Photographs David Farreny
Photographs David Farreny

Photography is a minor art; that is why I practice it.


Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white
237 / 248

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression



Disposable postcards

Art (found works)

photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, arbre, tree, branches, branchages, tronc, trunk, rochers, rocks
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 142. Hordaland (det.)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Stolmen, Våge, île, island, linaigrette, cottongrass, cottonsedge, bog cotton, étang, pond, eau, water, fleurs, flowers, profusion, végétation, plantes, plants, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 142. Hordaland (det.)
photograph “IV.2011” par David Farreny — — France, rivière, river, eau, water, arbre, tree, branches, ombres, shadows, mousse, écume, foam, courant, stream, profusion, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Gers, Lespinassolle, Crespin
photograph “XII.2012 — Remembrance of the jail” par David Farreny — — France, bureau, office, salle de réunion, meeting room, travail, work, salle, room, moquette, carpet, vide, empty, emptiness, chaise, chair, fenêtre, window, cloison amovible, removable wall, néon, neon, prise, socket, plinthe, skirting board, porte, door, ombre, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, rideau, curtain, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez
XII.2012 — Remembrance of the jail
photograph “IV.2016” par David Farreny — — France, cheval, horse, jambes, legs, étalon, stallion, sabots, hoofs, hooves, clôture, fence, terre, earth, sol, soil, jaune, yellow, animal, ruban, ribbon, tape, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 85” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, rivage, shore, port, harbour, habor, bateaux, boats, bouées, buoys, rochers, rocks, eau, water, mouette, gull, seagull, rampe, ramp, slope, cale, mise à l'eau, launch, launching, slipway, ligne, line, horizon, îlots, small islands, islets, algues, seaweed
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 85
photograph “II.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps, hiver, winter, mur, wall, ciment, cement, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, métal, metal, ombres, shadows, branches, branchages, arbres, trees, clôture, fence, grillage, fencing, dépression, depression
photograph “V.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, Arsenal, mur, wall, béton, concrete, fenêtre, window, blanc, white, câbles, cables, fils, wires, boîte, box, métal, metal, cadre, frame, bois, wood, chaos, désordre, disorder, tag, dessin, drawing, toilettes, toilet, WC, chiottes, parapluie, umbrella, herbe, grass, graffiti, Castello
photograph “XII.2013” par David Farreny — — France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Hérault, Saint-Jean-de-Fos, pont du Diable, gorges de l'Hérault, lac, lake, eau, water, soir, evening, silhouettes, personnages, figures, arbres, trees, feuillage, foliage, noir, black, obscur, dark, obscurité, darkness, plage, beach, rochers, rocks, rivage, shore, rivière, river, fleuve, reflets, reflections, paysage, landscape
photograph “I.2019 — Reboot” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Campanie, Campania, Salerne, Salerno, Ravello, rue, street, promeneuse, walker, passante, passer-by, femme, woman, mur, wall, porte, door, brindille, twig, manteau, coat, hiver, winter, balcon, balcony, É*
I.2019 — Reboot
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Casamanya, Montaup, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, hiver, winter, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, sommet, pic, peak, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, froid, cold
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 53” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, La Hoya, Las Salinas, salines, île, island, saltworks, sel, salt, eau, water, bassins, ponds, pools, mer, sea, clôture, grillage, fence, fencing, cailloux, stones, murets, low walls, buisson, bush, sec, dry, plante, plant, métal, metal, lave, lava
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 53
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 42” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcan, volcano, Caldera blanca, montagne, mountain, lave, lava, nuages, clouds, paysage, landscape, rocher, rock
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 42
photograph “X.2016 — To go out” par David Farreny — — France, magasin, shop, fermé, closed down, village, vitrine, window, porte, door, lierre, ivy, ciment, cement, crépi, roughcast, invasion, végétal, vegetal, végétation, vegetation, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Manciet
X.2016 — To go out
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — France, aéroport, airport, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, aérogare, air terminal, béton, concrete, métal, metal, verre, glass, rambarde, guardrail, fenêtres, windows, ascenseur, lift, gris, grey, gray, projecteur, floodlight
photograph “VII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, ville, city, bourgade, town, rue, street, nuit, night, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, murs, walls, pierre, stone, descente, downhill, passage piétons, pedestrian pathway, peinture, paint, blanche, white, lumière, light, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark
VII.2023 — At night
photograph “XI.2021 — ©” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, ville, city, rue, street, ruelle, alley, mur, wall, pierre, stone, ciment, cement, garage, portail, gate, métal, metal, immeuble, building, bâtiment, maison, house, fenêtres, windows, gouttière, drainpipe, bitume, asphalte, asphalt, blacktop, ombre, shadow, coin, angle, corner, lettre, letter, C, ©
XI.2021 — ©
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, bâtiment, building, remise, shed, pierre, stone, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, portail, gate, gouttière, drainpipe, arbres, trees, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, soleil, sun, grisaille, grayness, feuillage, foliage
photograph “I.2024 — Absent cat” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, glace, ice, neige, snow, eau, water, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, ombre, shadow, arbres, trees, branches, branchages, traces, tracks, cat, chat, pattes, paws, coussinets, pads
