Photographs David Farreny
Photographs David Farreny

Photography is a minor art; that is why I practice it.


Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression



Disposable postcards

Art (found works)
90 / 97

photograph “« Under de røde epler » (« Under the red apples », 1927-1930), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — musée Munch, Munch-museet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Edvard Munch, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1927, XXe siècle, 20th century, Sous les pommes rouges, Beneath the red apples, Under de røde epler, expressionnisme, expressionism, homme, man, femme, woman, jardin, garden, arbre, tree, pommier, apple tree, pommes, apples, rouges, red, rouge, chapeau, hat, couple
« Under de røde epler » (« Under the red apples », 1927-1930), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “IV.2022 — Run away to the North, 228” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capitale, capital, immeuble, bâtiment, building, rue, street, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, fenêtres, windows, voitures, cars, métal, metal, ombres, shadows, pierre, stone, statue, homme, man, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, panneaux, signs, routiers, roadsigns, balcons, balconies, branches, profusion
IV.2022 — Run away to the North, 228
photograph “« Stilleben med tulpaner » (« Still life with tulips »), Johannes Bosschaert (1608-1728)” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, Musée national, art, tableau, painting, peinture, Stilleben med tulpaner, Nature morte aux tulipes, Still life with tulips, Johannes Bosschaert, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, fleurs, flowers, tulipes, tulips, papillons, butterflies, grenouille, frog, insectes, insects
« Stilleben med tulpaner » (« Still life with tulips »), Johannes Bosschaert (1608-1728)
photograph “X.2017 — Venus at the grid” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Landes, Mont-de-Marsan, musée, museum, Despiau-Wlérick, statue, sculpture, femme, woman, nue, naked, nude, grille, grid, aération, ventilation, pénombre, darkness, ombre, shadow, corps, body, métal, metal
X.2017 — Venus at the grid
photograph “IV.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Caussade, Monteils, parc de la Lère, tunnel, piétons, pedestrians, pont, bridge, béton, concrete, herbe, grass, canal, channel, eau, water, chemin, path, tags, graffitis, signatures, laid, ugly, laideur, ugliness, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, métal, metal, tombé, fallen, renversé, overturned, de camions, trucks, lorries
photograph “[Interlude] Before Brad” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, Halle aux Grains, salle, concert, hall, musique, music, classique, classical, jazz, génie, genius, scène, stage, public, audience, têtes, heads, lumière, light, interlude
[Interlude] Before Brad
photograph “X.2010 — Lion hunting, 5” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, British Museum, Londres, London, Assyrie, Assyria, VIIe siècle av. J.-C., 7th century BC, Nimrod, palais, palace, roi, king, Ashurbanipal, bas-relief, low relief, sculpture, pierre, stone, chasse, hunting, hunt, hunts, lion, royales, royal, mort, death, flèches, arrows, animal, félin, cat, fauve, wildcat, big cat, art, sang, blood, vomi, vomit, vomited, brought up, Assurbanipal, Sardanapale
X.2010 — Lion hunting, 5
photograph “X.2010 — Lion hunting, 1” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, British Museum, Londres, London, Assyrie, Assyria, VIIe siècle av. J.-C., 7th century BC, Nimrod, palais, palace, roi, king, Ashurbanipal, bas-relief, low relief, sculpture, pierre, stone, chasse, hunting, hunt, hunts, lion, royales, royal, mort, death, flèches, arrows, animal, félin, cat, fauve, wildcat, big cat, art, Assurbanipal, Sardanapale
X.2010 — Lion hunting, 1
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 124” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, village, mur, wall, béton, concrete, ciment, cement, baleine, whale, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, embrasure, doorway, porte, door, montagne, mountain, escalier, stairs, marches, steps, herbe, grass, animal, câbles, cables, fils, wires
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 124
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, maison, house, pierre, stone, terrasse, terrace, rambarde, railings, métal, metal, escalier, stairs, mur, wall, béton, concrete, statue, oiseau, bird, aigle, eagle, plastique, plastic, bâche, tarpaulin, emballage, wrapping, sculpture, art, neige, snow, tiges, rods, hiver, winter
photograph “VIII.2012 — The castle without a master” par David Farreny — — France, Midi-Pyrénées, Gers, Gascogne, Lomagne, Plieux, château, castle, médiéval, medieval, Moyen Âge, Middle Ages, pierre, stone, porte, door, art, œuvres, artworks, Jacques Yves Bruel, sculpture, masque, mask, bidon, can, plastique, plastic, atelier, studio, affiche, poster, Mark Rothko, exposition, exhibition, tableaux, paintings, Renaud Camus, rose, pink, bleu, blue, rouge, red
