Photographs David Farreny
Photographs David Farreny

Photography is a minor art; that is why I practice it.

171 / 2156

Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression



Disposable postcards

Art (found works)

1 filter
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 283” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Stora Kalsøy, Skansen, île, island, eau, water, stagnante, stagnant, vert, green, rocher, roche, rock, rivage, seashore, mousse, verte, moss, algues, algae
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 283
photograph “« Apple tree in bloom », Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée d'art de Bergen, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Bergen, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1926, XXe siècle, 20th century, Pommier en fleur, Apple tree in bloom, Epletre i blomst, Epletræ i blomst, montagne, mountain, fjord, arbres, trees, pommier, apple tree, fleurs, flowers, maisons, houses, bois, wood, coq, rooster, cock, eau, water, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, néoromantisme, neo-romanticism
« Apple tree in bloom », Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 162” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Krokeide, ferry, bateau, boat, bac, Hufthamar, Austevoll, Lysefjord, fjord, mer, sea, eau, water, fenêtre, baie, window, verre, vitre, glass, lamp, lampe, plafond, ceiling, table, sièges, seats, bois, wood, métal, metal, soir, evening, été, summer, îles, islands, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, reflet, reflection
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 162
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 160” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Hordaland, Vestland, Austevoll, Stolmen, Kvalvågen, île, island, port, harbour, maisons, houses, bois, wood, planches, planks, jaune, yellow, blanc, white, rouge, red, eau, water, rocher, rock, passage, allée, alley, mousse, moss, humide, damp, fenêtre, window, porte, door, quai, quay, étroit, narrow
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 160
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 282” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Lofoten, Flakstadpollen, ‎⁨Flakstadøya⁩, fjord, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, rochers, rocks, nuages, clouds, soleil, sun, rayon, ray, lumière, light, route, road, maisons, houses, neige, snow, herbe, grass
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 282
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 131” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, horizon, nuages, clouds, reflet, reflection, rivage, shore
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 131
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 279. The lookout” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bømlo, Urangsvåg, Goddo, île, island, rocher, rock, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray, falaise, cliff, station radar, radôme, radar, radome, antenne, antenna, sphère, blanche, white, mur, paroi, wall
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 279. The lookout
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 114” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, roue, wheel, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, bâche, cover, tarpaulin, plastique, plastic, tarp, citernes, cuves, cisterns, tanks, poubelle, bin, trash, garbage, can, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, sommet, summit, top, corde, rope, porte, door, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 114
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 278” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Vestland, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Høyanger, Lavik, Sognefjord, fjord, ferry, bateau, boat, métal, metal, voiture, car, toit, roof, néon, neon, lumière, lightning, haut-parleurs, loudspeakers, jaune, yellow, light, panneaux, signs, interdiction de fumer, no smoking, Les tickets sont vendus dans le salon, Billetter selges i salongen, Tickets are being sold in the lounge, Billetten werden in der Salon verkauft, reflet, reflection, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray, eau, water, montagne, mountain
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 278
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 156” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelledalen, Gamle Strynefjellsveg, neige, snow, rocher, rock, blanc, white, noir, black, nature, touch, contact
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 156
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 276. I used to travel” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, Jostedalsbreen, Austerdalsbreen, glacier, glace, ice, rocher, roche, rock, eau, water, sable, sand
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 276. I used to travel
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 155. A shallow creek” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, ruisseau, creek, eau, water, planche, plank, pont, bridge, passerelle, footbridge, courant, stream, glacier, arbustes, shrubs, arbres, trees, bois, wood, herbe, grass, marche, walk, nature, feuilles, leaves, rochers, rocks, Mallarmé
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 155. A shallow creek
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, fjord, eau, water, reflet, reflection, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, bâtiment, building, bois, wood, rouge, red, planches, planks, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toit, roof, toiture, roofing, rouille, rust, rusty, hangar, bateaux, boat, shed, pierre, stone, quai, rive, bank, métal, metal, été, summer, nuages, clouds, fenêtre, window, soir, evening
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 50” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Ryfylke, Rogaland, Forsand, Preikestolen, Prekestolen, La Chaire, Preacher's Pulpit, Pulpit Rock, fjord, Lysefjord, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, roc, roche, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, eau, water, nuages, clouds, falaise, cliff, randonneurs, hikers, randonnée, hike, vide, void, carte postale, postcard
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 50
photograph “VIII.2014” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, ours, bear, jeune fille, jeune femme, girl, young woman, nu, nue, naked, nude, tresses, plaits, braids, animal, socle, plinth, pedestal, porte, door, poignée, handle, mur, wall
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 31” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Skjelingen, montagne, mountain, route, road, neige, snow, rocher, rock, roc, nuages, clouds, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, fils, wires, câbles, cables, virage, bend, asphalte, asphalt, bitume, blacktop
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 31
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, harbor, village, maisons, houses, mer, sea, eau, water, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, Ølkontinden, bateaux, boats, rochers, rocks, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 5” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Voss, Stalheim, Brekkedalen, Brekke, montagne, mountain, vallée, valley, d'altitude, high-lying, vache, cow, arbustes, shrubs, buissons, bushes, profusion
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 5
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 150” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, île, island, Selbjørn, port, harbour, bateau, navire, boat, Manon, Bergen, pêche, fishing, vaisseau, vessel, métal, metal, acier, steel, eau, water, mer, sea, Selbjørnsfjord, cordes, cordages, ropes, amarre, cable, amarres, moorings, proue, bow, prow, quai, wharf, quay, pneus, tyres, tires, béton, concrete
