Photographs ◉ David Farreny
2171 / 2285

Difficult beauty

Uncertain scales

Faces of home

Fake black & white

A wall interposed

Run away to the North

At night

Stupid orthogonality

Visions from depression



Disposable postcards

Art (found works)

photograph “VII.2007” par David Farreny — — France, montagne, mountain, route, road, nuages, clouds, paysage, landscape, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, cailloux, stones, arbres, trees, bois, wood, virage, bend, lacet, twist, sharp bend, chemin, path, sommet, top, bâtiment, building
photograph “IX.2024 — Temple” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Rieumes, église, church, temple, clocher, bell tower, rue, street, maisons, houses, magasin, shop, store, enseigne, sign, chocolatier, métal, metal, lampes, lamps, arbre, tree, voitures, cars, colombages, half-timbering, bois, wood, fenêtres, windows, porte, door, soir, evening, vitrail, stained glass, tuiles, tiles
IX.2024 — Temple
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Émilie-Romagne, Emilia-Romagna, Bologne, Bologna, ville, city, murs, walls, magasin, shop, boutique, vitrine, window, mannequin, dummy, femme, woman, vêtements, clothes, mode, fashion, Patrizia, Firenze, tuyau, pipe, métal, metal, paint, peinture
photograph “II.2022 — Run away to the North, 280” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capitale, capital, pont, bridge, route, road, béton, concrete, murets, low walls, bâtiments, buildings, grues, cranes, chantier, works, construction, nuages, clouds, hiver, winter, métal, metal, homme, man, cycliste, cyclist, clocher, bell tower, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, palissade, palisade, fence, bleu, blue, lampadaire, lamp, fenêtres, windows, panneaux, signs, routiers, roadsigns, flèches, arrows, buss
II.2022 — Run away to the North, 280
photograph “VIII.2009” par David Farreny — — crâne, skull, mort, death, dead, terre, earth, soil, tête, head, France, Aquitaine, Charente, Angoulême, musée des Beaux-Arts
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 279. The lookout” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bømlo, Urangsvåg, Goddo, île, island, rocher, rock, ciel, sky, gris, grey, gray, falaise, cliff, station radar, radôme, radar, radome, antenne, antenna, sphère, blanche, white, mur, paroi, wall
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 279. The lookout
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Florence, Firenze, Vinci, village, rue, street, mur, wall, ciment, cement, porte, door, rideau, curtain, toile, jute, hessian, câbles, cables, électriques, electricity, fils, wires, angle, coin, corner, fenêtre, window, grille, railings, reflet, reflection, vitre, verre, glass, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, jardinière, box, plantes, plants
photograph “I.2024 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Septfonds, bâtiment, building, portail, gate, porte, door, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, bois, wood, grillage, fencing, clôture, fence, pierre, stone, brique, brick, serre, greenhouse, verre, vitre, glass, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, métal, metal, câble, cable, fil, wire, arbres, trees, hiver, winter
I.2024 — Whatever
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, cimetière, cemetery, murs, walls, pierre, stone, brique, brick, tuyau, pipe, métal, metal, rampe, ramp
photograph “III.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Pyrénées, Pyrenees, montagnes, mountains, paysage, landscape, forêt, forest, arbres, trees, neige, snow, hiver, winter, chaîne, chain, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray, noir, black
photograph “V.2015 — An arrival of crab” par David Farreny — — France, couloir, corridor, passage, hôpital, hospital, abandonné, abandoned, fresque, fresco, dessin, drawing, monstre, monster, porte, door, mur, wall, créature, creature, fantastique, fantasy, fantastic, dents, teeth, yeux, eyes, pattes, legs, rose, pink, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Combarel
V.2015 — An arrival of crab
photograph “IX.2024 — Faces of home, 229” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Montauban, maison, house, porte, door, fenêtres, windows, portail, gate, garage, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, triangle, stop 30 m, grille, railings, métal, metal, volets, shutters, bois, wood, poignée, handle, ombre, shadow
IX.2024 — Faces of home, 229
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 114” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, maison, house, bois, wood, rouge, red, Falun, roue, wheel, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, bâche, cover, tarpaulin, plastique, plastic, tarp, citernes, cuves, cisterns, tanks, poubelle, bin, trash, garbage, can, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, sommet, summit, top, corde, rope, porte, door, Arctique, Arctic
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 114