VIII.2012 — The castle without a master
photograph “V.2017” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, Centrale Montemartini, musée, museum, machine, métal, metal, électricité, electricity, Franco Tosi, marque, brand, statue, sculpture, homme, man, pierre, stone, art
photograph “IX.2016 — Life after death” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, pièce, room, bureaux, office, déménagement, moving, statue, sculpture, buste, bust, tête, head, emballée, packed, homme, man, carton, box, cardboard, Les Déménageurs bretons, ruban adhésif, adhesive tape, plaque, flèches, arrows, haut, up, paradis, heaven, mur, wall, sol, floor, profil, profile, mousse, foam, vieux, old, chapeau, hat
IX.2016 — Life after death
photograph “« Katt på fågeljakt » (« Cat chasing birds », 1883), Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939)” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västra, Götaland, Göteborg, Gothembourg, Konstmuseum, Musée des Beaux-Arts, art, tableau, painting, peinture, Katt på fågeljakt, Chat chassant les oiseaux, Cat hunting birds, Bruno Liljefors, chat, cat, animal, nature, oiseau, bird, proie, prey, arbres, trees, herbe, grass, 1883, XIXe siècle, 19th century
« Katt på fågeljakt » (« Cat chasing birds », 1883), Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939)
photograph “VI.2016 — Mysticism under construction” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, église, church, Jacobins, art, statue, sculpture, sainte, Saint, saint, Vierge, Virgin, Marie, Mary, mur, wall, paroi, colonne, column, échafaudage, scaffolding, métal, metal, porte, door, bois, wood, chantier, construction site, travaux, works, femme, woman, prière, prayer, religion
VI.2016 — Mysticism under construction
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — Pays-Bas, Netherlands, Nederland, Hollande, Holland, Hollande-Septentrionale, Zandvoort, rue, street, passage piétons, pedestrian crossing, zebra, cyclistes, cyclists, bicyclettes, bicycles, vélos, bikes, piétons, passers-by, passants, pedestrians, poteaux, posts, poles, métal, trottoir, pavement, pierre, stone, dallage, paving, statue, sculpture, ours, bear, blanc, white, glace, ice-cream, autocollant, sticker
photograph “« Portrait of Elisabeth Bellinghausen (c. 1520-aft. 1570) » (1538-1539), Barthel Bruyn the Elder (1493-1555)” par David Farreny — — Pays-Bas, Netherlands, Hollande, Hollande-Méridionale, La, Haye, Den Haag, The Hague, Holland, South Holland, Zuid-Holland, musée, museum, Mauritshuis, Bartholomäus Bruyn le Vieux, Barthel Bruyn the Elder, peinture, painting, femme, woman, XVIe siècle, 16th century, Renaissance, portrait
« Portrait of Elisabeth Bellinghausen (c. 1520-aft. 1570) » (1538-1539), Barthel Bruyn the Elder (1493-1555)
photograph “« Portrait of a woman from southern Germany » (c. 1517), attributed to Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543)” par David Farreny — — Pays-Bas, Netherlands, Hollande, Hollande-Méridionale, La, Haye, Den Haag, The Hague, Holland, South Holland, Zuid-Holland, musée, museum, Mauritshuis, Hans Holbein le Jeune, Hans Holbein the Younger, peinture, painting, femme, woman, XVIe siècle, 16th century, Renaissance nordique, Northern Renaissance, portrait
« Portrait of a woman from southern Germany » (c. 1517), attributed to Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543)
photograph “III.2010 — Subtle street artists” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn, Blaye-les-Mines, usine, factory, industrie, industry, abandon, abandoned, délabrement, decay, laverie, washing plant, métal, metal, tags, graffitis, bâtiment, building, immeuble, peinture, paint, Vas tra, au lieu de, signatures, porte, door, passage, alley, béton, concrete, charnière, hinges, profondeur, depth, perspective
III.2010 — Subtle street artists
photograph “« En blomstereng nordpå » (« Flowering meadow in the North », 1905), Harald Sohlberg (1869-1935)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Harald Sohlberg, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1905, XXe siècle, 20th century, En blomstereng nordpå, Northern blossom meadow, prairie, meadow, pré, fleurs, flowers, tapis, carpet, night, nuit, lune, moon, paysage, landscape, campagne, countryside, maisons, houses, bois, wood, lac, lake
« En blomstereng nordpå » (« Flowering meadow in the North », 1905), Harald Sohlberg (1869-1935)
photograph “VI.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Revel, magasin, shop, boutique, store, sculptures, art, céramique, ceramic, ceramics, poterie, pottery, animaux, animals, éléphants, elephants, rhinocéros, rhinoceros, vitrine, window, verre, vitre, glass, bois, wood, adresse, Internet, address, URL, www.ceramique-argans-com, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal
photograph “III.2018 — Self-portrait as a great double amputee writer” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, librairie, bookshop, vitrine, window, baie, bay, vitre, verre, glass, affiche, poster, Pierre Michon, écrivain, writer, homme, man, sourire, smile, photographie, photograph, noir et blanc, black and white, portrait, cadre, frame, manchot, double amputee, bras, arms, reflet, reflection, autoportrait, selfportrait, rue, street, pierre, stone, porte, door, grilles, railings
III.2018 — Self-portrait as a great double amputee writer
photograph “VIII.2015 — Look of the others market” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn, Blaye-les-Mines, usine, factory, abandonnée, abandoned, laverie, charbon, coal, laundry, mur, wall, paroi, brique, brick, tag, graffiti, dessin, drawing, yeux, eyes, bleus, blue, peinture, painting, porte, door, sol, floor
VIII.2015 — Look of the others market
photograph “« Modeller » (1912), Henrik Sørensen (1882-1962)” par David Farreny — — Musée d'art de Bergen, collection Rasmus Meyer, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Rasmus Meyers samlinger, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Bergen, Henrik Sørensen, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1912, XXe siècle, 20th century, Les modèles, Resting models, Modeller, femmes, women, nu, nude, nues, naked, lit, bed, drap, sheet, couverture, blanket
« Modeller » (1912), Henrik Sørensen (1882-1962)
photograph “« Sepulchral angel » (1957), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Escaldes-Engordany, Centre d'Art, musée, museum, statue, sculpture, art, XXe siècle, 20th century, Àngel sepulcral, jeune, femme, young, woman, ange, angel, bras, arms, ailes, wings
« Sepulchral angel » (1957), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)
photograph “VIII.2021” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lleida, Lérida, Alt Urgell, La Seu d'Urgell, ville, city, rue, street, ruelle, alley, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, pierre, stone, béton, concrete, porte, door, bois, wood, gouttières, drainpipes, métal, metal, fenêtres, windows, balcon, balcony, plaque, plate, numéro, number, chiffre, figure, 6, lumière, light, fresque, fresco, peinture, paint, painting, guerrier, guerrière, warrior, fusil, rifle, arme, weapon, guerre, war, révolutionnaire, revolutionary, marxiste, Marxist, archaïque, archaic, mystique, mystic, sourire, smile, périmé, expired, brique, brick, religion, gauchiste, leftist
photograph “« Revebjeller » (« Digitalis », 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, art, Revebjeller, Digitales, Digitales pourprées, Foxgloves, fleurs, flowers, nature, bois, wood, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, bouleaux, birch trees, ruisseau, stream, brook, vaches, cows, feuillage, foliage, rochers, rocks, mousse, moss
« Revebjeller » (« Digitalis », 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “« Funerary stele of Alexandre de Souza Holstein » (c. 1805), Antonio Canova (1757-1822)” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Musée de l'Académie, art, Stele funeraria di Alexandra de Souza Holstein, Antonio Canova, sculpture, plâtre, plaster, néo-classicisme, neoclassicism, XIXe siècle, 19th century, bas-relief, low relief, femme, woman, homme, man, buste, bust, colonne, column
« Funerary stele of Alexandre de Souza Holstein » (c. 1805), Antonio Canova (1757-1822)
photograph “VII.2012” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, homme, man, enfant, child, nus, nudes, naked
photograph “« Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine and Saint Mary Magdalene » (c. 1490), Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430-1516)” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Musée de l'Académie, art, Madonna con Bambino tra santa Caterina d'Alessandria e santa Maria Maddalena, Giovanni Bellini, peinture, painting, tempera, Vierge, Madone, Madonna, Catherine d'Alexandrie, Marie Madeleine, Jésus, Jésus-Christ, conversation sacrée, sacra conversazione, sacred conversation, femmes, women, enfant, child, catholicisme, Catholicism, XVe siècle, 15th century, Renaissance vénitienne, Venetian Renaissance
« Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine and Saint Mary Magdalene » (c. 1490), Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430-1516)
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 72” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, buste, bust, Edvard Grieg, musicien, musician, compositeur, composer, classique, classical, XIXe siècle, 19th century, étagères, shelves, ficelle, corde, rope, string, bois, wood, charnières, hinges, métal, metal, art
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 72
photograph “III.2021” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Lot-et-Garonne, Francescas, village, maison, house, mur, wall, coin, corner, angle, sculpture, statue, chat, cat, animal, clôture, fence, pierre, stone, enduit, roughcast, jaune, yellow, jardin, garden, vitrine, window, plantes, plant
photograph “V.2022 — Disintegration” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Musée de l'Académie, art, Haute Renaissance, High Renaissance, fresque, fresco, Giorgione, XVIe siècle, 16th century, peinture, painting, femme, woman, nue, naked, nude, ruine, ruin, craquèlements, crackles, désintégration, disintegration, oubli, oblivion