I.2024 — Absent cat
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, montagne, mountain, hiver, winter, neige, snow, forest, forêt, paysage, landscape, gris, grey, gray
photograph “VII.2019” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Llanes, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, mer, sea, océan, ocean, golfe de Gascogne, bay of Biscay, rochers, rocks, eau, water, mouette, seagull, oiseau, bird, horizon, nature
photograph “XII.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, hiver, winter, sombre, dark, pénombre, darkness, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, Pyrénées, arbres, trees, branches, branchages, rive, shore, reflet, reflection, immeubles, buildings, bâtiments, noir, black, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, rochers, rocks
photograph “V.2018 — Debt culture” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Condom, bâtiment, immeuble, building, banque, crédit, bank, credit, Société armagnacaise de Crédit, Armagnac, enseigne, sign, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, fenêtres, windows, porte, door, grille, grill, métal, metal, number, numéro, 4, dette, debt
V.2018 — Debt culture
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 23” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcans, volcanoes, lave, lava, montagnes, mountains, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, noir, black, paysage, landscape, Taús
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 23
photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, Valira, Valira d'Orient, rivière, river, glace, ice, froid, cold, rochers, rocks, arbre, tree, branches, branchages, neige, snow, nature, profusion
photograph “IV.2018” par David Farreny — — France, terrasse, terrace, barrière, guardrail, rambarde, métal, metal, mur, wall, pierre, stone, maison, house, chien, dog, attente, wait, arbres, trees, animal, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Lectoure
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn, Blaye-les-Mines, usine, factory, industrie, industry, abandon, abandoned, délabrement, decay, laverie, washing plant, béton, concrete, métal, metal, smashed, windows, fenêtres, vitres, cassées, arbres, trees, branches, branchages, ombre, shadow, bidon, can, tag, graffiti, poussière, dust
photograph “V.2016” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Arrecife, volcans, volcanoes, montagnes, mountains, paysage, landscape, poteaux, posts, pylônes, pylons, métal, metal, électricité, electricity, fils, wires, câbles, cables, nuages, clouds, pierres, stones, Teguise, Costa Teguise
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mur, wall, paroi, bâtiment, building, immeuble, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, gris, grey, gray, arbre, tree, branches, branchage, traces, neige, snow
photograph “II.2024 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Andorre-la-Vieille, Andorra la Vella, ville, city, capitale, capital, nuit, night, gare, routière, bus, station, car, autocar, Andbus, béton, concrete, lumières, lights, consigne, locker, métal, metal, distributeurs, dispensers, immeuble, building, bâtiment, lampadaires, lamps, écrans, screens, voyageur, traveller
II.2024 — At night
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, tennis, court, neige, snow, hiver, winter, filet, net, clôture, fence, grillage, fencing, métal, metal, poteau, post, pole, ombres, shadows, lampadaires, lamps, vide, empty, emptiness
photograph “I.2022” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, bâtiment, immeuble, building, vieux, old, abandonné, abandoned, béton, concrete, laid, ugly, arbres, trees, hiver, winter, branches, enseigne, sign, bar, restaurant, Font, fermé, closed down, fenêtre, window, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, brique, brick, soleil, sun
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 15” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, volcan, volcano, montagne, mountain, couches, layers, Tijano, noir, black, gris, grey, gray, beige, blanc, white, sommet, top, summit, lave, lava, triangle, paysage, landscape, nature, nuages, clouds
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 15
photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, hiver, winter, herbe, grass, cailloux, pierres, pebble, stones, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks
photograph “I.2024 — Local Fuji” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, hiver, winter, herbe, grass, Fuji, mont, mount, cailloux, pierres, pebble, stones
I.2024 — Local Fuji
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 48” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Spain, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, lave, lava, noir, black, plage, beach, rochers, rocks, cailloux, stones, chemin, path, cabane, shed, toit, roof, femme, woman, photographe, photographer, blonde, touriste, tourist, Yaiza, Montaña Bermeja
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 48
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Lambeth, South Bank, Bankside, Millennium Bridge, pont, suspendu, suspension, bridge, passerelle, footbridge, câbles porteurs, carrier cables, métal, metal, animal, oiseau, bird, pigeon, arbres, trees, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, troncs, trunks, sol, soil, terre, earth
photograph “III.2007” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, chantier, construction site, travaux, works, béton, concrete, plafond, ceiling, poteau, post, pole, métal, metal, tuyaux, pipes, plastique, plastic, gris, grey, gray
photograph “XII.2023 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, parking, car park, mur, wall, béton, concrete, pierre, stone, rideau, curtain, bâche, sheet, plastique, plastic, poteaux, posts, poles, bois, wood, métal, metal, voiture, car, roue, wheel, ombres, shadows, panneau, bord, ús exclusiu, utilisation réservée, reserved use, hotel o restaurant, hôtel ou restaurant, hotel or restaurant, climatisation, air conditioning, unité, extérieure, outdoor, unit, lampe, lamp, câbles, cables, fils, wires, lierre, ivy
XII.2023 — Whatever