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 150
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 273” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, Fjærlandsfjorden, Falun, bois, wood, jaune, yellow, métal, metal, rouge, red, rouille, rust, rusty, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toit, roof, bâtiment, building, grange, barn, vache, cow, tête, head, artificielle, artificial, fenêtre, window, haie, hedge, vert, green
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 273
photograph “« Winter at the river Simoa » (1883), Frits Thaulow (1847-1906)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Frits Thaulow, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1883, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Vinter ved Simoa, hiver, winter, rivière, river, eau, water, boat, bateau, barque, femme, woman, rames, oars, bois, wood, rives, shores, maison, house, arbres, trees, reflet, reflection
« Winter at the river Simoa » (1883), Frits Thaulow (1847-1906)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 139” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, Fjærlandsfjorden, fjord, abri, shed, bois, wood, métal, metal, rouge, red, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, eau, water, vert, green, verte, herbe, grass, toit, roof, bâtiment, building, ouverture, opening, Falun
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 139
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 34” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Fagerheim, Halne, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, cailloux, stones, collines, hills, neige, snow, lac, lake, eau, water, vide, emptiness, empty, montagne, mountain, glace, ice
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 34
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 149” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Krokeide, ferry, bateau, boat, bac, Hufthamar, Austevoll, Lysefjord, fjord, mer, sea, eau, water, rivage, shore, collines, hills, montagnes, mountains, baie, fenêtre, window, verre, glass, vitre, haut-parleur, loudspeaker, chaises, chairs, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, pont, deck, soir, evening, été, summer, spectacle, show
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 149
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 84” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Hol, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, collines, hills, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, tractopelle, backhoe, engin, vehicle, pelle, shovel, digger, neige, snow, névé, firn, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 84
photograph “« Gråtende akt » (« Weeping nude », 1913-1914), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — musée Munch, Munch-museet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Edvard Munch, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1913, XXe siècle, 20th century, Nu sanglotant, Weeping nude, Gråtende akt, expressionnisme, expressionism, femme, woman, red, rouge, nu, nude, naked, nue, pleurs, larmes, tears, cheveux, hair, lit, bed
« Gråtende akt » (« Weeping nude », 1913-1914), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 247” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, mer, sea, océan, ocean, eau, water, rivage, seashore, rochers, rocks, horizon, bateau, boat, navire, ship, nuages, clouds, Vika
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 247
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 243” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Troms, Midtre Hålogland, Harstad, ville, city, église, church, parking, car park, béton, concrete, lampadaire, lamp, voiture, car, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, clocher, bell tower, panneau, routier, sign, roadsign, 60 tonn, toit, roof, nuages, clouds, rampe, ramp
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 243
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 145. Hordaland (det.)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, garage, portail, gate, métal, metal, bâtiment, building, béton, concrete, projecteur, floodlight, lampe, lamp, planches, planks, bois, wood, neuf, nine, 9
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 145. Hordaland (det.)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 136. Hordaland (det.)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Stolmen, Våge, île, island, maison, house, blanche, white, bois, wood, rochers, rocks, chemin, path, isolé, isolated, arbre, tree, sapin, fir, paix, peace, paysage, landscape
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 136. Hordaland (det.)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 142. Hordaland (det.)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Stolmen, Våge, île, island, linaigrette, cottongrass, cottonsedge, bog cotton, étang, pond, eau, water, fleurs, flowers, profusion, végétation, plantes, plants, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 142. Hordaland (det.)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 242” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, rocher, rock, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, nature, Sund
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 242
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 144. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, archipel, archipelago, Drøno, Drøna, Drøni, île, island, moutons, sheep, herbe, grass, rochers, rocks, arbres, trees, clôture, fence, mer, sea, paysage, landscape, paix, peace
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 144. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 85” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, rivage, shore, port, harbour, habor, bateaux, boats, bouées, buoys, rochers, rocks, eau, water, mouette, gull, seagull, rampe, ramp, slope, cale, mise à l'eau, launch, launching, slipway, ligne, line, horizon, îlots, small islands, islets, algues, seaweed
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 85
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 133” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, phare, lighthouse, séchoir, linge, airer, blanc, white, rouge, red, poteau, électrique, electricity, post, pole, câbles, cables, fils, wires, électricité, maison, house, bois, wood, fenêtres, windows, citerne, tank, rocher, rock, couple, homme, man, femme, woman, blond, blonde, contemplation, herbe, grass
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 133
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 240” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Fagerheim, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, lac, lake, eau, water, espace, space, refuge, shelter, maison, house, nuages, clouds
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 240
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 135” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Henningsvær, Vågan, goéland marin, great black-backed gull, oiseau, marin, bird, seabird, ailes, wings, maison, house, bois, wood, toit, roof, planches, planks, door, porte, herbe, grass, câbles, cables, fils, wires, conteneurs, containers, poubelles, bins, trash, rochers, rocks, rue, street, cheminée, chimney, animal, nature
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 135
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 116” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Norvège du Nord, Troms, Harstad, sport, football, handball, pitch, ground, palissades, boarding, planches, planks, bois, wood, jaune, yellow, cages, buts, goals, filet, net, mur d'escalade, climbing wall, équipement, facility, métal, metal