V.2022 — Disintegration
photograph “VII.2012 — Solicitations” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, hommes, men, nus, nudes, naked, amour, love, baise, fuck, concurrence, competition
VII.2012 — Solicitations
photograph “過去の Instagram からの自己宣伝セルフィー (冗長表現)” par David Farreny — — Japon, Japan, photographies, photographs, photos, vieilles, old, XIXe siècle, 19th century, noir & blanc, black & white, couleurs, colors, colours, peintes, painted, femmes, women, jeunes, young, Japonaises, Japanese, intérieur, interior, fleurs, flowers, sein, breast, kimonos, fond, background, montagne, mountain, Fuji, volcan, volcano, cartes postales, postcards, tirages, prints, papier, paper, jauni, yellowed, Centre d'Art, musée, museum, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorre, Andorra
過去の Instagram からの自己宣伝セルフィー (冗長表現)
photograph “« Nude bather » (c. 1960-1970), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Escaldes-Engordany, Centre d'Art, musée, museum, statue, sculpture, art, XXe siècle, 20th century, femme, woman, nu, nue, nude, naked, baigneuse, bather, Banyista nua, ombre, shadow, beauté, beauty, panneau, signe, toilettes, toilets, homme, man
« Nude bather » (c. 1960-1970), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)
photograph “VIII.2013” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, canal, channel, eau, water, bâtiment, building, immeuble, mur, wall, brique, brick, fenêtres, windows, bateau, boat, poteau, post, pole, bois, wood, grilles, railings, art, dessin, drawing, illustration, femme, woman, visage, face, pierre, stone
photograph “« Woman with headband. Tribute to Michelangelo » (1966), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Escaldes-Engordany, Centre d'Art, musée, museum, statue, sculpture, art, terre cuite, terracotta, XXe siècle, 20th century, femme, woman, nu, nue, nude, bandeau, headband, socle, base, coin, corner, angle, ombre, shadow, beauté, beauty
« Woman with headband. Tribute to Michelangelo » (1966), Josep Viladomat i Massanas (1899-1989)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 181” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, bâtiment, building, hangar, shed, béton, concrete, parpaings, breeze-blocks, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, art, animaux, animals, orque, killer whale, oiseaux, birds, phoque, seal, fenêtres, windows, toit, roof, porte, door, bois, wood, herbe, grass, fleurs, flowers
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 181
photograph “V.2017” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, Centrale Montemartini, statue, sculpture, Antiquité, antiquity, grecque, Greek, Grèce, Greece, hellénistique, Hellenistic, école de Pergame, Pergamene school, art, IIe siècle av. J.-C., 2nd century BC, marbre, marble, satyre, satyr, nymphe, nymph, femme, woman, nue, naked, seins, breasts, combat, fight
photograph “VI.2023 — World street artists” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Catalonia, Lérida, Lleida, Solsonès, Solsona, ville, city, immeuble, bâtiment, building, béton, concrete, mur, wall, paroi, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, angle, coin, corner, câble, cable, fil, wire, rocher, rock, herbe, grass, graffitis, tags, laideur, ugliness, laid, ugly, caca, bite, dick, Khalil, visage, face, Libertad, saloperies, bullshit, art, connards, assholes, nuisibles, harmful
VI.2023 — World street artists
photograph “« Portrait of Mary Louise McBride (Mme Homer Saint-Gaudens) » (1929), Louis Buisseret (1888-1956)” par David Farreny — — France, Musée Fleury, Musée de Lodève, Lodève, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1929, XXe siècle, 20th century, Mary Louise McBride, Homer Saint-Gaudens, musée, museum, portrait, femme, woman, robe, rouge, red, dress, fleur, flower, rideau, curtain, cadre, frame, bois, wood, radiateurs, heaters, gallery, beauté, beauty
« Portrait of Mary Louise McBride (Mme Homer Saint-Gaudens) » (1929), Louis Buisseret (1888-1956)
photograph “I.2019 — Faces of home, 178” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Campanie, Campania, Naples, Napoli, hiver, winter, rue, street, foule, crowd, voitures, cars, circulation, traffic, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, fenêtres, windows, balcons, balconies, linge, laundry, sèche, dries, lampadaire, lamp, bâche, sheet, portrait, homme, man, art, parasols, umbrellas, bar, café, Paulaner, mur, wall, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, ciel, sky, nuage, cloud, chaises, chairs, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, câbles, cables, fils, wires, visage, face, domicile, home
I.2019 — Faces of home, 178