photograph “XI.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, ville, city, terrain vague, wasteland, herbe, grass, branches, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, murs, walls, parois, béton, concrete, montagne, mountain, lumière, light, reflet, reflection, yeux, eyes, rocher, rock, parpaings, breeze-blocks, automne, autumn, fall
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 24” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Playa Blanca, rue, street, arbre, tree, branches, mur, wall, blanc, white, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, panneau, roadsign, balcon, balcony, vélo, bike, bicyclette, bicycle, fenêtres, windows, tronc, trunk, fleurs, flowers, grille, railings, trottoir, pavement, béton, concrete, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 24
photograph “XII.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, hiver, winter, rive, shore, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, branches, branchages, rochers, rocks
photograph “I.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, Valira, Valira d'Orient, rivière, river, glace, ice, froid, cold, rochers, rocks, arbres, trees, branches, branchages, neige, snow, ombre, shadow, nature
photograph “III.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, travaux, works, chantier, roadworks, site, pelle, shovel, outil, tool, clôture, fence, métal, metal, grille, railings, plastique, plastic, bâche, sheet, cailloux, stones, muret, low wall, parpaing, breeze-block, noir, black, poussière, dust
photograph “X.2015 — Memories of Gascony” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, champ, field, terre, earth, sol, soil, arbre, tree, branches, automne, autumn, fall, ombre, shadow, tronc, trunk, sillons, furrows
X.2015 — Memories of Gascony
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 113. Celebration” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Åkra, Etne, Sævareid, Kyrping, Åkrafjord, fjord, soir, evening, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, jeune fille, girl, eau, water, montagnes, mountains, onde, wave, paysage, landscape, soleil, sun, Li*
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 113. Celebration
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, village, rue, street, ruelle, alley, pierre, stone, brique, brick, médiéval, medieval, angle, coin, corner, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, lumière, light, numéro, number, 32, plaque, plate, passage, porte, door, arche, arc, arch
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 3” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcan, volcano, montagne, mountain, lave, lava, roche, rock, paysage, landscape, pile, tas, heap
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 3
photograph “VII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, nuit, night, mur, wall, béton, concrete, pierre, stone, lampes, lamps, lumières, lights, passage, alley, ombre, shadow, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, dallage, pavement
VII.2023 — At night
photograph “X.2010 — Belvedere Road” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, South Bank, arbre, tree, automne, autumn, fall, sombre, dark, nuages, clouds, ville, city, paysage, landscape, cityscape, lampadaires, street lamps, rue, street, immeubles, buildings, tours, towers, pont, bridge, bus, impériale, double-decker, rouge, red, arrêt de bus, bus stop, piétons, pedestrians, passants, passers-by, métal, metal, béton, concrete
X.2010 — Belvedere Road
photograph “X.2023 — Off-season” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Pyrénées-Orientales, Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via, Odeillo, arbres, trees, tronc, trunk, butte, mound, métal, metal, poteau, post, pole, structure, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, télésiège, chair lift, pylône, pylon, galets, pulleys, câble, cable, échelle, ladder, terre, earth, sol, soil, art, reptile
X.2023 — Off-season
photograph “X.2023 — Faces of home, 202” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, ville, city, rue, street, plaque, plate, métal, metal, carrer del Pui, maison, house, mur, wall, vieux, old, pierre, stone, cement, ciment, lucarne, skylight, portail, gate, garage, balcon, balcony, câble, cable, fil, wire, ombre, shadow, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, gris, grey, gray, domicile, home
X.2023 — Faces of home, 202
photograph “XI.2023 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Andorre-la-Vieille, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vieja, ville, city, rue, street, trottoir, pavement, pierre, stone, dallage, paving, béton, concrete, mur, wall, paroi, peinture, paint, tag, graffiti, this side up, boîtier, électrique, electricity, box, board, câbles, cables, fils, wires, parpaings, breeze-blocks, ciment, cement, flèche, arrow
XI.2023 — Whatever
photograph “II.2010 — ∩” par David Farreny — — France, salon, coiffure, hairdressing, vitrine, window, reflet, reflection, voitures, cars, casques, permanente, hair, dryers, store, shade, shutters, sièges, seats, ∩, intersection, soleil, sun, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez
II.2010 — ∩
photograph “X.2023 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Pyrénées-Orientales, Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via, Odeillo, arbre, tree, feuillage, foliage, tronc, trunk, feuilles, leaves, butte, mound, clôture, fence, grillage, fencing, métal, metal, poteau, post, pole, structure, bâche, sheet, plastique, plastic, blanc, white, herbe, grass, porte, door, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray
X.2023 — Whatever
photograph “III.2018 — Self-portrait as a great double amputee writer” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, librairie, bookshop, vitrine, window, baie, bay, vitre, verre, glass, affiche, poster, Pierre Michon, écrivain, writer, homme, man, sourire, smile, photographie, photograph, noir et blanc, black and white, portrait, cadre, frame, manchot, double amputee, bras, arms, reflet, reflection, autoportrait, selfportrait, rue, street, pierre, stone, porte, door, grilles, railings
III.2018 — Self-portrait as a great double amputee writer
photograph “III.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun, Vassevin, étang, pond, eau, water, pierres, stones, plastique, plastic, noir, black, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, plis, folds, travaux, works