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 116
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 137” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, île, island, Selbjørn, port, harbour, bateau, navire, boat, Manon, Bergen, pêche, fishing, vaisseau, vessel, métal, metal, acier, steel, eau, water, mer, sea, Selbjørnsfjord, baie, window, fenêtre, vitre, verre, glass, cordes, ropes, poteaux, posts, bois, wood, tonneau, barrel, cask, table, quai, quay, Seamax, ship
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 137
photograph “« Under de røde epler » (« Under the red apples », 1927-1930), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — musée Munch, Munch-museet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Edvard Munch, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1927, XXe siècle, 20th century, Sous les pommes rouges, Beneath the red apples, Under de røde epler, expressionnisme, expressionism, homme, man, femme, woman, jardin, garden, arbre, tree, pommier, apple tree, pommes, apples, rouges, red, rouge, chapeau, hat, couple
« Under de røde epler » (« Under the red apples », 1927-1930), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 77” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, pêcheurs, fishermen, à la ligne, anglers, eau, water, soleil, sun, reflet, reflection, hommes, men, carte postale, postcard
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 77
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 124” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, village, mur, wall, béton, concrete, ciment, cement, baleine, whale, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, embrasure, doorway, porte, door, montagne, mountain, escalier, stairs, marches, steps, herbe, grass, animal, câbles, cables, fils, wires
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 124
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 122” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, village, maisons, houses, café, kafe, enseigne, sign, rambarde, guardrail, bois, wood, bâches, tarpaulins, plastique, plastic, pilotis, piles, mer, sea, eau, water, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, Ølkontinden
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 122
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 119” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, bateau, boat, ship, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, village, bâtiments, buildings, métal, metal, corde, rope, proue, bow, prow, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toits, roofs, porte, door, bois, wood, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, poteaux, électriques, electricity, poles, rocher, rock, lampe, lamp, lumière, light
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 119
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 112” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Lødingen, Bognes, ferry, bateau, boat, fenêtre, baie, window, verre, vitre, glass, eau, water, plantes, plants, métal, metal, bois, wood, montagnes, mountains, horizon, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 112
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 113. Celebration” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, jeune fille, girl, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, onde, wave, paysage, landscape, soleil, sun, Li*
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 113. Celebration
photograph “« En blomstereng nordpå » (« Flowering meadow in the North », 1905), Harald Sohlberg (1869-1935)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Harald Sohlberg, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1905, XXe siècle, 20th century, En blomstereng nordpå, Northern blossom meadow, prairie, meadow, pré, fleurs, flowers, tapis, carpet, night, nuit, lune, moon, paysage, landscape, campagne, countryside, maisons, houses, bois, wood, lac, lake
« En blomstereng nordpå » (« Flowering meadow in the North », 1905), Harald Sohlberg (1869-1935)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 267. Et visst syn” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Fredvang, Torsfjorden, mer, sea, eau, water, horizon, montagne, mountain, rocher, rock, nuages, clouds, rivage, seashore, cabane, hytte, hut, bois, wood, rouge, red, bleu, blue, chaînes, chains, panorama, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, îlots, islets, île, island, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 267. Et visst syn
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 196” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, seashore, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, reflet, reflection, Nesland, Kvalvik
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 196
photograph “« Modeller » (1912), Henrik Sørensen (1882-1962)” par David Farreny — — Musée d'art de Bergen, collection Rasmus Meyer, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Rasmus Meyers samlinger, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Bergen, Henrik Sørensen, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1912, XXe siècle, 20th century, Les modèles, Resting models, Modeller, femmes, women, nu, nude, nues, naked, lit, bed, drap, sheet, couverture, blanket
« Modeller » (1912), Henrik Sørensen (1882-1962)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Lysefjord, Lysefjorden, Nordstrøno, mer du Nord, North sea, mer, sea, eau, water, îles, islands, paysage, landscape, matin, seascape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 108” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, soir, evening, été, summer, hangar, shed, bois, wood, planches, planks, lumière, light, lampe, champ, tuyau, pipe, métal, metal, rochers, rocks, toit, roof, ardoises, slates
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 108
photograph “VII.2014 — Lill’ Lisa (a.k.a. Young Norwegian girl with callunes)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bodø, train, ligne du Nordland, Nordland line, Nordlandsbanen, chemin de fer, railway line, enfant, child, petite fille, little girl, fenêtre, window, verre, vitre, glass, siège, seat, métal, metal, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, callunes, heathers, flèche, arrow, rêveur, rêveuse, dreamy, dreamer, vitesse, speed, fleurs, flowers
VII.2014 — Lill’ Lisa (a.k.a. Young Norwegian girl with callunes)
photograph “« Revebjeller » (« Digitalis », 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, art, Revebjeller, Digitales, Digitales pourprées, Foxgloves, fleurs, flowers, nature, bois, wood, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, bouleaux, birch trees, ruisseau, stream, brook, vaches, cows, feuillage, foliage, rochers, rocks, mousse, moss
« Revebjeller » (« Digitalis », 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “VII.2012” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, homme, man, enfant, child, nus, nudes, naked
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Strøno, Nordstrøno, Huftarøy, île, island, mer, sea, Nord, North, paysage, marin, landscape, seascape, eau, water, nuages, clouds, printemps, spring, springtime, soir, evening, soleil, sun
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bakka, Bakkesund, Kobbavågen, Spissøya, île, island, eau, water, rochers, rocks, rivage, seashore, cailloux, pebbles, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 192. Hordaland (det.)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Stolmen, Våge, île, island, maison, house, blanche, white, bois, wood, rochers, rocks, isolé, isolated, arbres, trees, sapins, firs, fir, paix, peace, paysage, landscape, refuge, fenêtres, windows, herbe, grass, solitude
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 192. Hordaland (det.)