photograph “III.2012” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Onet-le-Château, supermarché, supermarket, bâtiment, immeuble, building, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, métal, metal, béton, concrete, enseigne, sign, Dealer Price, logo, parking, car park, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, pierres, stones, galets, cailloux, lampadaires, lamps, arbres, trees, taureau, bull, statue, animal, buffle, buffalo, voitures, cars, art
photograph “« Triptych of Saint Michael » (two anonymous authors, 14th and 16th centuries)” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Navarre, Navarra, Pampelune, Pamplona, Iruña, Musée de Navarre, Museo de Navarra, peintures, paintings, XIVe siècle, XVIe siècle, 14th century, 16th century, ange, angel, saint Michel, san Miguel, saint Michael, ailes, wings, Vierge, Vierge Marie, Virgin Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, auréole, halo, art, religieux, religious
« Triptych of Saint Michael » (two anonymous authors, 14th and 16th centuries)
photograph “« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Østlandet, Oslo, Musée national d'Art, National Museum of Art, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Eilif Peterssen, paysage, landscape, Autriche, Austria, Innsbruck, montagnes, mountains, neige, snow, femme, woman, pente, slope, côte, coast, dépression, depression, tristesse, sadness, solitude
« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)
photograph “« The little Gaihede girl » (« Lille Gaihede », before 1888), Christian Krohg (1852-1925)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Østlandet, Oslo, Musée national d'Art, National Museum of Art, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Christian Krohg, naturalisme, naturalism, fille, girl, jeune, young, Gaihede, blonde, paysage, landscape, maisons, houses, herbe, grass, ciel, sky, portrait
« The little Gaihede girl » (« Lille Gaihede », before 1888), Christian Krohg (1852-1925)
photograph “III.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Aragón, Aragon, Saragosse, Zaragoza, Caesaraugusta, ville, city, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, brique, brick, rue, street, terrain, ground, clôture, fence, métal, metal, arbre, tree, gouttière, drainpipe, voiture, car, ombre, shadow, art, peinture, painting, oiseau, bird, branches, numéro, number, chiffre, 1, cercle, circle, vert, green, flèche, arrow, bas, bottom, bici, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, fenêtre, window
photograph “« Elegy » (1868), Philippe Parrot (1831-1894)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XIXe siècle, 19th century, art, Élégie, Elegy, jeune femme, young woman, nu, nude, nue, naked, voile, veil, rocher, rock, musique, music, instrument, lyre, lyra, classicisme, classicism, Philippe Parrot, femme, woman, jeune fille, girl
« Elegy » (1868), Philippe Parrot (1831-1894)
photograph “VII.2012 — Kvinner” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Christiania, art, musée, museum, peinture, painting, tableaux, paintings, sculpture, femmes, women, kvinner, Degas, coiffure, combing, Rodin, Iris messagère des dieux, Iris messenger of the Gods, bronze, Camille Claudel, buste, bust, corps, body, nu, naked, nude, sexe, sex, mur, wall, cimaises, galerie, gallery, visiteuse, visitor
VII.2012 — Kvinner
photograph “III.2012 — The trap” par David Farreny — — France, bison, buffalo, buffle, taureau, bull, statue, sculpture, animal, parking, car park, lampadaires, lamps, banlieue, suburbs, plantes, plants, piège, trap, art, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Onet-le-Château, laideur, laid, ugly, ugliness, commercial area, zone commerciale
III.2012 — The trap
photograph “III.2010 — Music for a while” par David Farreny — — France, délabrement, decay, abandon, abandoned, métal, metal, crochets, hooks, graffiti, dessin, drawing, radiocassette, ghetto-blaster, silence, Purcell, mur, wall, rouille, rust, rusty, art, Occitanie, Tarn, Blaye-les-Mines
III.2010 — Music for a while
photograph “III.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Aragon, Aragón, Saragosse, Zaragoza, Caesaraugusta, centre commercial, mall, bâtiment, immeuble, building, intérieur, inside, statue, géant, giant, César, Caesar, Auguste, Augustus, rambarde, guardrail, verre, vitre, glass, bois, wood, pilier, pillar, colonne, column, magasins, shops, stores, restaurants, tables, chaises, chairs, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, jeune, young, homme, man, femme, woman, smartphones, art, empereur, emperor, romain, roman, Rome, antique, ancient, histoire, history, commerce, profusion, sculpture
photograph “X.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Landes, Mont-de-Marsan, musée, museum, Despiau-Wlérick, statues, sculpture, sculptures, femme, woman, homme, man, cheval, horse, art, pénombre, darkness, moustache
photograph “II.2023 — A fake halo case” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Ordino, chapelle, chapel, religion, ange, angel, statue, aile, wing, fenêtres, windows, porte, door, muret, low wall, arbre, tree, branches, art, pierre, stone
II.2023 — A fake halo case
