, seashore, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, lumières, lights, ville, city, eau, water, rochers, rocks, soir, evening, nuit, night, poubelle, bin, trash
II.2018 — At night
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Lysefjord, Lysefjorden, Nordstrøno, mer du Nord, North sea, mer, sea, eau, water, îles, islands, paysage, landscape, matin, seascape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pistoia, Pistoie, ville, city, rue, street, mur, wall, panneau, routier, roadsign, flèche, arrow, gauche, left, pierre, tuyaux, pipes, métal, metal, boîtes aux lettres, mailboxes, postboxes, enduit, roughcast, lampes, lamps, feuillage, foliage, plante, plant, pot, coffre, box, gaz, gas, plaque, plate, numéro, number, 3, prospectus, flyers
photograph “VII.2008” par David Farreny — — France, Normandie, Normandy, Calvados, Arromanches-les-Bains, Arromanches, plage, beach, sable, sand, algues, algae, forme, shape
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 77” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, Yaiza, Playa Blanca, île, island, balcon, balcony, terrasse, terrace, mur, wall, blanc, white, chaise, chair, poteau, post, pole, bois, wood, palmier, arbre, palm tree, palmes, fronds, cactus, bâtiment, immeuble, building, hôtel, hotel, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, ombre, shadow, tuyau, pipe, toit, roof
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 77
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 108” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, soir, evening, été, summer, hangar, shed, bois, wood, planches, planks, lumière, light, lampe, champ, tuyau, pipe, métal, metal, rochers, rocks, toit, roof, ardoises, slates
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 108
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Londres, London, Hampstead, Angleterre, England, Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, UK, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, GB, brique, brick, rue, street, trottoir, pavement, muret, low wall, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, pierre, stone, haie, hedge
photograph “VII.2014 — Lill’ Lisa (a.k.a. Young Norwegian girl with callunes)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bodø, train, ligne du Nordland, Nordland line, Nordlandsbanen, chemin de fer, railway line, enfant, child, petite fille, little girl, fenêtre, window, verre, vitre, glass, siège, seat, métal, metal, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, callunes, heathers, flèche, arrow, rêveur, rêveuse, dreamy, dreamer, vitesse, speed, fleurs, flowers
VII.2014 — Lill’ Lisa (a.k.a. Young Norwegian girl with callunes)
photograph “VII.2008” par David Farreny — — France, Normandie, Normandy, Calvados, Arromanches-les-Bains, Arromanches, Gold Beach, plage, beach, sable, sand, rivage, seashore, mer, sea, Manche, Channel, eau, water, flotteurs, caissons, floating piers, béton, concrete, horizon, ligne, line, Seconde guerre mondiale, World war II, histoire, history, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, ciel, sky
photograph “V.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, fenêtres, windows, pierre, stone, gouttière, drainpipe, porte, door, bois, wood, serrure, lock, câbles, cables, fils, wires, boîte à lettres, mailbox, postbox, sonnettes, doorbells, mur, wall, rouge, red, jaune, yellow, tag, graffiti, rue, street, passage, allée, alley
photograph “III.2023 — Messenger of the heatwave” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lérida, Lleida, ville, city, cathédrale, cathedral, La Seu Vella, Seo Vieja, Turó, plateforme, platform, pierre, stone, panorama, paysage, landscape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, homme, man, piéton, pedestrian, passant, passer-by, horizon, ligne, line, tourelle, turret, vide, empty, emptiness, printemps, spring, springtime
III.2023 — Messenger of the heatwave
photograph “VII.2012” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, homme, man, enfant, child, nus, nudes, naked
photograph “XI.2021 — God\'s face (i.e. Divine vapor)” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, route, road, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, virage, turn, glissière de sécurité, crash barrier, métal, metal, arbres, trees, herbe, grass, ciel, sky, soleil, sun, nuage, cloud
XI.2021 — God's face (i.e. Divine vapor)
photograph “IX.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Laruns, Ayous, montagnes, mountains, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, rocher, rock, arbres, trees, sapins, firs, paysage, landscape, pics, sommets, peaks, pierres, stones, falaise, cliff, nature
photograph “V.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Lagune de Venise, Laguna di Venezia, Venetian Lagoon, mer, sea, Adriatique, Adriatic, eau, water, algues, algae, ponton, pontoon, bois, wood, vagues, waves, béton, concrete