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 79” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Yaiza, Montaña Bermeja, plage, playa, lave, lava, noir, black, mer, sea, eau, water, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, gens, people, rochers, rocks, pierres, stones, vague, wave, écume, foam
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 79
photograph “X.2018 — Memories of Gascony” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun, maison, house, pierre, stone, domicile, home, intérieur, interior, automne, fall, autumn, soleil, sun, lumière, light, fenêtres, windows, meuble, furniture, osier, wicker, panier, basket, canard, duck, marbre, marble, sombre, dark, pénombre, darkness
X.2018 — Memories of Gascony
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Lysefjord, Lysefjorden, Nordstrøno, mer du Nord, North sea, mer, sea, eau, water, îles, islands, paysage, landscape, matin, seascape, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 266. Where you are not
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Lambeth, Vauxhall, carrefour, croisement, crossing, intersection, feu rouge, red light, voie cyclable, cycle lane, stop, voiture, car, bus, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, logo, vélo, bicyclette, bike, bicycle, peinture, paint, cyclistes, cyclists, femmes, women, sacs à dos, backpacks, look left, look right, métal, metal, rétroviseurs, wing mirrors, verre, vitre, glass, reflet, reflection
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 19” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcan, volcano, lave, lava, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 19
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, West Sussex, Crawley
photograph “I.2010 — Northwest passage, 6. Nantes, freezing cold wind, Sunday” par David Farreny — — France, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, Nantes, Chantenay, pont, bridge, viaduc, viaduct, Cheviré, béton, concrete, pilier, pillar, hiver, winter, vent, froid, cold, wind, parking, car park, arbre, tree, branches, branchage, clôture, grillage, fence, fencing, métal, metal, poteau, post, pole, plaque, plate, rue des Frères Amieux, industriel nantais, grues, cranes, herbe, grass, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, tas, pile, heap, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray
I.2010 — Northwest passage, 6. Nantes, freezing cold wind, Sunday
photograph “VII.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Andorre-la-Vieille, Andorra la Vella, ville, city, capitale, capital, béton, concrete, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, mur, wall, pierre, stone, lampes, lamps, projecteurs, floodlights, fil, wire, câble, cable, ombre, shadow, métal, metal, balcons, balconies, grue, crane, hoist, rambardes, guardrails, laid, ugly, laideur, ugliness
photograph “VII.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, parking, car park, béton, concrete, bâtiment, immeuble, building, rampe, banister, métal, metal, ouvertures, openings, voie, way, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, flèches, arrows, blanc, white, peinture, paint, circulation, traffic, nuit, night, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark
photograph “VI.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Andorre-la-Vieille, Andorra la Vella, ville, city, capitale, capital, mur, wall, béton, concrete, montagne, mountain, gris, grey, gray, lampadaires, street lamps, grillage, fence, clôture, fencing, bâtiment, building, rocher, rock, lampes, lamps, ampoules, bulbs, décoration, decoration, ornemental, cheminées, chimneys, câbles, cables, fil, wire, caméra, vidéo, video, camera, métal, metal, Pyrénées, Pyrenees
photograph “VII.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Encamp, Les Pardines, tunnel, lampe, lamp, branche, branch, virage, turn, route, road, cercle, circle, lumière, light, catadioptres, reflectors, panneau, sign, ruban adhésif, tape
photograph “VI.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, parking, car park, mur, wall, béton, concrete, gris, grey, gray, ombre, shadow, ombres, shadows, fourgonnette, van, minivan, voiture, car, véhicule, vehicle, panneau, sign, P, coin, corner, angle, pierre, stone, portail, gate, métal, metal, garage, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, ville, city, bourgade, town
photograph “V.2008” par David Farreny — — brique, brick, briques, bricks, échafaudage, échafaudages, scaffolding, démolition, demolition, pull down, façade, facade, bâche, cover, translucide, translucent, Londres, London, Angleterre, England, Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, UK, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, GB, plastique, plastic, Camden
photograph “III.2021” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Fleurance, usine, factory, mur, wall, ciment, cement, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, métal, metal, portail, gate, toit, roof, fenêtres, windows, grillage, fence, fencing, tag, graffiti, Du chaos naissent les étoiles, Stars are born from chaos, barré, strikethrough, rouille, rust, rusty, angle, coin, gouttière, drainpipe, ombre, shadow, gris, grey, gray
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 7” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Tinajo, Timanfaya, parc national, national park, lave, lava, volcans, volcanoes, rocher, rock, route, road, trou, hole, cratère, crater, virage, bend, rugueux, rough
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 7
photograph “X.2023 — Faces of home, 194” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, maison, house, mur, wall, ciment, cement, porte, door, fenêtres, windows, balcon, balcony, ombres, shadows, pénombre, darkness, câbles, cables, fils, wires, pierre, stone, ville, city, bourgade, town, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, domicile, home
X.2023 — Faces of home, 194
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, Londres, London, City, Cité, rue, street, mur, wall, béton, concrete, noir, black, lampadaire, lamp, métal, metal, panneaux, signs, routiers, roadsigns, Bus lanes, Voies de bus, 20, fenêtres, windows, angle, paroi, passant, passer-by, piéton, pedestrian, homme, man, jeune, young, sac, bag, sac à dos, backpack, lunettes, glasses, caméra, vidéo, video, camera, lignes, lines