photograph “V.2015” par David Farreny — — France, hôpital, hospital, abandonné, abandoned, bureau, office, pièce, room, desk, tiroirs, drawers, feuilles, papier, paper, sheets, prises, sockets, tag, graffiti, fresque, fresco, néon, neon, radiocassette, ghetto-blaster, cassette, tape, hauts-parleurs, enceintes, speakers, loudspeakers, bruit, noise, musique, music, plinthe, skirting board, métal, metal, spots, spotlights, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Combarel
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Arezzo, peinture, painting, fresque, fresco, Vierge Marie, Virgin Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, San Domenico, église, church, basilique, basilica, art, mur, wall, paroi
photograph “XI.2022 — Joel\'s selfie” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mur, wall, fenêtre, window, bois, wood, verre, vitre, glass, sale, dirty, câbles, cables, fils, wires, ciment, cement, graffitis, inscriptions, writings, bite, dick, Joel, vulgaire, vulgar, stupide, stupid, autopromotion, self-promotion
XI.2022 — Joel's selfie
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 165” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, village, bâtiment, building, hangar, shed, béton, concrete, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, angle, coin, corner, piquet, stake, bois, wood, corde, rope, herbe, grass, ponton, pontoon, port, harbour, harbor, mer, sea, fjord, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, nuages, clouds, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, baleine, whale, animal, cachalot, sperm whale, dents, teeth, œil, eye, art
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 165
photograph “XI.2018 — God tires” par David Farreny — — France, chapelle, chapel, abandonnée, abandoned, mur, wall, coulures, chaise, chair, cassée, broken, bois, wood, angle, coin, corner, christianisme, christianity, catholicisme, catholicism, fresque, fresco, chemin de croix, stations, stations of the cross, gravures, engravings, cadres, frames, Jésus-Christ, Jesus, Christ, religion, drippings, église, church, foi, faith, temple, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers
XI.2018 — God tires
photograph “XI.2022” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, maison, house, pierre, stone, terrasse, terrace, rambarde, railings, métal, metal, mur, wall, béton, concrete, statue, oiseau, bird, aigle, eagle, plastique, plastic, bâche, tarpaulin, emballage, wrapping, sculpture
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pistoia, Montecatini Alto, Montecatini Val di Nievole, clocher, bell tower, horloge, clock, câbles, cables, fils, wires, cloche, bell, pierre, stone, arbre, tree, mur, wall, cadre, frame, tableau, painting, bois, wood, esquisse, sketch, enfant, child, Jésus, Jesus, catholicisme, Catholicism, art
photograph “V.2015 — An arrival of crab” par David Farreny — — France, couloir, corridor, passage, hôpital, hospital, abandonné, abandoned, fresque, fresco, dessin, drawing, monstre, monster, porte, door, mur, wall, créature, creature, fantastique, fantasy, fantastic, dents, teeth, yeux, eyes, pattes, legs, rose, pink, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Combarel
V.2015 — An arrival of crab
photograph “VIII.2014” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, ours, bear, jeune fille, jeune femme, girl, young woman, nu, nue, naked, nude, tresses, plaits, braids, animal, socle, plinth, pedestal, porte, door, poignée, handle, mur, wall
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Arezzo, statue, Vierge Marie, Virgin Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, San Domenico, église, church, basilique, basilica, art, sculpture, mur, wall, paroi
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Arezzo, piazza del Duomo, mur, wall, pierre, stone, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, fil, wire, câbles, cables, gouttière, drainpipe, peinture, painting, Vierge Marie, Virgin Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, plaque, plate, lampes, lamps
photograph “« Vinter » (« Winter », 1618), Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1634)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Hendrick Avercamp, peinture, painting, tableau, art, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, Hiver, Winter, Vinter, paysage, landscape, patineurs, skaters, arbres, trees, bateau, boat, église, church, glace, ice, lac, lake, gelé, frozen, neige, snow, Flamand, Flemish
« Vinter » (« Winter », 1618), Hendrick Avercamp (1585-1634)
photograph “V.2017” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, Capitole, Capitoline Hill, musées du Capitole, Capitoline museums, cour, yard, courtyard, Antiquité, antiquity, sculpture, bas-relief, low relief, pierre, stone, homme, man, serpent, snake, frise, frieze, porte, door, art, architecture, Romain, Roman
photograph “X.2010 — Lion hunting, 3” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, British Museum, Londres, London, Assyrie, Assyria, VIIe siècle av. J.-C., 7th century BC, Nimrod, palais, palace, roi, king, Ashurbanipal, bas-relief, low relief, sculpture, pierre, stone, chasse, hunting, hunt, hunts, lion, royales, royal, mort, death, flèches, arrows, animal, félin, cat, fauve, wildcat, big cat, art, lionne, lioness, cheval, horse, pattes, paws, Assurbanipal, Sardanapale