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Gimignano, San Giminiano, Saint-Géminien, rue, street, brique, brick, pierre, stone, maisons, houses, bâtiments, buildings, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, portes, doors, mur, wall, pont, bridge, passerelle, footbridge, beige
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Strøno, Nordstrøno, Huftarøy, île, island, mer, sea, Nord, North, paysage, marin, landscape, seascape, eau, water, nuages, clouds, printemps, spring, springtime, soir, evening, soleil, sun
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bakka, Bakkesund, Kobbavågen, Spissøya, île, island, eau, water, rochers, rocks, rivage, seashore, cailloux, pebbles, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265
photograph “VI.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Lauragais, Revel, pierre, stone, beige, colonnes, columns, piliers, pillars, ombres, shadows, perspective, rugueux, rough, passage
photograph “V.2013” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, UK, GB, Sussex, West Sussex, Worthing, Highdown Gardens, jardin, garden, fleurs, flowers, tulipes, tulips, herbes, wild grass, nature, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves
photograph “VII.2010 — Touch” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Kent, Deal, Walmer, mer, sea, Manche, Channel, eau, water, paysage, marin, seascape, horizon, ligne, line, vague, wave, galets, shingle, écume, foam
VII.2010 — Touch
photograph “V.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Lido, mer, sea, lagune, lagoon, Adriatique, Adriatic, eau, water, plage, beach, tentes, tents, lampes, lamps, sphères, spheres, verre, glass, horizon, ligne, line, arbre, tree, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, fleurs, flowers, haie, hedge, soir, evening, tronc, trunk, ciel, sky, branches
photograph “V.2014” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Sardaigne, Sardegna, Sardigna, Sardinia, Santa Teresa Gallura, Gallura, Capo Testa, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, mer, sea, eau, water, horizon, ligne, line, Méditerranée, Mediterranean, paysage, landscape, nature, cap, cape
photograph “X.2021 — Announcement” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, prairie, meadow, pré, pasture, herbe, grass, automne, autumn, fall, nuages, clouds, soleil, sun, bâtiment, immeuble, building, fenêtres, windows, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray, murat, low wall, pierre, stone
X.2021 — Announcement
photograph “XI.2021 — Accepted parasites” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, automne, autumn, fall, neige, snow, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, vaches, cows, bétail, cattle, cornes, horns, 35, animaux, animals
XI.2021 — Accepted parasites
photograph “III.2012 — Spring (It\'s not anymore)” par David Farreny — — France, carte postale, postcard, printemps, spring, springtime, rivière, river, retenue, reservoir, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, branches, eau, water, rives, banks, soir, evening, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez
III.2012 — Spring (It's not anymore)
photograph “X.2004” par David Farreny — — France, Auvergne, Cantal, puy Mary, montagne, mountain, nature, paysage, landscape, forêt, forest, bois, wood, herbe, grass, automne, autumn, fall, carte postale, postcard, barrière, clôture, fence, rondeur, roundness
photograph “VII.2012 — Solicitations” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, hommes, men, nus, nudes, naked, amour, love, baise, fuck, concurrence, competition
VII.2012 — Solicitations
photograph “過去の Instagram からの自己宣伝セルフィー (冗長表現)” par David Farreny — — Japon, Japan, photographies, photographs, photos, vieilles, old, XIXe siècle, 19th century, noir & blanc, black & white, couleurs, colors, colours, peintes, painted, femmes, women, jeunes, young, Japonaises, Japanese, intérieur, interior, fleurs, flowers, sein, breast, kimonos, fond, background, montagne, mountain, Fuji, volcan, volcano, cartes postales, postcards, tirages, prints, papier, paper, jauni, yellowed, Centre d'Art, musée, museum, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, Andorra
過去の Instagram からの自己宣伝セルフィー (冗長表現)
photograph “VII.2010 — Parallel careers” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Sussex, Eastbourne, paysage, landscape, seascape, Manche, Channel, mer, sea, côte, coast, plage, beach, horizon, gravier, gravel, épi, groyne, brise-lames, breakwater, galets, shingle, eau, water, bois, wood, jeunes filles, girls, promeneuses, walkers, Li*, Lu*
VII.2010 — Parallel careers
photograph “X.2019 — Never too late” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pistoia, Pistoie, ville, city, rue, street, restaurant, ardoises, slates, Corsi di recupero per vegani, Cours de récupération pour végétaliens, Recovery courses for vegans, porte, door, bois, wood, ampoules, bulbs, lumières, lights, clients, customers, papier, paper, feuilles, sheets, câbles, cables, fils, wires, jambons, hams, suspendus, hanging, hommes, men, bannière, banner, ciment, cement