photograph “II.2018 — Faces of home, 228” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, construction, cabane, cabana, maison, house, rochers, rocks, volcan, volcano, lave, lava, mur, wall, coin, angle, corner, chemin, path, noir, black, inscription, privado, privé, private, fenêtre, window, peinture, paint
II.2018 — Faces of home, 228
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Émilie-Romagne, Emilia-Romagna, Bologne, Bologna, ville, city, murs, walls, scooter, rétroviseurs, miroirs, mirrors, side-view, poubelle, bin, trash, can, verre, vitre, glass, plastique, plastic, graffiti, coins, corners, angles, femme, woman, passante, passer-by, reflets, reflections
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 278” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Vestland, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Høyanger, Lavik, Sognefjord, fjord, ferry, bateau, boat, métal, metal, voiture, car, toit, roof, néon, neon, lumière, lightning, haut-parleurs, loudspeakers, jaune, yellow, light, panneaux, signs, interdiction de fumer, no smoking, Les tickets sont vendus dans le salon, Billetter selges i salongen, Tickets are being sold in the lounge, Billetten werden in der Salon verkauft, reflet, reflection, nuages, clouds, gris, grey, gray, eau, water, montagne, mountain
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 278
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 156” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Stryn, Hjelledalen, Gamle Strynefjellsveg, neige, snow, rocher, rock, blanc, white, noir, black, nature, touch, contact
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 156
photograph “VII.2019 — Run away to the North, 277” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capitale, capital, Gamla Stan, Stora Nygatan, rue, street, panneau, sign, plaque, plate, interdiction, forbidding, fenêtres, windows, angle, coin, corner, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, auvent, awning, perspective, store, lapin, rabbit
VII.2019 — Run away to the North, 277
photograph “VII.2019” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Villanueva, plage, beach, playa del Canal, été, summer, roche, roc, rock, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, sable, sand, entaille, groove, gash, couloir, corridor, passage, mer, sea, eau, water, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, golfe de Gascogne, bay of Biscay, couple, homme, man, femme, woman, chien, dog, animal, baigneurs, bathers, swimmers, vacances, holidays, horizon, Llanes
photograph “XII.2019 — The bottom of the year” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Asturies, Asturias, Villanueva, plage, beach, playa del Canal, hiver, winter, roche, roc, rock, rochers, rocks, pierre, stone, sable, sand, entaille, groove, gash, couloir, corridor, passage, mer, sea, eau, water, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, golfe de Gascogne, bay of Biscay, Llanes, sombre, dark, vague, wave, désert, vide, empty, desert
XII.2019 — The bottom of the year
photograph “VIII.2022 — Centrale termica” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Arezzo, Montevarchi, bâtiment, immeuble, building, ciment, cement, entrée, entrance, grille, railing, métal, metal, gouttière, drainpipe, porte, door, panneau, sign, centrale termica, centrale thermique, thermal power station
VIII.2022 — Centrale termica
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, rue, street, plaque, plate, via del Forno, maisons, houses, brique, brick, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, lampe, lamp, toits, roofs, tuiles, tiles, angles, coins, corners, cheminée, chimney, câbles, cables, fils, wires, gouttières, gutters, plantes, plants, antennes, antennas, ciel, sky
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 276. I used to travel” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, Jostedalsbreen, Austerdalsbreen, glacier, glace, ice, rocher, roche, rock, eau, water, sable, sand
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 276. I used to travel
photograph “I.2017 — Parklife” par David Farreny — — France, parking, car park, voitures, cars, ville, city, immeubles, buildings, bâtiments, fenêtres, windows, lierre, ivy, béton, concrete, ciment, cement, place, emplacement, renfoncement, recoin, recess, nook, murs, walls, gouttière, drainpipe, trou, hole, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch
I.2017 — Parklife
photograph “I.2020” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Larroque-Saint-Sernin, hiver, winter, champ, field, sillons, furrows, traces, poteau, pole, électrique, electric, electricity, électricité, colline, hill, vallon, valley, arbres, trees, nuages, clouds, câbles, cables, fils, wires, campagne, countryside, dépression, depression
