Photographs David Farreny
Photographs David Farreny

Photography is a minor art; that is why I practice it.


Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression



Disposable postcards
48 / 66

Art (found works)

photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, vallée, valley, montagne, mountain, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, roc del Quer, statue, sculpture, homme, man, observateur, observer, ville, city, bourgade, town, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, route, road, hiver, winter, roads, routes, neige, snow, forêt, forests, pics, peaks
photograph “I.2021 — Winter morning” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Ordan-Larroque, paysage, landscape, collines, hills, montagnes, mountains, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, chaîne, chain, hiver, winter, neige, snow, herbe, grass, château, castle, Meilhan, XIIIe siècle, 13th century, maisons, houses, carte postale, postcard
I.2021 — Winter morning
photograph “XI.2004” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Balsac, cheval, horse, brun, brown, crinière, mane, noire, black, œil, eye, bouche, mouth, naseau, nose, nostril, campagne, countryside, profil, profile
photograph “XI.2018 — Where you are not” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Lavardens, paysage, landscape, automne, autumn, fall, village, château, castle, église, church, clocher, bell tower, étang, pond, eau, water, arbres, trees, champ, field, haie, hedge, herbe, grass, horizon, collines, hills, soleil, sun, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, reflets, reflections, carte postale, postcard
XI.2018 — Where you are not
photograph “XI.2023 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, soir, evening, automne, autumn, fall, paroi, wall, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds
XI.2023 — Whatever
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 80” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, Yaiza, Papagayo, île, island, plage, beach, mer, sea, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, rivage, seashore, eau, water, rochers, rocks, promeneurs, walkers, baie, bay, cailloux, stones, sable, sand, ville, city, Playa Blanca, montagne, mountain, horizon
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 80
photograph “XI.2006 — In the morning” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Fourcès, église, church, Saint-Laurent, Moyen Âge, Middle Ages, pont, bridge, XVe siècle, 15th century, pierre, stone, arbres, trees, fleurs, flowers, roses, matin, morning, croix, cross, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, rivière, Auzoue, eau, water, reflet, reflection, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage
XI.2006 — In the morning
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 267. Et visst syn” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Fredvang, Torsfjorden, mer, sea, eau, water, horizon, montagne, mountain, rocher, rock, nuages, clouds, rivage, seashore, cabane, hytte, hut, bois, wood, rouge, red, bleu, blue, chaînes, chains, panorama, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, îlots, islets, île, island, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 267. Et visst syn
photograph “IX.2018 — Where you are not” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, village, soir, evening, paysage, landscape, campagne, countryside, ciel, sky, lune, moon, nuages, clouds, arbres, trees, clocher, église, church, bell tower, cèdres, cedars, chemin, path, champs, fields, horizon, lumière, light, carte postale, postcard
IX.2018 — Where you are not
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — France, ânes, asses, donkeys, pré, meadow, campagne, countryside, arbres, trees, couvert, shelter, feuillage, foliage, clôture, fence, piquet, post, stake, herbe, grass, ânon, foal, nature, animal, animaux, animals, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Jegun
photograph “I.2023 — Feral” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Espanya, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lleida, Lérida, Alt Urgell, Valls de Valira, Arcavell, village, chat, chatte, femelle, female, cat, jeune, young, féral, férale, feral, animal, bête, fourrure, fur, oreilles, ears, yeux, eyes, sol, soil, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, panneau, board, bois, wood, ombre, shadow, carte postale, postcard
I.2023 — Feral
photograph “III.2016” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Castéra-Verduzan, Vieux-Castéra, Castéra, champ, field, printemps, spring, springtime, chevaux, horses, animaux, animals, pré, meadow, herbe, grass, clôture, fence, bandes, strips, arbuste, shrub, branches, branchages, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, nature, paysage, landscape
photograph “XI.2004 — Eaten” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Balsac, animal, cheval, horse, brun, brown, roux, reddish, blond, blonde, tête, head, œil, eye, nez, nose, bouche, mouth, crinière, mane
XI.2004 — Eaten
photograph “X.2019 — Facilities” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, paysage, landscape, collines, hills, brume, fog, matin, morning, arbres, trees, montagnes, mountains, horizon, carte postale, postcard
X.2019 — Facilities
photograph “XI.2021” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Encamp, Port d'Envalira, Pas de la Case, col, pass, montagnes, mountains, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, paysage, landscape, automne, autumn, fall, neige, snow, froid, cold, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky
photograph “VIII.2023 — Last memory before electrocution” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Pyrénées-Orientales, Porta, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, été, summer, lac, lake, estany de Font negra, lac de la Source noire, estany de les Abelletes, lac des Abeilles, eau, water, femme, woman, randonneuse, hiker, promeneuse, walker, allongée, lying down, sieste, nap, sommeil, sleep, chapeau, hat, rochers, rocks, nuage, cloud, ciel, sky, carte postale, postcard, É*