X.2019 — Never too late
photograph “VIII.2013” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, canal, channel, eau, water, bâtiment, building, immeuble, mur, wall, brique, brick, fenêtres, windows, bateau, boat, poteau, post, pole, bois, wood, grilles, railings, art, dessin, drawing, illustration, femme, woman, visage, face, pierre, stone
photograph “III.2012 — Pure postcardness w/ springtime” par David Farreny — — France, carte postale, postcard, printemps, spring, springtime, rivière, river, retenue, reservoir, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, coude, courbe, bend, eau, water, rives, banks, soir, evening, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Olemps
III.2012 — Pure postcardness w/ springtime
photograph “V.2013” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, UK, GB, England, South East, West Sussex, Chichester, Selsey, mer, sea, Channel, Manche, plage, beach, rivage, seashore, bateaux, boats, galets, cailloux, shingle, pebbles, horizon, eau, water, paysage, landscape, seascape, épi, groyne, brise-lames, breakwater, bois, wood
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 90” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Hordaland, Fagerheim, Halne, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, collines, hills, montagne, mountain, herbe, grass, nature, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, vide, empty, emptiness
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 90
photograph “I.2014” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps, soir, evening, hiver, winter, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, soleil, sun, traînée, contrail, condensation, avion, plane, vol, flight, arbres, trees, branches, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, chevaux, horses, animaux, animals, champ, field, prairie, meadow, bois, wood, nature
photograph “VIII.2015 — Elements for waiting” par David Farreny — — France, pièce, room, pierre, stone, enduit, coating, monnaie du pape, honesty, plante, plant, vase, assiette, plate, pommes, apples, chaise, chair, surface, bois, wood, mur, wall, maison, house, coin, corner, angle, fenêtre, window, appui, ledge, linteau, lintel, jambage, jamb, pierre de taille, freestone, attente, wait, waiting, Occitanie, Gascogne, Jegun, Gers
VIII.2015 — Elements for waiting
photograph “V.2013 — Everyday is like Sunday” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, South East, Sud-Est, West Sussex, Sussex de l'Ouest, Arun, Littlehampton, plage, beach, Manche, Channel, mer, sea, rivage, shore, seashore, gravier, gravel, galets, shingle, épis, groynes, brise-lames, breakwaters, longue-vue, telescope, métal, metal, chemin, path, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, horizon, ligne, line, eau, water, ciel, sky, bleu, blue, haie, hedge, branches, Morrissey, Everyday is like Sunday
V.2013 — Everyday is like Sunday
photograph “VIII.2012 — Faces of home, 68” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gers, Lomagne, Gascogne, Gascony, Plieux, maison, house, mur, wall, pierre, stone, cyprès, cypress, fenêtre, window, nuages, clouds, mosaïque, mosaic, oie, goose, couronne, crown, toit, roof, génoise, eaves, tuiles, tiles, gouttière, gutter, domicile, home, voisine, neighbour, neighbor, chien, dog, nuisance, aboiements, barking
VIII.2012 — Faces of home, 68
photograph “VIII.2008 — La bella estate” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Asciano, Crete senesi, viillage, ville, town, fontaine, fountain, eau, water, pierre, stone, rocher, rock, sculpture, bas-relief, low relief, maison, house, fenêtre, window, porte, door, linge, étendu, hung, clothes, clothesline, étendoir, fils, wires, coin, corner, angle, volets, shutters, persiennes, arbres, trees, chaleur, heat, warm, chaud, été, summer, canicule, heatwave, Pavese, Le bel été, The beautiful summer, laundry
VIII.2008 — La bella estate
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 65” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcans, volcanoes, volcanos, cratère, crater, caldera, Caldera blanca, montagnes, mountains, Tinajo, paysage, landscape, mer, sea, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, nuage, ombre, cloud, shadow, trou, hole, horizon
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 65
photograph “XI.2004 — Ancient sky” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, soir, evening, automne, autumn, fall, ciel, sky, bleu, blue, nuages, clouds, maisons, houses, toits, roofs, cheminées, chimneys, antennes, antennas, passé, past
XI.2004 — Ancient sky
photograph “III.2012 — Pure postcardness w/ drainpipe & Microgramma” par David Farreny — — France, imprimerie, atelier, printing house, magasin, shop, store, devanture, volets, shutters, bois, wood, fermé, closed down, rue, street, gouttière, drainpipe, enseigne, sign, Microgramma EF, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, délabrement, decay, porte, door, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Villepontoux et Fau