photograph “« Portrait of Anne Catherine Le Preudhomme, Countess of Verdun » (1782), Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842)” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, Museu nacional de arte antiga, Musée national des arts antiques, National museum of ancient art, XVIIIe siècle, 18th century, peinture, tableau, painting, portrait, Anne Catherine Le Preudhomme, comtesse, countess, Verdun, femme, woman, aristocrate, aristocrat, noble, noblewoman, chapeau, hat, paille, straw, fleurs, flowers, yeux, bleus, blue, eyes
« Portrait of Anne Catherine Le Preudhomme, Countess of Verdun » (1782), Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842)
photograph “VIII.2013” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Vénétie, Veneto, Venise, Venice, Venezia, Venexia, 3159, entrée, entry, entrance, magasin, shop, brique, brick, porte, door, grille, gate, shutter, métal, metal, chat, cat, affiche, poster, Gourmet, gouttière, drainpipe, autocollants, stickers, plaque, plate, numéro, number, barreaux, bars, poignée, handle, fermé, closed, Italia
photograph “II.2018 — Lancerotte, 82” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcan, volcano, montagne, mountain, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, noir, black, route, road, rochers, rocks, lave, lava, nuages, clouds, virage, turn, panneaux, signs, métal, metal, flèches, arrows, droite, right
II.2018 — Lancerotte, 82
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 155. A shallow creek” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège de l'Ouest, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogn, Luster, Veitastrond, ruisseau, creek, eau, water, planche, plank, pont, bridge, passerelle, footbridge, courant, stream, glacier, arbustes, shrubs, arbres, trees, bois, wood, herbe, grass, marche, walk, nature, feuilles, leaves, rochers, rocks, Mallarmé
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 155. A shallow creek
photograph “IX.2024 — Faces of home, 227” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Montauban, ville, city, rue, street, maisons, houses, enseigne, sign, vieille, vieux, old, magasin, shop, store, commerce, fermé, closed down, boulangerie, pâtisserie, bakery, pastry, porte, door, bois, wood, fenêtres, windows, toits, roofs, tuiles, tiles, câbles, cables, fils, wires, portail, gate, métal, metal, garages, nuages, clouds, passage, allée, alley, trottoir, pavement, boîte à lettres, mailbox, cheminées, chimneys, antenne, antenna, numéro, number, 5, domicile, home
IX.2024 — Faces of home, 227
photograph “X.2019 — Fine stagione” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pise, Pisa, San Miniato, Saint-Miniatus, café, bar, terrasse, terrace, fenêtre, window, baie, bay, Plexiglas, plastique, plastic, banc, bench, Trieste, ombres, shadows, traces, marks, mur, wall, bois, wood, ciment, cement, brique, brick, matin, morning, fin de saison, late season, fine stagione, espresso
X.2019 — Fine stagione
photograph “X.2010” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Battersea, Wandsworth, power station, Battersea power station, cheminées, chimneys, brique, brick, train, voie ferrée, railway, lampadaires, lamps, street lamps, pont, bridge, usine, factory, industrie, industry, ville, city, capitale, capital, échafaudages, scaffolding, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscana, Toscane, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Montepulciano, magasin, shop, boutique, vêtements, dresses, robes, clothes, panneau, sign, -50%, lampe, lamp, panneaux, roadsigns, routiers, flèches, arrows, fenêtres, windows, grille, railings, métal, metal, rue, street, ruelle, alley, pierre, stone, volets, shutters, bois, wood, portes, doors, bâtiments, buildings, angle, coin, corner, plantes, plants, verre, vitre, glass, reflet, reflection, brique, wall, PAX 23-6-1944, Vierge, Marie, Virgin, Mary, Jésus, Jesus, Christ, fleurs, flowers
photograph “II.2022 — Run away to the North, 275” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capitale, capital, pont, bridge, poteaux, posts, poles, métal, metal, lampe, lamp, lampadaires, lamps, arbre, tree, rambarde, guardrail, branches, hiver, winter, soleil, sun, nuages, clouds, cycliste, cyclist, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, voitures, cars, béton, concrete, clocher, bell tower
II.2022 — Run away to the North, 275
photograph “X.2010 — Faces of home, 21” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Greenwich, maisons, houses, brique, brick, antenne, aerial, antenna, bois, wood, ville, city, fenêtres, windows, voitures, cars, noires, black, métal, metal, poteau, post, lampadaire, réverbère, lamp, street lamp, rue, street, ombre, shadow, domicile, home, mur, wall, muret, low wall, trottoir, pavement, métropole, metropolis, portail, porte, gate, treillis, trellis, grille, bars
X.2010 — Faces of home, 21
photograph “VII.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Biran, tour, tower, tour de guet, watchtower, Moyen Âge, Middle Ages, médiéval, medieval, pierre, stone, soir, evening, nuit, night, branches, branchages, mur, wall, paroi, lumière, light, grillage, fencing, clôture, fence, tuiles, tiles, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves
photograph “II.2020” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, ville, city, capitale, capital, rue, street, mur, wall, arbre, tree, ombre, shadow, branches, cyprès, cypress, poteaux, posts, poles, métal, metal, câbles, cables, fils, wires, poubelles, bins, trash, cans, trottoir, pavement, pierre, stone, graffiti, Varandasout, panneau, routier, sign, roadsign, passante, passer-by, piétonne, pedestrian, femme, woman, jeune, young, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt
photograph “VII.2019 — Windows” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capital, capitale, bateau, boat, bois, wood, nom, name, fenêtres, windows, Vista, verre, vitre, glass, reflet, reflection, porte, door, poignée, handle, knob, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, homme, man, femme, woman, photographe, photographer, voitures, cars, port, harbour, harbor, vue, view
VII.2019 — Windows
photograph “VIII.2011” par David Farreny — — France, poteau, électrique, electricity, pole, pylône, pylon, herbe, grass, terre, sol, rouge, red, earth, soil, tas, heap, pile, ciment, cement, métal, metal, arbustes, shrubs, buissons, bushes, colline, hill, vide, empty, emptiness, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, Rouergue, Aveyron, Camarès, rougier, Occitanie
photograph “X.2019 — Faces of home, 226” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, village, rue, street, pierre, stone, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, porte, door, ampoule, bulb, lumière, light, portail, gate, métal, metal, pot, plante, plant, boîte à lettres, mailbox, letterbox, plaque, plate, numéro, number, 14, câble, cable, fil, wire
X.2019 — Faces of home, 226
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Florence, Firenze, Greve in Chianti, Montefioralle, Montfleury, Mont-aux-Fleurs, San Cresci, Chianti, cimetière, cemetery, chapelle, chapel, tombes, tombs, couple, croix, crosses, portraits, homme, man, femme, woman, photographies, pierre, stone, mur, wall, arbuste, shrub, paysage, landscape, mort, death
photograph “IX.2024 — Faces of home, 225” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Nègrepelisse, rue, street, trottoir, pavement, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, voiture, car, maison, house, mur, wall, ciment, cement, parpaings, breeze-blocks, gris, grey, gray, garage, portail, gate, bois, wood, gouttières, drainpipes, métal, metal, brique, brick, porte, door, boîte à lettres, mailbox, fenêtre, window, verre, vitre, glass, volets, shutters, câbles, cables, fils, wires, plaque, plate, numéro, number, 13, dépression, domicile, home
IX.2024 — Faces of home, 225
photograph “VII.2011 — Girl at the window” par David Farreny — — République tchèque, Czech Republic, Česká republika, Bohême centrale, Central Bohemian Region, Středočeský kraj, Chodov, Prague, Praha, autoroute, motorway, highway, freeway, échangeur, interchange, bretelle, slip road, route, road, ville, city, bâtiments, immeubles, buildings, pont, bridge, voitures, cars, camions, trucks, lorries, panneaux routiers, roadsigns, pylônes, pylons, chambre, room, fenêtre, window, hôtel, hotel, fauteuil, armchair, jeune fille, girl, chaise, chair, sac à dos, backpack, rucksack, télévision, téléviseur, television, TV, set, livre, book, bouteille, bottle, rideeaux, curtains, carré, square, appui, ledge, lampe, lamp, circulation, trafic, traffic, paysage, landscape, cityscape, Li*
VII.2011 — Girl at the window
photograph “IX.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Monteils, béton, concrete, tunnel, passage, plantes, plants, végétation, vegetation, tags, graffitis, eau, water, lumière, light, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage
photograph “I.2011” par David Farreny — — France, Auvergne, Puy-de-Dôme, Clermont-Ferrand, Montferrand, usine, factory, Michelin, béton, concrete, brique, brick, métal, metal, cheminée, chimney, cuves, citernes, réservoirs, tanks, reservoirs, industrie, industry, route, road, panneaux, signs, 70, lampadaires, réverbères, lamps, street lamps, haie, hedge, hiver, winter, froid, cold, toits, toiture, redans, shed, sheds, dents de scie, serrated, jagged, roof, roofing, limitation, vitesse, speed, limit, mur, wall, escalier, stairs, rambarde, guardrail, DF1
photograph “V.2023 — Faces of home, 224” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Barcelone, Barcelona, Bages, Cardona, maison, house, chantier, works, mur, wall, brique, brick, ciment, cement, crépi, roughcast, câbles, cables, fils, wires, fenêtres, windows, poteau, post, pole, métal, metal, antennes, antennas, bâche, sheet, plastique, plastic, bleu, blue, jaune, yellow, stores, vert, green, pierre, stone, fleurs, flowers, dépression, depression, domicile, home
V.2023 — Faces of home, 224