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 35” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, airport, aéroport, Oslo, bâtiment, building, béton, concrete, verre, glass, arbres, trees, lumières, lights, soir, evening, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, lignes, lines
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 35
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 72” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, buste, bust, Edvard Grieg, musicien, musician, compositeur, composer, classique, classical, XIXe siècle, 19th century, étagères, shelves, ficelle, corde, rope, string, bois, wood, charnières, hinges, métal, metal, art
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 72
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 189” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, fjord, eau, water, reflet, reflection, structure, métal, metal, pneu, tire, tyre, rouille, rust, rusty, mouette, gull, seagull, oiseau, bird, animal, lampe, lamp, rouge, red, mousse, moss, bois, wood, forêt, forest, pente, slope, rive, bank, port, harbour, harbor
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 189
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 118. N” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Troms, Midtre Hålogland, Harstad, ville, city, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, béton, concrete, rue, street, enseigne, sign, lettre, letter, N, pilier, pillar, trottoir, pavement, fenêtres, windows, passage, verre, glass, vitres, brique, brick, caravane, caravan, trailer
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 118. N
photograph “VII.2012 — Solicitations” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, hommes, men, nus, nudes, naked, amour, love, baise, fuck, concurrence, competition
VII.2012 — Solicitations
photograph “VII.2012” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, aéroport, airport, tour de contrôle, control tower, béton, concrete, soir, evening, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, oiseaux, birds, nuée, cloud, surveillance, espionnage, espionage
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 184” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, phare, lighthouse, maison, house, fenêtres, windows, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, rocher, rock, digue, béton, concrete, dam, poteaux, poles, électriques, electricity, toit, roof, échelle, ladder, chaises, chairs, table, angle, coin, corner, citerne, tank, métal, metal, câbles, cables, fils, wires, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, île, island
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 184
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 110” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Vestvågøy, Unstad, Unstadvika, maison, house, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, red, Falun, Falu, peinture, paint, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, bleu, blue, verre, vitre, glass, lampes, lamps, bougies, chandelles, candles, broc, pitcher, rideau, curtain, vache, cow, poteau, post, pole, fil de fer, barbelé, barbed, wire, carte postale, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 110
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 42” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Buskerud, Drammen, soir, evening, été, summer, supermarché, supermarket, parking, car park, piliers, pillars, brique, brick, station, service, petrol, gas, prix, prices, métal, metal, entrepôt, warehouse, grue, crane, flèches, arrows, arbre, tree, haie, hedge, béton, concrete, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 42
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 79” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, jeune fille, girl, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, onde, wave, nuages, clouds, paysage, landscape, Li*
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 79
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 181” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, bâtiment, building, hangar, shed, béton, concrete, parpaings, breeze-blocks, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, art, animaux, animals, orque, killer whale, oiseaux, birds, phoque, seal, fenêtres, windows, toit, roof, porte, door, bois, wood, herbe, grass, fleurs, flowers
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 181
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 90” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Hordaland, Fagerheim, Halne, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, collines, hills, montagne, mountain, herbe, grass, nature, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, vide, empty, emptiness
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 90
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 75” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Lødingen, Bognes, ferry, bateau, boat, baie, fenêtre, window, plate glass, verre, vitre, glass, collines, hills, nuages, clouds, buée, mist, steam, condensation, rideau, curtain, métal, metal, baguette, strip, eau, water, mer, sea
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 75
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 41” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, aéroport, airport, soir, evening, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, métal, metal, nuit, night, toit, roof, toiture, roofing, courbe, bend, aérogare, air terminal, barrière, barrier, bois, wood
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 41
photograph “« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Østlandet, Oslo, Musée national d'Art, National Museum of Art, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Eilif Peterssen, paysage, landscape, Autriche, Austria, Innsbruck, montagnes, mountains, neige, snow, femme, woman, pente, slope, côte, coast, dépression, depression, tristesse, sadness, solitude
« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 176” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Storekalsøy, Bakkasund, Kalve, île, island, Stora Kalsøy, maisons, houses, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, red, Falun, toits, roofs, toiture, roofing, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, lauzes, flagstone, herbe, grass
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 176
photograph “« The little Gaihede girl » (« Lille Gaihede », before 1888), Christian Krohg (1852-1925)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Østlandet, Oslo, Musée national d'Art, National Museum of Art, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Christian Krohg, naturalisme, naturalism, fille, girl, jeune, young, Gaihede, blonde, paysage, landscape, maisons, houses, herbe, grass, ciel, sky, portrait
« The little Gaihede girl » (« Lille Gaihede », before 1888), Christian Krohg (1852-1925)
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 18” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, route nationale 13, national road 13, riksvei 13, Rv13, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, route, road, glissière de sécurité, crash barrier, métal, metal, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, virage, bend, montagne, mountain, neige, snow
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 18