III.2012 — Pure postcardness w/ drainpipe & Microgramma
photograph “XII.2011” par David Farreny — — France, Midi-Pyrénées, Aveyron, Rieupeyroux, Le Théron, garage, façade, facade, ciment, cement, métal, metal, hiver, winter, ombre, shadow, arbres, trees, verre, glass, carreaux, panes, fenêtres, windows, gouttière, gutter, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, fil, électrique, electrical, wire, câble, cable, rouille, rust, rusty
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 176” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Storekalsøy, Bakkasund, Kalve, île, island, Stora Kalsøy, maisons, houses, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, red, Falun, toits, roofs, toiture, roofing, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, lauzes, flagstone, herbe, grass
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 176
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 37” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, Timanfaya, Tinajo, île, island, volcan, volcano, lave, lava, rugueux, rough, montagne, mountain, rochers, rocks, rouge, red, vert, green
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 37
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Tristaina, Tristagne, cirque, circ, Estany primer, Ordino, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, neige, snow, névés, patches, eau, water, glace, ice, sommets, peaks, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, nuages, clouds, arbres, trees, nature
photograph “X.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, L'Isle-de-Noé, église, church, Saint-Pierre, pont, bridge, arbres, trees, rive, shore, rivière, river, Baïse, clocher, tower, campagne, countryside, feuillage, foliage, pierre, stone, parapet
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 106” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, phare, lighthouse, séchoir, linge, clothes, airer, draps, sheets, mer, sea, jaune, yellow, blanc, white, rouge, red, escalier, stairs, marches, steps, fenêtres, windows, herbe, grass
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 106
photograph “XI.2015 — Ascent to the solstice” par David Farreny — — France, paysage, landscape, carte postale, postcard, champ, field, automne, autumn, fall, femme, woman, marcheuse, walker, personnage, figure, jaune, yellow, terre, earth, soil, campagne, countryside, fossé, ditch, herbe, grass, sillons, furrows, soir, evening, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
XI.2015 — Ascent to the solstice
photograph “VII.2008” par David Farreny — — France, Normandie, Normandy, Calvados, Ouistreham, plage, beach, sable, sand, herbe, grass, poisson, fish, plastique, plastic, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, fleurs, flowers, chemin, path, jaune, yellow
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 107” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, eau, water, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, phare, lighthouse, nuages, clouds, mer, sea, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 107
photograph “V.2005 — Henri Michaux” par David Farreny — — France, Bretagne, Morbihan, Quiberon, Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, Côte sauvage, rivage, seashore, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, mer, sea, eau, water, plage, beach, falaise, cliff, rocher, rock, écume, foam, portrait, profil, profile, écrivain, writer, poète, poet, Henri Michaux
V.2005 — Henri Michaux
photograph “X.2020 — Life outside the wagecage” par David Farreny — — France, automne, autumn, fall, campagne, countryside, nature, paysage, landscape, arbre, tree, chêne, oak, arbres, trees, champ, field, bois, wood, colline, hill, route, road, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Lavardens
X.2020 — Life outside the wagecage
photograph “V.2013” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Sussex, East Sussex, Eastbourne, jetée, promenade, pier, barrière, barrier, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, baies, windows, verre, vitre, glass, séparation, division, splitting, bas-relief, low relief, poissons, fishes, motifs, pattern, guardrail, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, vue, view, Manche, Channel, mer, sea, côte, coast, plage, beach, horizon, épis, groynes, brise-lames, breakwaters, baie, bay, front de mer, seafront, profusion
photograph “XI.2015” par David Farreny — — France, clôture, fence, chat, cat, animal, poteaux, posts, bois, wood, mur, wall, ciment, cement, chaise, chair, campagne, countryside, yeux, eyes, pénombre, obscurité, darkness, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Saint-Puy