photograph “« Mountain landscape » (1612), Joos de Momper (1564-1635)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XVIIe siècle, 17th century, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, hommes, men, chevaux, corses, oiseaux, birds, pont, bridge, pierre, stone, arbres, trees, rivière, river, rocher, rock
« Mountain landscape » (1612), Joos de Momper (1564-1635)
photograph “« The sick child » (1907), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — Thielska galleriet, galerie Thiel, Thiel gallery, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XXe siècle, 20th century, Edvard Munch, Det sjuka barnet, enfant, child, lit, bed, femme, woman, couverture, blanket, rideau, curtain, verre, glass, bouteille, bottle, rousse, redhead, oreiller, pillow, coussin
« The sick child » (1907), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, fjord, eau, water, reflet, reflection, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, bâtiment, building, bois, wood, rouge, red, planches, planks, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toit, roof, toiture, roofing, rouille, rust, rusty, hangar, bateaux, boat, shed, pierre, stone, quai, rive, bank, métal, metal, été, summer, nuages, clouds, fenêtre, window, soir, evening
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 157
photograph “« Vinterlandskap » (« Winter landscape », 1874), Gustaf Rydberg (1835-1933)” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västra, Götaland, Göteborg, Gothembourg, Gothenburg, Konstmuseum, Musée des Beaux-Arts, art, tableau, painting, peinture, Vinterlandskap, Paysage d'hiver, Winter landscape, Gustaf Rydberg, XIXe siècle, 19th century, paysage, landscape, arbre, tree, neige, snow, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky
« Vinterlandskap » (« Winter landscape », 1874), Gustaf Rydberg (1835-1933)
photograph “« Salome with the Head of John the Baptist » (c. 1510), Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, Museu nacional de arte antiga, Musée national des arts antiques, National museum of ancient art, XVIe siècle, 16th century, peinture, tableau, painting, Lucas Cranach l'Ancien, Lucas Cranach the Elder, femme, woman, homme, man, décapité, beheaded, saint Jean Baptiste, Saint John the Baptist
« Salome with the Head of John the Baptist » (c. 1510), Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)
photograph “« Portrait of Vasco da Gama (?) » (c. 1524), Portuguese school” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, Museu nacional de arte antiga, Musée national des arts antiques, National museum of ancient art, XVIe siècle, 16th century, peinture, tableau, painting, cadre, frame, bois, wood, portrait, Vasco da Gama, Vasco de Gama, homme, man, navigateur, navigator, explorateur, explorer, barbe, beard, marin, sailor
« Portrait of Vasco da Gama (?) » (c. 1524), Portuguese school
photograph “IX.2024” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Septfonds, mur, wall, gris, grey, gray, noir, black, bâtiment, building, maison, house, béton, concrete, ciment, cement, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, fenêtres, windows, grillage, fencing, torsion, twist, dépression, depression
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 154” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Bohuslän, Västra, Götaland, Sotenäs, Smögen, bourgade, town, village, église, church, clocher, tower, maisons, houses, bois, wood, clôture, fence, linge, clothes, fil, wire, été, summer
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 154
photograph “I.2020 — Road to nowhere” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Larroque-Saint-Sernin, champ, field, hiver, winter, terre, earth, sol, soil, colline, hill, arbres, trees, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, chemin, path, tracteur, tractor, ciel, sky, route, road, dépression, depression
I.2020 — Road to nowhere
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Chianti, Castellina in Chianti, carrefour, crossroads, panneaux, routiers, signs, roadsigns, automne, autumn, fall, soir, evening, ombres, shadows, maison, house, mur, wall, fenêtre, window, volets, shutters, persiennes, louver, bois, wood, métal, metal, sens interdit, one way, ALT, Via Fiorentina, posta, Radda, Greve, Firenze, Florence, sphères, spheres, poteaux, posts, bollards, chaînes, chains, fils, électriques, electricity, wires, cables, câbles, Schilderwald
photograph “VIII.2024 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Biran, nuit, night, soir, evening, mairie, city hall, place, square, drapeaux, flags, lampe, lamp, lumière, light, bâtiment, building, porte, door, entrée, entrance, arbres, trees, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, bancs, benches, ciel, sky, bleu, blue, sombre, dark, nuages, clouds, village
VIII.2024 — At night
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 50” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Ryfylke, Rogaland, Forsand, Preikestolen, Prekestolen, La Chaire, Preacher's Pulpit, Pulpit Rock, fjord, Lysefjord, paysage, landscape, montagne, mountain, roc, roche, rocher, rock, pierre, stone, eau, water, nuages, clouds, falaise, cliff, randonneurs, hikers, randonnée, hike, vide, void, carte postale, postcard