X.2010 — Lion hunting, 3
photograph “VIII.2019” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Södermanland, Uppland, Stockholm, Djurgården, musée, museum, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, tableau, painting, Prins Eugens, Det gamla slottet, Le vieux château, 1893, art, peinture, XIXe siècle, 19th century, mur, wall, bouquet, cadre, frame
photograph “« Snøfjell » (« Snowy mountain », v. 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée d'art de Bergen, collection Rasmus Meyer, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Rasmus Meyers samlinger, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Bergen, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1909, XXe siècle, 20th century, Montagne enneigée, Snow clad mountain, Snøfjell, montagne, mountain, fjord, neige, snow, arbres, trees, eau, water, hiver, winter, paysage, landscape, néoromantisme, neo-romanticism
« Snøfjell » (« Snowy mountain », v. 1909), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “II.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, cathédrale, cathedral, Sainte-Marie, pierre, stone, statue, colonnes, columns, travaux, works, barrière, guardrail, métal, metal, câble, cable, fil, wire, prises, plugs, panneau, board, art, porche, XVIIe siècle, 17th century
photograph “« Jonsokbål » (« St. John’s bonfire », 1912 and 1926), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Nikolai Astrup, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, art, Jonsokbål, Feu de la Saint-Jean, Bonfire celebrating midsummer night, fjord, montagnes, mountains, été, summer, solstice, feu, fire, feu de joie, bonfire, flammes, flames, fumée, smoke, personnages, figures, eau, water
« Jonsokbål » (« St. John’s bonfire », 1912 and 1926), Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928)
photograph “« Sommeren » (« Summer »), Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Joos de Momper le Jeune, Joos de Momper the Younger, peinture, painting, tableau, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, art, Été, Summer, Sommeren, Flamand, Flemish, paysage, landscape, champ, field, blé, wheat, corn, montagnes, mountains, personnages, figures, église, church, arbres, trees, moisson, harvest, nature
« Sommeren » (« Summer »), Joos de Momper the Younger (1564-1635)
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 87” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Telemark, Notodden, Heddal, stavkirke, église en bois debout, stave church, église, church, kirke, autel, altar, XIIIe siècle, 13th century, bois, wood, abside, apse, piliers, pillars, candles, cierges, peintures, paintings, fresques, frescoes, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, statue, croix, cross, retable, altarpiece, reredos, fleurs, flowers, christianisme, Christianity
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 87
photograph “IV.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch, fête foraine, funfair, fermée, closed, jeux, games, machines, métal, metal, bitume, asphalte, asphalt, blacktop, parking, car park, arbre, tree, platane, plane tree, câbles, cables, fils, wires, dos, back, marches, steps, escalier, stairs, illustration, peinture, painting, fresque, fresco, visage, face, homme, man, lunettes, glasses, yeux, eyes, bleus, blue, roues, roulettes, wheels, camion, truck
video “[Interlude] Presence of Lee Miller” par David Farreny — — Lee Miller, Man Ray, années 30, 1930s, Paris, France
[Interlude] Presence of Lee Miller  🎥
photograph “Illustration (1893) by Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) for the poem « Jomfrulands Beskrivelse » (« Description of Jomfruland ») by Roland Knudssøn” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Theodor Kittelsen, dessin, drawing, illustration, XIXe siècle, 19th century, art, Jomfrulands Beskrivelse, Description de Jomfruland, Description of Jomfruland, île, island, paysage, landscape, arbustes, eau, water, shrubs, nature, vide, empty, emptiness, horizon, collines, hills, herbe, grass, fleurs, flowers
Illustration (1893) by Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) for the poem « Jomfrulands Beskrivelse » (« Description of Jomfruland ») by Roland Knudssøn
photograph “[Interlude] Peterfid tomcat” par David Farreny — — Peterfid tomcat, canular, hoax, art contemporain, contemporary art, 1960, Visalia, Californie, California, concierges, gardiens, janitors, exposition, exhibition, art, balais, brooms, brushes, sculpture, métal, metal, chat, cat, matou, tomcat, pétrifié, petrified, peterfid
[Interlude] Peterfid tomcat