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 30” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Ryfylke, Rogaland, Forsand, Preikestolen, Prekestolen, La Chaire, Preacher's Pulpit, Pulpit Rock, fjord, Lysefjord, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, roc, roche, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, eau, water, nuages, clouds, falaise, cliff, carte postale, postcard
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 30
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 102” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, eau, water, rocs, rocks, rochers, pierre, stone, algues, alga, rivage, shore
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 102
photograph “IX.2018 — Dusk” par David Farreny — — France, câbles, cables, fils, wires, électriques, electricity, power, ciel, sky, soir, evening, oiseau, bird, animal, tourterelle, colombe, dove, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
IX.2018 — Dusk
photograph “VII.2020 — Through eucalyptus forests” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Llanes, Vibaño, El Allende, Los Carriles, montagne, mountain, forêt, forest, bois, wood, eucalyptus, arbres, trees, chemin, path, trail, randonnée, hike, hiking, femme, woman, randonneuse, hiker, chapeau, hat, paille, straw, sac à dos, backpack, sommet, pic, peak, top, fougères, ferns, É*
VII.2020 — Through eucalyptus forests
photograph “II.2012” par David Farreny — — France, chemin, path, campagne, countryside, hiver, winter, glace, ice, neige, snow, haie, hedge, arbres, trees, champs, fields, virage, bend, paysage, landscape, carte postale, postcard, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Olemps
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 171” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, eau, water, poteaux, poles, posts, bois, wood, paysage, landscape, mer, sea, Arctique, Arctic, nuages, clouds
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 171
photograph “VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 7” par David Farreny — — carte postale, postcard, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Ullensaker, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, arbres, trees
VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 7
photograph “III.2012 — Past springtime” par David Farreny — — France, carte postale, postcard, printemps, spring, springtime, rivière, river, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, tronc, trunk, eau, water, rives, banks, soir, evening, herbe, grass, branches, profusion, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps, Rodez
III.2012 — Past springtime
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, Valira, eau, water, glace, ice, rive, shore, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, pilier, pillar, bois, wood, hiver, winter, herbe, grass, froid, cold
photograph “VIII.2022 — Faces of home, 169” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, maison, house, façade, facade, pierre, stone, brique, brick, beige, porte, door, fenêtres, windows, escalier, stairs, staircase, marches, steps, rideau, curtain, chaises, chairs, table, tonneau, barrel, plantes, plants, fleurs, flowers, pots, panneau, sign, vendita diretta olio e vino, été, summer, domicile, home
VIII.2022 — Faces of home, 169
photograph “X.2015” par David Farreny — — France, carte postale, postcard, arbres, trees, forêt, forest, bois, wood, troncs, trunks, colonne, columns, piliers, pillars, herbe, grass, soir, evening, branches, ombres, shadows, profusion, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 168” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, eau, water, chemin, path, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, été, summer, herbe, grass, carte postale, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 168
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 262” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Flakstad, Vikten, Viktenveien, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, plage, beach, mer, sea, eau, water, rivage, seashore, montagne, mountain, nature, vague, wave, nuages, clouds, horizon
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 262
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Gimignano, San Giminiano, Saint-Géminien, rue, street, brique, brick, pierre, stone, maisons, houses, bâtiments, buildings, fenêtres, windows, toits, roofs, tour, tower, volets, shutters, bois, wood, antennes, antennas
photograph “I.2020” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Cantabrie, Cantabria, Vejo, Vega de Liébana, mirador del Corzo, port of San Gloria, montagnes, mountains, nature, paysage, landscape, ombre, shadow, hiver, winter, ciel, sky
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Arezzo, peinture, painting, fresque, fresco, Vierge Marie, Virgin Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, San Domenico, église, church, basilique, basilica, art, mur, wall, paroi