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 50
photograph “IX.2024 — If you say that” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Montauban, immeuble, bâtiment, building, résidence, residency, béton, concrete, porte, door, métal, metal, clôture, fence, panneau, sign, Ferme la porte SVP, Close the door please, faute, français, French, fault, ridicule, ridiculous, grotesque, balcons, balconies, fenêtres, windows, vitre, verre, glass, reflet, reflection, nuages, clouds, jardin, garden, herbe, grass, ombre, shadow, arbres, trees, arbustes, shrubs, dallage, paving, toit, roof
IX.2024 — If you say that
photograph “VIII.2014” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Vigeland, musée, museum, museet, statue, sculpture, Gustav Vigeland, ours, bear, jeune fille, jeune femme, girl, young woman, nu, nue, naked, nude, tresses, plaits, braids, animal, socle, plinth, pedestal, porte, door, poignée, handle, mur, wall
photograph “IX.2024 — Double bind” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Nègrepelisse, bourgade, town, rues, streets, parallèles, parallel, maisons, houses, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, trottoir, pavement, sens interdit, one way, no entry, panneaux, signs, routiers, roadsigns, toit, roof, antenne, antenna, église, church, clocher, bell tower, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, voitures, cars, femme, woman, tuiles, tiles, brique, brick, ciment, cement, herbe, grass, balcon, balcony, store, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, portail, gate, poubelles, trash, cans, bins, ombre, shadow, paraboles, satellite, dishes
IX.2024 — Double bind
photograph “II.2015” par David Farreny — — France, maisons, houses, murs, walls, ciment, cement, fenêtres, windows, lumière, light, passage, allée, alley, neige, snow, traces, tracks, voiture, car, rouge, red, village, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps
photograph “V.2023 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, mairie, city hall, comú, aire, jeux, playground, enfants, children, clôture, fence, métal, metal, sol, floor, artificiel, artificial, carrés, squares, colorés, coloured, colored, vert, green, jaune, yellow, gris, grey, gray, mur, wall, ombre, shadow, formes, shapes, géométrie, geometry, perspective
V.2023 — Whatever
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Montepulciano, piazza Grande, bâtiments, buildings, pierre, stone, brique, brick, toits, roofs, tuiles, tiles, drapeaux, flags, fenêtres, windows, cloche, bell, échafaudage, scaffolding, projecteurs, floodlights, métal, metal, échelle, ladder, volets, shutters, bois, wood, lampe, lamp
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 147” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västergötland, Västra Götaland, Gothembourg, Göteborg, Gothenburg, bains, piscine, baths, swimming pool, bad, enseigne, sign, néon, neon, lettres, letters, nuages, clouds, bâtiment, building, entrée, entrance, brique, brick, lampe, lamp, toit, roof
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 147
photograph “VIII.2019 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västergötland, Västra Götaland, Gothembourg, Göteborg, Gothenburg, parking, souterrain, underground, car park, béton, concrete, trottoir, pavement, mur, wall, paroi, pilier, pillars, blocs, blocks, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, gris, grey, gray, blanc, white
VIII.2019 — Whatever
photograph “III.2012 — Passing springtime” par David Farreny — — France, printemps, spring, springtime, rivière, river, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, gui, mistletoe, eau, water, rives, banks, soir, evening, herbe, grass, soleil, sun, branches, profusion, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, Olemps, Bourran
III.2012 — Passing springtime
photograph “II.2020” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, ville, city, capitale, capital, chantier, construction, site, pierre, stone, béton, concrete, structures, métal, metal, bâches, sheets, plastique, plastic, publicité, advertising, pub, ad, pompe, incendie, fire, pump, rouge, red, grue, crane, Regency, sales open,, guaranteed return on investment, T1, T3, apartamentos, palissade, palisade, clôture, fence
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 31” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Skjelingen, montagne, mountain, route, road, neige, snow, rocher, rock, roc, nuages, clouds, paysage, landscape, herbe, grass, fils, wires, câbles, cables, virage, bend, asphalte, asphalt, bitume, blacktop
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 31