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Austevoll, Strøno, Nordstrøno, Huftarøy, île, island, mer, sea, Nord, North, paysage, marin, landscape, seascape, eau, water, nuages, clouds, printemps, spring, springtime, soir, evening, soleil, sun
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 191. Nordstrøno
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestland, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bakka, Bakkesund, Kobbavågen, Spissøya, île, island, eau, water, rochers, rocks, rivage, seashore, cailloux, pebbles, nature
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 265
photograph “VI.2008” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, bâtiment, building, béton, concrete, toit, roof, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, métal, metal, gouttière, gutter, parpaings, breeze-blocks, pierre, stone, tuyau, pipe, laid, ugly, laideur, ugliness
photograph “X.2023 — Faces of home, 189” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Encamp, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, façade, facade, balcons, balconies, fenêtres, windows, lampe, lamp, rue, street, toit, roof, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, pierre, stone, ombres, shadows, câble, cable, fil, wire, montagne, mountain, domicile, home
X.2023 — Faces of home, 189
photograph “X.2022 — Political rot” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, Purpan, mur, wall, béton, concrete, haie, hedge, affiches, posters, politique, politics, extrémiste, extremist, gauche, left, meeting, Philippe Poutou, archaïsme, archaism, collaborateurs, collaborators
X.2022 — Political rot
photograph “VIII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, soir, evening, nuit, night, rue, street, maison, house, pierre, stone, enduit, roughcast, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, sens interdit, one way, marches, steps, escalier, stairs, porte, door, verre, glass, vitre, barrière, guardrail, métal, metal, poubelle, bin, trash, affiche, poster, bill, Sant Roc, volets, shutters, bois, wood, lumière, light
VIII.2023 — At night
photograph “VIII.2015 — Obsolete young star” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, Londres, London, City, Cité, rue, street, mur, wall, inscription, sign, Post no bills, Affichage interdit, trottoir, pavement, feuillage, foliage, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, hommes, men, photographe, photographer, appareil photo, camera, modèle, model, jeune, young, vanité, vanity
VIII.2015 — Obsolete young star
photograph “V.2016 — Faces of home, 116” par David Farreny — — France, maison, house, cour, yard, courtyard, intérieure, inner, barrière, garde-fou, guardrail, carrelage, tiling, métal, metal, volets, shutters, fenêtres, windows, ciment, cement, pierre, stone, mur, wall, paroi, domicile, home, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch
V.2016 — Faces of home, 116
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, glace, ice, eau, water, trou, hole, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, branches, poteau, post, pole, ombre, shadow, lampadaire, lamp, froid, cold, rochers, rocks
photograph “X.2019 — Facilities” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, paysage, landscape, collines, hills, brume, fog, matin, morning, arbres, trees, montagnes, mountains, horizon, carte postale, postcard
X.2019 — Facilities
photograph “VII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, nuit, night, soir, evening, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, rue, street, trottoir, pavement, poteau, post, pole, métal, metal, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, local à poubelles, garbage room, lumière, light
VII.2023 — At night
photograph “XII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, hiver, winter, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, soleil, sun, haie, hedge, herbe, grass, roues, wheels, métal, metal, noir, black, sombre, dark, campagne, countryside, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
photograph “VII.2012 — Solicitations” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, parc Frogner, Frogner park, Frognerparken, Gustav Vigeland, sculpture, art, bas-relief, low relief, XXe siècle, 20th century, bronze, femme, woman, hommes, men, nus, nudes, naked, amour, love, baise, fuck, concurrence, competition
VII.2012 — Solicitations
photograph “VII.2023 — Immediate past” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, soir, evening, nuit, night, sombre, dark, pénombre, darkness, noir, black, route, road, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, lampadaire, lamp, camion, truck, lorry, branchages, branches, portique, signalisation, sign, holder, gantry, heure, hour, time, date, jour, day, température, temperature, 22:13, 09/07/23, +21 °C, temps, passé, past, néant, nothingness, dépression, depression
VII.2023 — Immediate past
photograph “XII.2012 — Remembrance of the jail” par David Farreny — — France, pièce, room, sombre, dark, fenêtre, window, lumière, light, verre, glass, coin, corner, angle, éclairage, lampe, lamp, néon, neon, lighting, plafond, ceiling, obscurité, darkness, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez, bureau, emploi
XII.2012 — Remembrance of the jail
photograph “V.2023 — Park” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, béton, concrete, pierre, stone, murs, walls, parking, car park, scooter, véhicule, deux-roues, two-wheeled, barrières, guardrails, métal, metal, panneau, sign, lampadaire, lamp, fenêtres, windows, gouttière, drainpipe, garage, portail, gate, gris, grey, gray
V.2023 — Park
photograph “VIII.2015 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, nuit, night, rue, street, poteau, post, pole, ciment, cement, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, virage, bend, trottoir, pavement, métal, metal, noir, blank, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark
VIII.2015 — At night
photograph “VIII.2023 — Faces of home, 186” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Andorre-la-Vieille, Andorra la Vella, capitale, capital, ville, city, bâtiment, building, immeuble, béton, concrete, laid, ugly, laideur, ugliness, fenêtres, windows, balcon, balcony, lampadaire, lampes, lamps, métal, metal, poteau, post, pole, câble, cable, fil, wire, ombres, shadows, mur, wall, gouttière, drainpipe, domicile, home