photograph “V.2020” par David Farreny — — France, soir, evening, printemps, spring, springtime, village, pierre, stone, maison, house, mur, wall, muret, low wall, chat, cat, animal, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, arbres, trees, palmier, palm tree, carte postale, postcard, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun, fleurs, flowers
photograph “III.2012” par David Farreny — — France, rivière, river, eau, water, pont, bridge, pierre, stone, arche, arch, ellipse, ovale, oval, reflet, reflection, ciel, sky, piles, supports, piers, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Espalion
photograph “VII.2010” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Sussex, Eastbourne, paysage, landscape, Manche, Channel, mer, sea, côte, coast, plage, beach, horizon, nuages, clouds, arbres, trees, massif, arbustes, shrubberies, lampadaires, lamps, gravier, gravel, chemin, path, épis, groynes, brise-lames, breakwaters, seascape
photograph “XI.2022” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, montagne, mountain, rocher, rock, paroi, wall, arbres, trees, neige, snow, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray, nuages, clouds
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 74. See the sea” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, La Graciosa, Orzola, Mirador del roque, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, mer, sea, eau, water, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, rochers, rocks, plateforme, platform, terrasse, terrace, montagnes, mountains, nuages, clouds, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, télescope, telescope
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 74. See the sea
photograph “XI.2009” par David Farreny — — France, HDR, usine, factory, roue, wheel, machine, abandon, abandoned, délabrement, decay, fenêtres, windows, métal, metal, industrie, industry, rouille, rust, graffiti, Schneider, Le Creusot, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Decazeville
photograph “XI.2022 — Accepted parasite” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, jardin, garden, chaise, chair, carrelage, tiling, mur, wall, muret, low wall, brique, brick, pierre, stone, cailloux, pebbles, terre, earth, soil, chat, cat, chatte, félin, feline, félidé, felid, animal, bête, beast, parasite, paresseux, lazy, blanc, white, fourrure, pelage, coat, fur, angle, coin, corner, métal, metal, toile, cloth, rose, pink, bain de soleil, sunbath
XI.2022 — Accepted parasite
photograph “X.2019 — 33” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Émilie-Romagne, Emilia-Romagna, Bologne, Bologna, ville, city, casa Montignani, porte, door, portail, gate, bois, wood, poignées, handles, métal, metal, colonne, column, pilier, pillar, brique, brick, pierre, stone, mur, wall, plaques, plates, 33, 368, fenêtre, window
X.2019 — 33
photograph “VIII.2022 — Via Talosa” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Montepulciano, via Talosa, via Ricci già della Mercanzia, bâtiments, buildings, édifices, pierre, stone, brique, brick, lampe, lamp, fenêtres, windows, arches, arcs, archs, toits, roofs, coin, corner, angle
VIII.2022 — Via Talosa
photograph “VIII.2009” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Charente, Aubeterre-sur-Dronne, église monolithe, monolithic church, pierre, stone, triforium, rocher, rock, colonnes, pillars, VIIIe siècle, 8th century
photograph “X.2019 — As you like it” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Émilie-Romagne, Emilia-Romagna, Bologne, Bologna, rue Sainte-Marguerite, via Santa Margarita, plaque, plate, mur, wall, yellow, jaune, câbles, cables, fils, wires, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, bois, wood, vitrine, baie, bay, arcades, colonnes, columns, piliers, pillars, passage, lampe, lamp, graffiti, carte postale, postcard
X.2019 — As you like it
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 253” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Bø, Kråkberget, Vesterålen, fjord, Møklandsfjorden, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, arbres, trees, port, harbour, harbor, bateau, boat, eau, water, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, pics, peaks, sommets, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 253
photograph “XII.2013” par David Farreny — — France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Saint-Jean-de-Fos, pont du Diable, gorges de l'Hérault, pierre, stone, hiver, winter, arbres, trees, branches, arches, arcs, archs, pont, bridge, IXe siècle, 9th century
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, fjord, eau, water, reflet, reflection, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, bâtiment, building, bois, wood, rouge, red, planches, planks, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toit, roof, toiture, roofing, rouille, rust, rusty, hangar, bateaux, boat, shed, pierre, stone, quai, rive, bank, métal, metal, été, summer, nuages, clouds, fenêtre, window, soir, evening