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 106” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, phare, lighthouse, séchoir, linge, clothes, airer, draps, sheets, mer, sea, jaune, yellow, blanc, white, rouge, red, escalier, stairs, marches, steps, fenêtres, windows, herbe, grass
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 106
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 29” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Vangsnes, Hella, Leikanger, ferry, ferry-boat, car ferry, fjord, Sognefjord, bateau, boat, voitures, cars, Volvo, éclairage, néon, neon, lighting, corde, rope, tuyaux, tubing, métal, metal, pluie, rain, pare-brise, windscreen, windshield, verre, glass, vitre, panneau, sign, ne pas fumer, do not smoke, eau, water, nuages, clouds, haut-parleur, loudspeaker
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 29
photograph “VII.2012 — Kvinner” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Christiania, art, musée, museum, peinture, painting, tableaux, paintings, sculpture, femmes, women, kvinner, Degas, coiffure, combing, Rodin, Iris messagère des dieux, Iris messenger of the Gods, bronze, Camille Claudel, buste, bust, corps, body, nu, naked, nude, sexe, sex, mur, wall, cimaises, galerie, gallery, visiteuse, visitor
VII.2012 — Kvinner
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 107” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, eau, water, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, phare, lighthouse, nuages, clouds, mer, sea, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 107
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 20” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, soir, evening, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, lampadaires, réverbères, lamps, lumières, lights, bus, métal, metal, nuit, night
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 20
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 175” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, fjord, eau, water, rivage, shore, arbre, tree, rocher, rock, bouée, buoy, fruit, branches, rouge, red, fleurs, flowers
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 175
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 264” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, village, maisons, houses, béton, concrete, blocs, blocks, anneaux, rings, métal, metal, grange, barn, bois, wood, mur, wall, planches, planks, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, câbles, cables, fils, wires, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, herbe, grass, rocher, rock, ciel, sky
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 264
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 30” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Ryfylke, Rogaland, Forsand, Preikestolen, Prekestolen, La Chaire, Preacher's Pulpit, Pulpit Rock, fjord, Lysefjord, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, roc, roche, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, eau, water, nuages, clouds, falaise, cliff, carte postale, postcard
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 30
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 174” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, hangar, abri, shed, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, Falun, red, bateau, boat, barque, small boat, arbres, trees, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, mur, wall, paroi, trou, hole, angle, coin, corner, jaune, yellow
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 174
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 151” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, Jostedalsbreen, Austerdalsbreen, glacier, glace, ice, montagnes, mountains, pics, peaks, sommets, rocher, roche, rock, paysage, landscape, brume, mist, pluie, rain, mousse, moss
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 151
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 102” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, eau, water, rocs, rocks, rochers, pierre, stone, algues, alga, rivage, shore
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 102
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 173” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, mur, wall, béton, concrete, gris, grey, paroi, lampe, lamp, noir, black, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, citerne, cuve, tank, métal, metal, blanc, white, coin, corner, vide, empty, emptiness, parpaings, breeze-blocks
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 173
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 172” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Krokeide, ferry, bateau, boat, bac, Hufthamar, Austevoll, Lysefjord, fjord, mer, sea, eau, water, collines, hills, baie, fenêtre, window, verre, glass, vitre, chaises, chairs, tables, métal, metal, pont, deck, soir, evening, été, summer, vide, empty, emptiness, femme, woman, jeune femme, young woman, plafond, ceiling, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 172
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 171” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, eau, water, poteaux, poles, posts, bois, wood, paysage, landscape, mer, sea, Arctique, Arctic, nuages, clouds
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 171
photograph “VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 7” par David Farreny — — carte postale, postcard, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Ullensaker, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, arbres, trees
VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 7
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 22. Space (I believe in)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Skjelingen, montagne, mountain, lac, lake, rocher, roc, rock, eau, water, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, espace, space, paysage, landscape
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 22. Space (I believe in)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 170” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, île, island, Selbjørn, flotteurs, floats, pêche, fishing, verre, glass, tonneau, barrel, bois, wood, cordage, rope, baie, window, hangar, shed, grappe, cluster, boules, balls, sphères, spheres, filets, nets
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 170
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 263” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Flakstad, Vikten, Viktenveien, montagne, mountain, nature, paysage, landscape, village, hameau, hamlet, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, rochers, rocks, mer, sea, eau, water, carte postale, postcard, maisons, houses
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 263
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 48” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, aéroport, airport, tour de contrôle, control tower, béton, concrete, soir, evening, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, oiseaux, birds, nuée, cloud, arbres, trees, verre, glass, reflet, reflection
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 48
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 168” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, eau, water, chemin, path, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, été, summer, herbe, grass, carte postale, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 168