photograph “« Den store stasjon » (« The train station », 1932), Alf Rolfsen (1895-1979)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Alf Rolfsen, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1932, XXe siècle, 20th century, Den store stasjon, The railway station, gare, station, train, trains, quais, platforms, voyageurs, travellers, travelers, passengers, couple, femme, woman, homme, man, bagages, luggage, baggage, locomotive, engine, vapeur, steam, panneau, sign, 17.35, manteau, coat
« Den store stasjon » (« The train station », 1932), Alf Rolfsen (1895-1979)
photograph “Untitled photograph (1877), Knud Knudsen (1832-1915)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Knud Knudsen, XIXe siècle, 19th century, art, fjord, bateau, boat, voile, ship, sail, montagnes, mountains, eau, water, rochers, rocs, rocks, rivage, shore, hommes, men, enfant, child, photographie, photograph, photo, noir et blanc, black and white, flou, blur
Untitled photograph (1877), Knud Knudsen (1832-1915)
photograph “III.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch, ville, city, rue, street, garage, portail, gate, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, crépi, roughcast, porte, door, bois, wood, volets, shutters, trottoir, pavement, graffiti, dessin, drawing, craie, chalk, art, Picasso, vieux, old
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, usine, factory, abandonnée, abandoned, graffiti, tag, art, crâne, skull, tête, head, mort, death, barreaux, bars, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, fleur, flower, mur, wall, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, peinture, painting, fresque, fresco, Occitanie, Tarn, Blaye-les-Mines
photograph “IV.2017” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, villa Borghese, villa Medici, villa Médicis, statue, pierre, stone, socle, plinth, base, affiche, poster, COPRIRE, COUVRIR, grille, railings, métal, metal, soir, evening, SPQR, vieux, old, négligé, neglected, park, parc, arbre, tree
photograph “« Flowing to the river » (1871), John Everett Millais (1829-1896)” par David Farreny — — Tate Britain, Londres, London, Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, John Everett Millais, peinture, painting, tableau, 1871, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Flowing to the river, préraphaélisme, Pre-Raphaelitism, art, Pre-Raphaelite, préraphaélite, paysage, landscape, rivière, river, arbres, trees, homme, man, tronc, trunk, maison, house, automne, autumn, fall
« Flowing to the river » (1871), John Everett Millais (1829-1896)
photograph “III.2021 — Memories of Gascony” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Lot-et-Garonne, Francescas, Gascogne, mur, wall, fresque, fresco, peinture, painting, jardin, garden, chaise, chair, table, métal, metal, arbres, trees, coin, corner, angle, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, branches, village, souvenir
III.2021 — Memories of Gascony
photograph “« Melankoli » (« Melancholy », 1900-1901), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — musée Munch, Munch-museet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Edvard Munch, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1901, XXe siècle, 20th century, Mélancolie, Melancholy, Melankoli, Laura, femme, woman, pièce, room, fenêtre, window, table, rouge, red, neige, snow, pot, fleurs, flowers, portrait, expressionnisme, expressionism
« Melankoli » (« Melancholy », 1900-1901), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “XII.2020” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gard, Uzès, Maison de la Providence, tourelle, Vierge, Marie, christianisme, catholicisme, 1865, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Christianism, Catholicism, Virgin, Mary, turret, tour, tower, hiver, winter, soir, evening, statue, femme, woman, nuages, clouds, maisons, houses, pierre, stone, rue, street, ville, city, décorations, Noël, Christmas, decorations, lumières, lights, fin d'année, fenêtres, windows, ombre, darkness, pénombre, toits, roofs, sculpture, étoiles, stars
photograph “XII.2017” par David Farreny — — village, maisons, houses, pierre, stone, hiver, winter, décembre, December, fêtes, festive season, statue, ange, angel, saint, Michel, Michael, archange, archangel, colonne, column, ailes, wings, enseigne, sign, bonnes fêtes, happy festive season, étoile, star, ombre, shadow, sombre, dark, pénombre, darkness, lampe, lamp, rue, street, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, arbres, trees, christianisme, Christianism, religion, catholicisme, Catholicism, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, inversés, inverted, mirrored, vœux, greetings, fin d'année, end of year, France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Lavardens
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pise, Pisa, San Miniato, Saint-Miniatus, ville, city, rue, street, brique, brick, bas-relief, low relief, Ave Maria, religion, catholicisme, catholicism, catholique, catholic, christianisme, christianism, Vierge, Marie, Virgin, Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, lampe, lamp, panneau, routier, sign, roadsign, mur, wall, gouttière, gutter, métal, metal
© David Farreny, 2004-2024   ✉️🅵

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