VIII.2023 — Last memory before electrocution
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 110” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Vestvågøy, Unstad, Unstadvika, maison, house, bois, wood, planches, planks, rouge, red, Falun, Falu, peinture, paint, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, bleu, blue, verre, vitre, glass, lampes, lamps, bougies, chandelles, candles, broc, pitcher, rideau, curtain, vache, cow, poteau, post, pole, fil de fer, barbelé, barbed, wire, carte postale, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 110
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 182” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Västra Götaland, Munkedal, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, prairie, meadow, champ, field, pré, feuillage, foliage, femme, woman, promeneuse, walker, marcheuse, stroller, randonneuse, hiker, photographe, photographer, été, summer, nature, carte postale, postcard, Torreby, chapeau, hat, paille, straw, Ensemble, É*
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 182
photograph “V.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, neige, snow, arbres, trees, ombre, shadow, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark
photograph “X.2020 — Tired framing” par David Farreny — — France, cadre, frame, cadrage, framing, paysage, landscape, nature, colline, hill, campagne, countryside, balai, broom, arbres, trees, bois, wood, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Lectoure
X.2020 — Tired framing
photograph “X.2019 — Fine stagione” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Florence, Firenze, Certaldo, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, cyprès, cypress, cypresses, collines, hills, maison, house, herbe, grass, automne, autumn, fall, carte postale, postcard, parco collinare, parc collinaire, Canonica
X.2019 — Fine stagione
photograph “VII.2020” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, principauté, Poncebos, Cabrales, sentier du Cares, ruta del Cares, senda del Cares, Garganta divina, gorges, montagne, mountain, pics d'Europe, picos de Europa, peaks of Europe, nature, paysage, landscape, vallée, valley, nuages, clouds, rocher, rock, randonnée, trail, hike, hiking, randonneurs, hikers, chemin, path, précipice, gouffre, abyss, carte postale, postcard
photograph “XI.2018” par David Farreny — — France, paysage, landscape, campagne, countryside, arbres, trees, collines, hills, champ, field, nuages, clouds, automne, autumn, fall, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 22. Space (I believe in)” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Skjelingen, montagne, mountain, lac, lake, rocher, roc, rock, eau, water, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, espace, space, paysage, landscape
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 22. Space (I believe in)
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 263” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Flakstad, Vikten, Viktenveien, montagne, mountain, nature, paysage, landscape, village, hameau, hamlet, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, rochers, rocks, mer, sea, eau, water, carte postale, postcard, maisons, houses
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 263
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 61” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Canaries, Canarias, Canary, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, Teguise, Costa Teguise, montagnes, mountains, volcans, volcanoes, landscape, paysage, nature, nuages, clouds, rouge, red
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 61
photograph “I.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, matin, morning, aube, dawn, arbres, trees, pylône, pylon, nuages, clouds, rose, pink, bleu, blue, nature, carte postale, postcard
photograph “XII.2022 — Perdut” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Catalogne, Catalunya, Cataluña, Catalonia, Catalonha, Lleida, Lérida, Alt Urgell, Les Valls d'Aguilar, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, paysage, landscape, perdu, lost, plateau, montagnes, mountains, nature, arbustes, shrubs, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, hiver, winter, Tahús, La Guàrdia d'Ares
XII.2022 — Perdut
photograph “IX.2019” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, La Massana, montagnes, mountains, Pyrénées, paysage, landscape, nature, arbres, trees, frontière, border, Espagne
photograph “VIII.2010” par David Farreny — — France, Auvergne, Massif central, Cantal, montagne, mountain, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, nuages, clouds, mur, wall, muret, low wall, chemin, path, vert, green, pierre, stone, bois, woods
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 256” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Vesterålen, Gimstad, mer, sea, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, plage, beach, rivage, seashore, sable, sand, rochers, rocks, montagne, mountain, île, island, horizon, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 256
photograph “X.2019 — Pure morning” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, paysage, landscape, collines, hills, brume, fog, matin, morning, arbres, trees, cyprès, cypresses, montagnes, mountains, horizon, tour, tower, pierre, stone, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, carte postale, postcard
X.2019 — Pure morning