VIII.2023 — Faces of home, 186
photograph “VIII.2023 — Yourself” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Escaldes-Engordany, ville, city, bâtiment, immeuble, building, Caldea, spa, thermes, thermal baths, béton, concrete, verre, vitre, glass, slogan, Espectacular !, Spectaculaire !, Spectacular !, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, insulte, insult, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, poteau, post, pole, trottoir, pavement, ombre, shadow
VIII.2023 — Yourself
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Royaume-Uni, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Brixton, salle, concert, hall, venue, spectacle, show, Electric Brixton, Bootylicious, façade, facade, enseigne, sign, bus, poteau, post, pole, URL, adresse Internet, Internet address, métal, metal, verre, glass, vitre, window, projecteur, floodlight, reflet, reflection, béton, concrete
photograph “V.2011” par David Farreny — — France, chantier, building site, construction, travaux, works, béton, concrete, métal, metal, étais, étançons, stays, props, struts, stanchions, tuyaux, gaines, pipes, plastique, plastic, pilier, pillar, poignées, handles, profusion, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Bourran
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, rambarde, guardrail, ombre, shadow, trous, holes, branches
photograph “I.2010 — Northwest passage, 8. Nantes, icy wind, Sunday” par David Farreny — — France, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, pont, bridge, viaduc, viaduct, Cheviré, béton, concrete, piliers, pillars, lampadaires, tas, terre, earth, heap, hiver, winter, vent, froid, cold, wind, grues, levage, wrecking, cranes, port, harbour, Chantenay, street lamps
I.2010 — Northwest passage, 8. Nantes, icy wind, Sunday
photograph “VII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Encamp, nuit, night, soir, evening, ville, city, bourgade, town, ruelle, alley, rue, street, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, lumière, light, fenêtre, window, câbles, cables, fils, wires, volets, shutters, voiture, car, métal, metal, murs, walls, pierre, stone, gouttières, drainpipes, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
VII.2023 — At night
photograph “VII.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rue, street, ruelle, alley, nuit, night, murs, walls, crépi, roughcast, pierre, stone, lumières, lights, néons, neon, banc, bench, pot, jardinière, planter, panneau, board, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
VII.2023 — At night
photograph “VI.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Catalonia, Lérida, Lleida, Solsonès, Solsona, ville, city, bâtiment, immeuble, building, mur, wall, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, parking, car park, voiture, car, roue, wheel, banc, bench, béton, concrete, métal, metal, muret, low wall, poteau, post, pole, trottoir, pavement, vitrine, window, verre, vitre, glass, reflet, reflection, parpaings, breeze-blocks
photograph “VII.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, chien, dog, black, noir, allongé, lying, caressé, petted, animal, pet, domestique, bras, arm, femme, woman, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, balcon, balcony
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, hiver, winter, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, glace, ice, eau, water, trou, hole, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, branches, poteau, post, pole, ombre, shadow, lampadaire, lamp, rambarde, guardrail, froid, cold
photograph “III.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Segrià, Lleida, Lérida, rue, street, bâtiment, immeuble, building, pierre, stone, ruelle, alley, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, trottoir, pavement, étroit, narrow, ombre, shadow, angles, triangles, fenêtres, windows
photograph “« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Østlandet, Oslo, Musée national d'Art, National Museum of Art, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Eilif Peterssen, paysage, landscape, Autriche, Austria, Innsbruck, montagnes, mountains, neige, snow, femme, woman, pente, slope, côte, coast, dépression, depression, tristesse, sadness, solitude
« Mountains near Innsbruck » (« Landskap ved Innsbruck », 1877), Eilif Peterssen (1852-1928)
photograph “X.2015 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, village, nuit, night, soir, evening, rue, street, maison, house, portail, gate, garage, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, poteau, pole, post, ciment, cement, pierre, stone, ombre, shadow, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, branches, métal, metal, panneau, sign, mur, wall
X.2015 — At night
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Tristaina, Tristagne, cirque, circ, Estany primer, Ordino, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, neige, snow, névés, patches, eau, water, glace, ice, sommets, peaks, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, nuages, clouds, arbres, trees, nature
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, trous, holes, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, nature, froid, cold, ombres, shadows
photograph “III.2023 — Faces of home, 176” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Aragón, Aragon, Saragosse, Zaragoza, Caesaraugusta, Delicias, ville, city, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, béton, concrete, brique, brick, rue, street, fenêtres, windows, gouttières, drainpipes, cheminée, chimney, chantier, works, ruine, ruin, démolition, demolition, bâche, sheet, palissade, palisade, métal, metal, barrières, guardrails, passantes, passers-by, piétonnes, pedestrians, femmes, women, balcon, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, balcony, domicile, home, avenida Goya, 87-89
III.2023 — Faces of home, 176
photograph “VII.2005” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Corrèze, Brive-la-Gaillarde, Brive, gare, station, train, ferroviaire, cuves, tanks, citernes, cisterns, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, cylindres, cylinders, échelle, ladder, marches, steps, rampe, banister, panneaux, boards, liquide inflammable, flammable liquid, gasoil, diesel, fuel, carburant, tuyaux, pipes, robinets, faucets, plante, plant, muret, low wall, ciment, cement, nombres, numbers, volume, litres, liters, vieux, old