photograph “VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 10” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Akershus, Gardermoen, aéroport, airport, lufthavn, Oslo, aérogare, air terminal, verrière, baie, window, verre, vitre, glass, métal, metal, bois, wood, poubelles, bins, cans, ordures, déchets, garbage, trash, écrans, screens, moniteurs, monitors, barrières, fences, pilier, pillar, panneaux, signs, Billettkontroll, Ticket inspection, 13, lumières, lights, œuvre d'art, artwork, nuit, night, bureaux, offices, guichet, counter, console, profusion
VIII.2012 — Run away to the North, 10
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 262” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Flakstad, Vikten, Viktenveien, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, plage, beach, mer, sea, eau, water, rivage, seashore, montagne, mountain, nature, vague, wave, nuages, clouds, horizon
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 262
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 167” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, bois, wood, climatisation, air conditioning, entrée, entrance, échelle, ladder, allée, alley, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, coin, corner, angle, appartement, appartment, flat
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 167
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 94” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Vestvågøy, Borg, maison, house, bois, wood, clôture, fence, arbres, trees, herbe, grass, profusion, troncs, trunks, carte postale, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 94
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 261” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Troms, Midtre Hålogland, Harstad, ville, city, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, parking, car park, panneaux, boards, signs, P, horaires, hours, lampe, lamp, voiture, car
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 261
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 260” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, pêcheurs, fishers, fjord, eau, water, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, hommes, men, rive, shore, rivage, seashore, neige, snow, nature, paysage, landscape
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 260
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 259” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, mer, sea, océan, ocean, rochers, rocks, îlots, islets, eau, water, herbe, grass, casiers, racks, poisson, fish, morue, cod, bois, wood, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, grillage, fencing, panneaux, signs, N-119, Z
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 259
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 96” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Moskenes, Sørvagen, Å, Å i Lofoten, maison, house, pilotis, on piles, rorbu, bois, wood, eau, water, mer, sea, rocher, rock, cuve, tank, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, fils, wires, câbles, cables, mouette, seagull, reflet, reflection, séchoir, drying racks, morue, cod, bateau, boat, paquebot, liner, Hurtigruten, crique, creek, inlet, Tran Damperi, huile de foie de morue, usine, factory, cod liver oil, poisson, fish, pêche, fishing
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 96
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 165” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, village, bâtiment, building, hangar, shed, béton, concrete, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, angle, coin, corner, piquet, stake, bois, wood, corde, rope, herbe, grass, ponton, pontoon, port, harbour, harbor, mer, sea, fjord, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, nuages, clouds, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, baleine, whale, animal, cachalot, sperm whale, dents, teeth, œil, eye, art
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 165
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 256” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Vesterålen, Gimstad, mer, sea, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, plage, beach, rivage, seashore, sable, sand, rochers, rocks, montagne, mountain, île, island, horizon, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 256
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 134” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, port, harbour, harbor, jetée, pier, bois, wood, bâtiment, building, entrepôt, warehouse, bateau, boat, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, carte postale, eau, water, mer, sea, bouée, buoy, jaune, yellow, rambarde, guardrail, planches, planks, vue, view, abandonné, abandoned, câbles, cables, fils, wires, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 134
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 255” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Vesterålen, Fortidsminne, paysage, landscape, rivage, shore, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, montagne, mountain, île, island, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, herbe, grass, nuages, clouds, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 255
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 254. Both roofs” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, harbor, matériel, equipment, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, nuages, clouds, bâtiment, building, toit, roof, container, conteneur, métal, metal, bidons, cans, câble, cable, fil, wire, rouille, rust, béton, concrete
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 254. Both roofs
video “VI.2019 — Thirty seconds of Norwegian torrent” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn, og, Fordjane, Stryn, Hjelle, Øvstefoss, cascade, waterfall, eau, water, glacier, rocher, rock, plante, plant, interlude, film, movie, vidéo, video
VI.2019 — Thirty seconds of Norwegian torrent  🎥
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 153” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bømlo, Urangsvåg, Goddo, île, island, paysage, landscape, splendide, splendid, nature, mer, sea, eau, water, rocher, rock, rochers, rocks, îlots, islets, maisons, houses, panorama, carte postale, postcard, Ulversøy
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 153
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 253” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Bø, Kråkberget, Vesterålen, fjord, Møklandsfjorden, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, arbres, trees, port, harbour, harbor, bateau, boat, eau, water, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, pics, peaks, sommets, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 253
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 251” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Torvøya, mer, sea, océan, ocean, eau, water, rivage, seashore, montagne, mountain, soir, evening, sommets, peaks, pics, paysage, landscape, Fredvang
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 251
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 250” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, mer, sea, océan, ocean, rivage, seashore, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, îlots, islets, eau, water, nuages, clouds, herbe, grass, horizon, nature, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 250