photograph “X.2019 — At night” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, village, rue, street, pierre, stone, brique, brick, médiéval, medieval, pénombre, darkness, sombre, dark, porte, door, arche, arc, arch, portail, gate, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, flèche, arrow, gauche, left, miroir, mirror, métal, metal, fenêtre, window, grille, railing, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, direction
X.2019 — At night
photograph “XI.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Valence-sur-Baïse, Flaran, abbaye, abbey, Moyen Âge, Middle Ages, XIIe siècle, 12th century, roman, gothique, cistercien, Cistercian, Gothic, Romanesque, abside, absidiole, apse, pierre, stone, calcaire, limestone, beige, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, automne, autumn, fall, arches, archs, arcs, mur, wall
photograph “« Naked woman », Georges Dorignac (1879-1925)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, femme, woman, nue, naked, nu, nude, serviette, towel, assise, sitting
« Naked woman », Georges Dorignac (1879-1925)
photograph “XI.2016 — Second choice” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, Saint-Michel-de-Tremblade, cimetière, cemetery, chapelle, chapel, arbre, tree, cyprès, cypress, croix, crosses, pierre, stone, calcaire, limestone, beige, crépi, roughcast, gravier, gravel, tombes, tombs, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, collines, hills, paysage, landscape, marbre, marble, fleurs, flowers, mort, death
XI.2016 — Second choice
photograph “VIII.2015 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Jegun, maison, house, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, mur, wall, poutres, beams, bois, wood, colombe, dove, oiseau, bird, été, summer, soir, evening, animal, nuages, clouds, ciel, sky, passé, past
VIII.2015 — Whatever
photograph “VII.2011 — Avenue du Président-Pompidou” par David Farreny — — France, Auvergne, Cantal, Chaudes-Aigues, rue, street, place, square, parking, car park, passage, passageway, voitures, cars, avenue du Président-Pompidou, Pompidou, passant, passer-by, piéton, pedestrian, panneaux, signs, routiers, roadsigns, agence, immobilière, immobilier, property, real estate, agency, trottoir, pavement, mur, wall, pierre, stone, ciment, cement, vitrine, window, 305 m, ville, city, village, magasins, shops, ombre, shadow, tunnel
VII.2011 — Avenue du Président-Pompidou
photograph “VIII.2015 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, nuit, night, mur, wall, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, feuillage, foliage, lumières, lights, ombre, shadow, pénombre, darkness, taches, stains, écorce, bark
VIII.2015 — At night
photograph “« A lady with a squirrel and a starling (Anne Lovell?) » (c. 1526-28), Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543)” par David Farreny — — National Gallery, Londres, London, Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Hans Holbein der Jüngere, peinture, painting, tableau, 1526, XVIe siècle, 16th century, portrait, femme, woman, animaux, animals, écureuil, squire, oiseau, bird, starling, étourneau, feuillage, foliage, feuilles, leaves, Renaissance nordique, Northern Renaissance
« A lady with a squirrel and a starling (Anne Lovell?) » (c. 1526-28), Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543)
photograph “XI.2014 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez, banc, bench, ciment, cement, mur, wall, paroi, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, fleurs, flowers, orange, vieux, old, dépression, depression
XI.2014 — Whatever
photograph “V.2011 — Crumpled crepes” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps, tas, pile, terre, earth, butte, hillock, coquelicots, popes, rouge, red, herbe, grass, cathédrale, cathedral, Rodez, château d'eau, watertower, lampadaires, lamps, fleurs, flowers
V.2011 — Crumpled crepes
photograph “IV.2010” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Villemur-sur-Tarn, garage, incendie, fire, feu, portail, gate, métal, metal, gondolé, warped, déformé, distorted, poutres, beams, carbonisées, charred, voiture, car, carcasse, body, rouille, rust, rusty, brique, brick, débris, debris
photograph “VII.2009” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Rome, Roma, Anzio, port, harbour, quai, dock, bateaux, boats, béton, concrete, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, structures, été, summer, câble, cable, eau, water, mer, sea, Méditerranée, Mediterranean, planches, planks, bois, wood, bâche, sheet, plastique, plastic, carré, square
photograph “II.2009 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Naucelle, épicerie, magasin, grocery, store, Spar, fermé, closed down, porte, vitre, verre, glass, door, vitrine, window, terrasse, terrace, enseigne, sign, vieux, old, rue, street, ciment, cement, métal, metal, peinture, paint, pot, reflet, reflection, maison, house
II.2009 — Whatever
photograph “V.2017” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, ville, city, capitale, capital, rue, street, bâtiment, immeuble, building, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, scooters, pavés, cobblestones, trottoir, pavement, ombres, shadows, voitures, cars, rétroviseurs, rearview mirrors