photograph “III.2015” par David Farreny — — France, rivière, river, eau, water, rive, shore, bank, arbres, trees, branches, profusion, tronc, trunk, nature, hiver, winter, bois, wood, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps
photograph “III.2012 — The trap” par David Farreny — — France, bison, buffalo, buffle, taureau, bull, statue, sculpture, animal, parking, car park, lampadaires, lamps, banlieue, suburbs, plantes, plants, piège, trap, art, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Onet-le-Château, laideur, laid, ugly, ugliness, commercial area, zone commerciale
III.2012 — The trap
photograph “VI.2018” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Tristaina, Tristagne, cirque, circ, Estany primer, Ordino, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, rochers, rocks, neige, snow, névés, patches, eau, water, sommets, peaks, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, nuages, clouds
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, eau, water, glace, ice, trou, hole, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, rive, shore, rochers, rocks, nature, neige, snow, branches
photograph “V.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, parking, car park, souterrain, underground, béton, concrete, paroi, mur, wall, ouvertures, openings, angles, coins, corners, inscription, caixer, caisse, cash desk, cash register, lumière, light
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lleida, Lérida, Alt Urgell, La Seu d'Urgell, ville, city, rue, street, angle, coin, corner, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, trottoir, pavement, pierre, stone, grille, fencing, métal, metal, rideau, curtain, bloc, block, ombre, shadow, lampadaire, lamp, autoportrait, selfportrait, photographe, photographer, graffiti, tag, CAT
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, froid, cold, hiver, winter, rochers, rocks, trou, hole, nature, ombres, shadows, fissures, cracks
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, froid, cold, trou, hole, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, rive, shore, branches, ombre, shadow, autoportrait, self, portrait, photographe, photographer, rochers, rocks, rambarde, guardrail
photograph “III.2023 — At night” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Aragon, Aragón, Saragosse, Zaragoza, Ribera Alta del Ebro, Pedrola, nuit, night, obscurité, darkness, noir, black, mur, wall, béton, concrete, glissière de sécurité, crash barrier, métal, metal, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, sens interdit, one way, no entry, entrepôt, warehouse, lumières, lights, route, road, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, ombre, shadow
III.2023 — At night
photograph “VII.2020” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, principauté, Poncebos, Cabrales, sentier du Cares, ruta del Cares, senda del Cares, Garganta divina, gorges, montagne, mountain, pics d'Europe, picos de Europa, peaks of Europe, nature, paysage, landscape, vallée, valley, nuages, clouds, rocher, rock, randonnée, trail, hike, hiking, randonneurs, hikers, chemin, path, précipice, gouffre, abyss, carte postale, postcard
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, froid, cold, hiver, winter, trous, holes, rive, shore, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, branches
photograph “IV.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, glissière de sécurité, crash barrier, métal, metal, route, road, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, ombre, shadow, flèche, arrow, bande, stripe, peinture, paint, blanc, white, cailloux, pebbles, arbre, tree, branches, portail, gate, clôture, fence, bord, side, pré, meadow
photograph “VI.2020” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Catalogne, Catalonia, Cataluña, Catalonha, Lleida, Aran, Vielha, Vielha e Mijaran, Viella, ville, city, rue, street, mur, wall, ciment, cement, gris, grey, gray, câble, cable, fil, wire, tuyau, pipe, gouttière, drainpipe, lampadaire, lamp, ombre, shadow, trottoir, pavement, flèche, arrow, triangle, asphalte, asphalt, bitume, blacktop, armoire, box, métal, metal
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, trou, hole, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, parallèles, parallels, nature, froid, cold
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 151” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, Jostedalsbreen, Austerdalsbreen, glacier, glace, ice, montagnes, mountains, pics, peaks, sommets, rocher, roche, rock, paysage, landscape, brume, mist, pluie, rain, mousse, moss
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 151
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, eau, water, glace, ice, rive, shore, formes, shapes, trous, holes, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, froid, cold, rochers, rocks, mur, wall, béton, concrete
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 173” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, mur, wall, béton, concrete, gris, grey, paroi, lampe, lamp, noir, black, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, citerne, cuve, tank, métal, metal, blanc, white, coin, corner, vide, empty, emptiness, parpaings, breeze-blocks
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 173
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 172” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Krokeide, ferry, bateau, boat, bac, Hufthamar, Austevoll, Lysefjord, fjord, mer, sea, eau, water, collines, hills, baie, fenêtre, window, verre, glass, vitre, chaises, chairs, tables, métal, metal, pont, deck, soir, evening, été, summer, vide, empty, emptiness, femme, woman, jeune femme, young woman, plafond, ceiling, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 172
photograph “II.2023 — Ice bird” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, Valira, eau, water, glace, ice, hiver, winter, rocher, rock, herbe, grass, forme, shape, oiseau, bird, froid, cold
II.2023 — Ice bird
photograph “I.2023 — Fire in Cairo” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mur, wall, béton, concrete, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, branches, ombres, shadows, neige, snow, pile, tas, sale, dirty, hiver, winter, ciment, cement, Fire in Cairo, The Cure, Boys don't cry, 1980
I.2023 — Fire in Cairo