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 143” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelle, Oppstrynsvatnet, Strynsvatnet, lac, lake, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, eau, water, bateaux, boats, barques, small boats, maison, house, bois, wood, planches, planks, fenêtres, windows, blanc, white, rive, shore, arbres, trees, paysage, landscape, bouée, buoy, carte postale, postcard
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 143
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 245” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Moskenesoya, Lofoten, Nesland, mer, sea, océan, ocean, rivage, shore, seashore, rochers, rocks, eau, water, canards, ducks, bateau, boat, nuages, clouds, nature
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 245
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 140” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelledalen, Gamle Strynefjellsveg, vallée, valley, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, rocher, rock, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, route, road
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 140
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 244” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Kråkberget, Vesterålen, fjord, Møklandsfjorden, montagnes, mountains, rochers, rocks, mer, sea, arbre, tree, poteau, pole, post, chemin, path, eau, water, paysage, landscape, pics, peaks, sommets, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 244
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 138” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Supphellebreen, glacier, glace, ice, bleu, blue, rocher, rock, montagne, mountain, nature, froid, cold, cascade, waterfall, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray, neige, snow, énorme, huge
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 138
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 105” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, béton, concrete, panneau, routier, roadsign, route, road, herbe, grass, angle, coin, corner, gravier, gravel, rocher, roche, roc, rock, mur, paroi, wall
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 105
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 239” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Lofoten, Vågan, Henningsvær, mer, sea, rochers, rocks, îles, islands, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, horizon, nature, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 239
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 83. Return from Nesland” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, soleil de minuit, midnight sun, midnattssol, montagnes, mountains, soleil, sun, nuages, clouds, eau, water, pénombre, darkness, soir, evening, paysage, landscape, carte postale, postcard, reflet, reflection, lumière, light
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 83. Return from Nesland
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 236” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, mer, sea, Arctique, Arctic, nuages, clouds, panneaux, signs, Lødingen, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, bois, wood
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 236
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 234” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sognfjorden, Lavik, Oppedal, ferry, ferry-boat, car ferry, fjord, Sognefjord, bateau, boat, métal, metal, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, nuages, clouds, pluie, rain, néon, neon, câble, cable, fil, wire, lumière, light, rampe, ramp, verre, vitre, glass, baie, window
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 234
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 80” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Halne, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, collines, hills, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, espace, space, mares, ponds, eau, water, nuages, clouds
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 80
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 225” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Fitjar, îles, islands, mer, sea, Nord, North, paysage, marin, landscape, seascape, eau, water, nuages, clouds, printemps, spring, springtime, bateau, boat, navire, ship, baie, bay, fenêtre, window, verre, vitre, glass, rochers, rocks, barrière, guardrail, panneau, sign, métal, metal
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 225
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 224” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, eau, water, chemin, path, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, été, summer, rochers, rocks, maisons, houses, bois, wood, bateau, boat
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 224
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 218” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, maison, house, bois, wood, fenêtres, windows, clôture, fence, verre, vitre, glass, mouette, gull, seagull, oiseau, bird, animal, rideaux, curtains
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 218
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 217. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, archipel, archipelago, Drøno, Drøna, Drøni, île, island, moutons, sheep, herbe, grass, rochers, rocks, arbres, trees, mer, sea, paysage, landscape, paix, peace
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 217. Drøno, Drøna, Drøni
photograph “« Vinter » (« Winter », 1618), Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1634)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Hendrick Avercamp, peinture, painting, tableau, art, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, Hiver, Winter, Vinter, paysage, landscape, patineurs, skaters, arbres, trees, bateau, boat, église, church, glace, ice, lac, lake, gelé, frozen, neige, snow, Flamand, Flemish
« Vinter » (« Winter », 1618), Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1634)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 132” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Røsnes, Bø, Guvåg, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, pics, sommets, peaks, rochers, rocks, herbe, grass
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 132
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 81” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, béton, concrete, pont, bridge, passage, panneau, routier, roadsign, route, road, herbe, grass, hauteur limitée, max height, 42 m, angle, coin, corner, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, ombre, shadow
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 81
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 120” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Bø, Straumsjøen, paysage, landscape, montagnes, mountains, pics, peaks, rocher, rock, nuages, clouds, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 120
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 121” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Ramberg, Fredvang, Lofoten, route, road, E10, sécurité, glissière, crash barrier, métal, metal, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, palette, pallet, bois, wood, herbe, grass, montagnes, mountains, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 121