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 134” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nordland, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Salten, Hamarøy, Tranøy, Tranøya, port, harbour, harbor, jetée, pier, bois, wood, bâtiment, building, entrepôt, warehouse, bateau, boat, montagne, mountain, Tilthornet, paysage, landscape, nuages, clouds, carte postale, eau, water, mer, sea, bouée, buoy, jaune, yellow, rambarde, guardrail, planches, planks, vue, view, abandonné, abandoned, câbles, cables, fils, wires, postcard
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 134
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 255” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Bø, Vesterålen, Fortidsminne, paysage, landscape, rivage, shore, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, montagne, mountain, île, island, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, herbe, grass, nuages, clouds, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 255
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 159. Grand paysage suédois” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Bohuslän, Västra Götaland, Sotenäs, Hunnebostrand, Ramsvik, île, island, archipel, achipelago, paysage, carte postale, postcard, nature, mer, sea, eau, water, rochers, rocks, oiseaux, birds, mouettes, seagulls, gulls, maison, house, toit, roof, herbe, grass, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 159. Grand paysage suédois
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 153” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bømlo, Urangsvåg, Goddo, île, island, paysage, landscape, splendide, splendid, nature, mer, sea, eau, water, rocher, rock, rochers, rocks, îlots, islets, maisons, houses, panorama, carte postale, postcard, Ulversøy
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 153
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Pienza, champ, field, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, été, summer
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Montepulciano, convento, San Francesco, couvent, Saint-François, vue, view, paysage, landscape, brique, brick, pierre, stone, terrasse, terrace, campagne, countryside, maisons, houses, porte, door, bois, wood, statue
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 250” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Vesterålen, Øksnes, Stø, mer, sea, océan, ocean, rivage, seashore, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, îlots, islets, eau, water, nuages, clouds, herbe, grass, horizon, nature, carte postale, postcard
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 250
photograph “X.2019 — Stop coming to my house (2)” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Florence, Firenze, Certaldo, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, cyprès, cypress, cypresses, collines, hills, maison, house, herbe, grass, automne, autumn, fall, carte postale, postcard, Mogwai, parco collinare, parc collinaire, Canonica
X.2019 — Stop coming to my house (2)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 143” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelle, Oppstrynsvatnet, Strynsvatnet, lac, lake, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, eau, water, bateaux, boats, barques, small boats, maison, house, bois, wood, planches, planks, fenêtres, windows, blanc, white, rive, shore, arbres, trees, paysage, landscape, bouée, buoy, carte postale, postcard
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 143
photograph “VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 224” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Lofoten, Flakstad, Nesland, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, montagnes, mountains, mer, sea, eau, water, chemin, path, nuages, clouds, soir, evening, été, summer, rochers, rocks, maisons, houses, bois, wood, bateau, boat
VII.2014 — Run away to the North, 224
photograph “VIII.2019” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Södermanland, Uppland, Stockholm, Djurgården, musée, museum, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, tableau, painting, Prins Eugens, Det gamla slottet, Le vieux château, 1893, art, peinture, XIXe siècle, 19th century, mur, wall, bouquet, cadre, frame
photograph “X.2019 — Autunno in Toscana” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, terrasse, terrace, panorama, collines, hills, arbres, trees, cyprès, cypress, nuages, clouds, lumière, light, muret, low wall, coin, corner, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, paysage, landscape, carte postale, postcard
X.2019 — Autunno in Toscana
photograph “Bourines castle” par David Farreny — — France, château, castle, medieval, médiéval, Aveyron, Bourines, Midi-Pyrénées, Bertholène, Anglars, écrivain, writer, littérature, literature, pierre, stone, tours, towers
Bourines castle
photograph “VII.2021” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Cerdagne, Cerdaña, Cerdanya, Cadi-Moixeró, Castellar de n'Hug, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, nature, paysage, landscape, arbres, trees, pin, pine, sapins, nuages, clouds, herbe, grass, carte postale, postcard
photograph “XII.2020 — Masked in front of infinity” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hendaye, Pays basque, Basque country, océan, Atlantique, Atlantic, ocean, mer, sea, eau, water, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, vagues, waves, ciel, sky, soir, evening, hiver, winter, bleu, blue, rose, pink, pêcheur, fisher, fisherman, cannes à pêche, fishing rods, sable, sand, plage, beach, masque, mask, fucking COVID, homme, man, horizon, ligne, line, nuages, clouds, carte postale, postcard
XII.2020 — Masked in front of infinity
photograph “XII.2020” par David Farreny — — France, Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Espelette, Ainhoa, montagnes, mountains, paysage, landscape, Pays basque, maison, house, moutons, sheep, arbres, trees, carte postale, postcard
© David Farreny, 2004-2024   ✉️🅵

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