photograph “VI.2020” par David Farreny — — France, rue, street, coin, corner, angle, mur, wall, ciment, cement, pierre, stone, béton, concrete, ombre, shadow, artefact, rouge, red, plaque, plate, rue du Puits, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, gris, grey, gray, ville, city, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Vic-Fezensac
photograph “II.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, Valira, glace, ice, eau, water, hiver, winter, froid, cold, trous, holes, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, branches, rive, shore, rochers, rocks, nature, neige, snow
photograph “XII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, toits, roofs, tuiles, tiles, bâche, canvas, cover, sheet, fibres, fibers, ciment, cement, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, plastique, plastic, lumière, light, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch
photograph “I.2023 — Crises” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, glace, ice, hiver, winter, eau, water, arbre, tree, branches, tronc, trunk, lumière, light, rive, shore, rochers, rocks, froid, cold
I.2023 — Crises
photograph “I.2020” par David Farreny — — France, maison, house, hiver, winter, volets, shutters, bois, wood, pierre, stone, ombre, shadow, branches, mur, wall, rue, street, garage, portail, gate, gouttière, drainpipe, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Condom
photograph “II.2023 — Roads” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, montagne, mountain, pente, slope, chemin, path, virages, bends, neige, snow, hiver, winter, raide, steep, route, road, voiture, car, arbres, trees, branches, prairie, meadow, nature
II.2023 — Roads
photograph “II.2023 — Cold suicide” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, Valira, glace, ice, froid, cold, hiver, winter, trou, hole, form, shape, pistolet, gun, revolver, arme, weapon, rochers, rocks, rive, shore, eau, water, neige, snow, suicide
II.2023 — Cold suicide
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, bâtiment, immeuble, building, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, mur, wall, métal, metal, rambarde, guardrail, toit, roof, neige, snow, béton, concrete, branches, câbles, cables, fils, wires, panneau, routier, sign, roadsign
photograph “XII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, maison, house, ferme, farm, campagne, countryside, hiver, winter, après-midi, afternoon, angle, coin, corner, pierre, stone, beige, clôture, fence, brique, brick, parpaings, breeze-blocks, fenêtres, windows, jours, openings, arbres, trees, branches, ombre, shadow, présence, presence, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers
video “II.2023 — Sixty seconds of fleeing ice” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira, d'Orient, eau, water, glace, ice, hiver, winter, rochers, rocks, neige, snow, fonte, melting, film, movie, vidéo, video
II.2023 — Sixty seconds of fleeing ice  🎥
photograph “II.2023 — A fake halo case” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Ordino, chapelle, chapel, religion, ange, angel, statue, aile, wing, fenêtres, windows, porte, door, muret, low wall, arbre, tree, branches, art, pierre, stone
II.2023 — A fake halo case
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, village, rue, street, ruelle, alley, pierre, stone, médiéval, medieval, angle, coin, corner, porte, door, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, lumière, light, brique, brick, numéro, number, 23, plaque, plate, passage
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira d'Orient, Valira, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, neige, snow, froid, cold, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, rive, shore, prison, jail, cellule, cell
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lleida, Lérida, Alt Urgell, La Seu d'Urgell, ville, city, rue, street, angle, coin, corner, bâtiment, immeuble, building, béton, concrete, trottoir, pavement, pierre, stone, grille, fencing, métal, metal, rideau, curtain, bloc, block, arbre, tree, ombre, shadow, autoportrait, selfportrait, photographe, photographer
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, rivière, river, Valira, Valira d'Orient, hiver, winter, glace, ice, eau, water, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, branches, rocher, rock, profusion
photograph “XI.2017 — Headache” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Valence-sur-Baïse, mur, wall, pierre, stone, arbre, tree, branches, poteau, post, pole, bois, wood, béton, concrete, ombre, shadow, profusion
XI.2017 — Headache
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mur, wall, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, béton, concrete, arbres, trees, ombres, shadows, branches, toit, roof, fenêtres, windows, comblées, filled, bâtiment, building, carrés, squares, rectangles, gris, grey, gray
photograph “XII.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, pays Basque, Biarritz, océan, Atlantique, golfe de Gascogne, ocean, Atlantic, mer, sea, eau, water, bay of Biscay, Basque country, soir, evening, nuit, night, tempête, tempest, rocher, rock, horizon, paysage, marin, landscape, seascape, écume, foam, femme, woman, silhouette, profil, profile, nuages, clouds, hiver, winter, É*
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 260” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, pêcheurs, fishers, fjord, eau, water, montagne, mountain, nuages, clouds, hommes, men, rive, shore, rivage, seashore, neige, snow, nature, paysage, landscape
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 260
photograph “V.2020 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, nuit, night, village, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, anthropomorphe, anthropomorphic, bras levés, raised arms, garage, portail, gate, métal, metal, ombres, shadows, feuillage, foliage, noir, black, parpaings, breeze-blocks, porte, door, poignée, handle, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
V.2020 — At night
photograph “XII.2016 — Remembrance of the jail” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch, porte, door, mur, wall, ombre, shadow, bureau, office, salariat, wage, ennui, boredom, absurdité, absurdity
XII.2016 — Remembrance of the jail
© David Farreny, 2004-2024   ✉️🅵

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