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 123” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Bø, Hovden, plage, beach, sable, sand, poteau, pole, post, bois, wood, câbles, cables, métal, metal, séchoirs, morue, drying racks, cod, épouvantail, scarecrow, horizon, mer, sea, rivage, shore, maison, house, fleurs, flowers, jaune, yellow, été, summer, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 123
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 200” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Lofoten, Vågan, Henningsvær, port, harbour, bateau, boat, navire, ship, harbor, métal, metal, poteaux, posts, poles, bois, wood, maisons, houses, toits, roofs, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, planches, planks, cheminée, chimney, briques, bricks, câbles, cables, fils, wires, barrière, fence, fenêtre, window, proue, bow, rochers, rocks, montagne, mountain, profusion
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 200
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 199” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Vestland, Sunnfjord, Skei i Jølster, Skei, Kjøsnesfjorden, fjord, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, man, homme, young, jeune, pêcheur, fisherman, fisher, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, maisons, houses, neige, snow, carte postale, postcard, Lunde, Sogn og Fjordane
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 199
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 198” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Vestland, Stryn, Hjelledalen, Hjelle, Gamle Strynefjellsvegen, Ovstebrufossen, rivière, river, cascade, waterfall, rocher, rock, eau, water, violence, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 198
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 127” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, fond, bottom, transparent, transparence, transparency, horizon, nuages, clouds, reflet, reflection, rivage, shore
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 127
photograph “« Snøfjell » (« Snowy mountain », v. 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée d'art de Bergen, collection Rasmus Meyer, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Rasmus Meyers samlinger, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Bergen, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1909, XXe siècle, 20th century, Montagne enneigée, Snow clad mountain, Snøfjell, montagne, mountain, fjord, neige, snow, arbres, trees, eau, water, hiver, winter, paysage, landscape, néoromantisme, neo-romanticism
« Snøfjell » (« Snowy mountain », v. 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 197” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norge, Norway, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Lofoten, Vågan, Henningsvær, maison, house, bois, wood, arbres, trees, fenêtres, windows, planches, planks, terre, earth, sol, soil, troncs, trunks, pierres, stones, verre, glass, vitre, été, summer
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 197
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 126” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Auenfjorden, Øksnes, Sandset, paysage, landscape, montagnes, mountains, pics, peaks, sommets, rochers, rocks, eau, water, nature, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 126
photograph “« Jonsokbål » (« St. John’s bonfire », 1912 and 1926), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, art, Jonsokbål, Feu de la Saint-Jean, Bonfire celebrating midsummer night, fjord, montagnes, mountains, été, summer, solstice, feu, fire, feu de joie, bonfire, flammes, flames, fumée, smoke, personnages, figures, eau, water
« Jonsokbål » (« St. John’s bonfire », 1912 and 1926), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “« Sommeren » (« Summer »), Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Joos de Momper le Jeune, Joos de Momper the Younger, peinture, painting, tableau, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, art, Été, Summer, Sommeren, Flamand, Flemish, paysage, landscape, champ, field, blé, wheat, corn, montagnes, mountains, personnages, figures, église, church, arbres, trees, moisson, harvest, nature
« Sommeren » (« Summer »), Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635)
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 109” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Odda, Buer, Buerbreen, glacier, glace, ice, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, rocher, rock, cascade, waterfall, eau, torrent, water, énorme, huge, falaise, cliff, violent
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 109
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 87” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Telemark, Notodden, Heddal, stavkirke, église en bois debout, stave church, église, church, kirke, autel, altar, XIIIe siècle, 13th century, bois, wood, abside, apse, piliers, pillars, candles, cierges, peintures, paintings, fresques, frescoes, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, statue, croix, cross, retable, altarpiece, reredos, fleurs, flowers, christianisme, Christianity
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 87
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 101. Irreturned” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Halne, Hol, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, collines, hills, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, rock, roche, roc, lac, lake, eau, water, espace, space
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 101. Irreturned
photograph “Illustration (1893) by Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) for the poem « Jomfrulands Beskrivelse » (« Description of Jomfruland ») by Roland Knudssøn” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Theodor Kittelsen, dessin, drawing, illustration, XIXe siècle, 19th century, art, Jomfrulands Beskrivelse, Description de Jomfruland, Description of Jomfruland, île, island, paysage, landscape, arbustes, eau, water, shrubs, nature, vide, empty, emptiness, horizon, collines, hills, herbe, grass, fleurs, flowers
Illustration (1893) by Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) for the poem « Jomfrulands Beskrivelse » (« Description of Jomfruland ») by Roland Knudssøn
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 88” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, maisons, houses, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, jaune, yellow, planches, planks, roche, rocher, rock, toits, roofs, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, rouille, rust, rusty, porte, door, fenêtres, windows, escalier, staircase, marches, steps, délabré, décati, decayed, abandonné, abandoned, fils, wires, câbles, cables
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 88
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 115. Meanwhile in Kråkberget” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Kråkberget, Vesterålen, fjord, Møklandsfjorden, montagnes, mountains, Tåa, Kvanntotinden, Spikartinden, rochers, rocks, tourbe, peat, maisons, houses, rouge, Falun, red, pics, peaks, paysage, landscape, mer, sea, eau, water, lichen, arbuste, shrub, carte postale, postcard, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 115. Meanwhile in Kråkberget
© David Farreny, 2004-2024   ✉️🅵

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