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, rue, street, bâtiment, immeuble, building, angle, coin, corner, fenêtres, windows, portes, doors, tables, chaises, chairs, tuyau, pipe, femme, woman, passante, passer-by, piétonne, robe, dress, rouge, red, lampes, lamps, briques, bricks, volets, shutters, bois, wood, panneaux, signs, enseigne, Albergo ristorante L'Orcia, façade, facade, pierre, stone, ville, city, bourgade, town
photograph “VIII.2014” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, ours, bear, jeune fille, jeune femme, girl, young woman, nu, nue, naked, nude, tresses, plaits, braids, animal, socle, plinth, pedestal, porte, door, poignée, handle, mur, wall
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 251” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Torvøya, mer, sea, océan, ocean, eau, water, rivage, seashore, montagne, mountain, soir, evening, sommets, peaks, pics, paysage, landscape, Fredvang
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 251
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, harbor, village, maisons, houses, mer, sea, eau, water, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, Ølkontinden, bateaux, boats, rochers, rocks, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, cimetière, cemetery, vue, view, paysage, landscape, cyprès, cypresses, arbres, trees, champs, fields, ville, city, bourgade, town, maisons, houses, colline, hill, nuages, clouds, muret, low wall, carte postale, postcard
photograph “I.2020” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Castille-et-Léon, Castilla y León, Valdeón, Picos de Europa, montagnes, mountains, hiver, winter, sommets, pics, peaks, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, hors saison, out of season, neige, snow, forêt, forest
photograph “V.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Lido, mer, sea, plage, beach, arbres, trees, pins, pines, cabines, cabins, bois, wood, grillage, fence, clôture, fencing, métal, metal, toits, roofs, eau, water, bateaux, boats, navires, ships, horizon, ciel, sky, troncs, trunks, drapeau, flag
photograph “IX.2019” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Ordino, montagne, mountain, sommets, peaks, nature, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, arbres, trees
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 245” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, Nesland, mer, sea, océan, ocean, rivage, shore, seashore, rochers, rocks, eau, water, canards, ducks, bateau, boat, nuages, clouds, nature
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 245
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 140” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelledalen, Gamle Strynefjellsveg, vallée, valley, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, rocher, rock, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, route, road
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 140
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 244” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Kråkberget, Vesterålen, fjord, Møklandsfjorden, montagnes, mountains, rochers, rocks, mer, sea, arbre, tree, poteau, pole, post, chemin, path, eau, water, paysage, landscape, pics, peaks, sommets, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 244
photograph “VII.2009 — Stop coming to my house” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, paysage, landscape, campagne, country, countryside, maison, house, collines, hills, Crete, champs, fiels, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, carte postale, postcard, Mogwai
VII.2009 — Stop coming to my house
photograph “VIII.2008” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, pierre, stone, brique, brick, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, lampe, lamp, angle, coin, corner, enseigne, sign, Albergo e ristoratore, vieux, old, architecture
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 47” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Le Geria, volcans, volcanoes, montagnes, mountains, rochers, rocks, vignes, vines, vineyards, lave, lava, murets, low walls, zocos, demi-cercles, semicircles, noir, black, paysage, landscape
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 47
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 239” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Lofoten, Vågan, Henningsvær, mer, sea, rochers, rocks, îles, islands, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, horizon, nature, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 239
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 83. Return from Nesland” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, soleil de minuit, midnight sun, midnattssol, montagnes, mountains, soleil, sun, nuages, clouds, eau, water, pénombre, darkness, soir, evening, paysage, landscape, carte postale, postcard, reflet, reflection, lumière, light
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 83. Return from Nesland
© David Farreny, 2004-2024   ✉️🅵

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