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pise, Pisa, Volterra, rue, street, maison, house, mur, wall, façade, facade, fenêtre, window, porte, door, bois, wood, volets, shutters, pots, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, flèche, arrow, gauche, left, métal, metal, reflet, vitre, verre, glass, photographe, photographer, plaque, plate, pierre, stone, via Persio Flacco, câble, cable, fil, wire, beige
photograph “X.2019 — At night” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, Casole d'Elsa, soir, evening, nuit, night, village, place, square, pierre, stone, brique, brick, darkness, sombre, dark, lumière, light, voiture, car, triporteur, tricycle, porte, door, mur, wall, dallage, paving, silence
X.2019 — At night
photograph “VIII.2019” par David Farreny — — Thielska galleriet, galerie Thiel, Thiel gallery, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, statue, sculpture, XXe siècle, 20th century, Gustav Vigeland, Sinnataggen, L'enfant furieux, The angry boy, fenêtres, windows, parc, park, arbres, trees, enfant, child, bébé, baby, colère, anger, cri, cream
photograph “XII.2017” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Lavardens, mur, wall, pierre, stone, calcaire, limestone, beige, lierre, ivy, feuilles, leaves, panneau, sign, emplacement réservé aux voitures postales, location reserved for postal cars, lettres, letters, caractères, characters
photograph “« Rosa Bonheur in her workshop » (1893), Georges Achille-Fould (1865-1951)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XIXe siècle, 19th century, femme, woman, peintre, painter, Rosa Bonheur, atelier, workshop, tableaux, paintings, chaise, chair, bois, wood, cadre, frame, pièce, room, plancher, floor, chevaux, corses, lion, lionne, lioness, tapis, carte, cerf, deer, pinceaux, brushes, table, rideau, curtain, mise en abîme, mise en abyme
« Rosa Bonheur in her workshop » (1893), Georges Achille-Fould (1865-1951)
photograph “VIII.2015 — Loving memory” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, Londres, London, Hampstead Heath, Highgate, cimetière, cemetery, tombe, tombé, pierre, stone, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, In living memory, David Paterson, Elizabeth Paterson, Bessie, mort, death
VIII.2015 — Loving memory
photograph “VI.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Haute-Garonne, Revel, Lauragais, plafond, ceiling, poutres, beams, bois, wood, jaune, yellow, rouge, red, blanc, white, vert, green, enseigne, sign, coiffure, hairdresser, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, métal, metal, kitsch
photograph “« Goats » (1792), Jean Pillement (1728-1808)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XVIIIe siècle, 18th century, art, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, rivière, river, eau, water, chèvres, goûts, bergers, shepherds, bâton, stick, arbres, trees, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds
« Goats » (1792), Jean Pillement (1728-1808)
photograph “X.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, magasin, boutique, shop, store, bijoux, jewelry, enseigne, sign, métal, metal, fermé, closed down, affiches, posters, liquidation totale, total liquidation, horloges, clocks, porte, door, bois, trottoir, pavement, dallage, paving, vitrine, window, verre, vitre, glass, grille, railing, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, cadenas, lock, pierre, stone, calcaire, limestone, beige, charnières, hinges
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Woolwich, Greenwich, Thames path, Thames, Tamise, arbre, tree, haies, hedges, chemin, path, allée, alley, horizon, ligne, line, usine, factory, industrie, industry, grues, cranes, silos, cheminées, chimneys, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, dallage, paving, muret, low wall, lampadaire, lamp, métal, metal, clôture, fence
photograph “VIII.2015 — Faces of home, 223” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Londres, London, Camden, Camden Town, Primrose Hill, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, tours, towers, béton, concrete, fenêtres, windows, brique, brick, low wall, muret, voiture, car, métal, metal, arbres, trees, panneau, sign, 117 Parkway, caméra, camera, vidéo, video, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, passage, alley, allée
VIII.2015 — Faces of home, 223
photograph “VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Norvège du Nord, Nord-Norge, Nordland, Flakstad, Sund, Lofoten, pêche, fishing, port, harbour, harbor, village, maisons, houses, mer, sea, eau, water, montagne, mountain, pic, peak, summit, Ølkontinden, bateaux, boats, rochers, rocks, nuages, clouds
VII.2017 — Run away to the North, 248
photograph “IX.2015” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Jegun, église, church, collégiale, Sainte-Candide, collegiate, bougies, chandelles, candies, mur, pierre, stone, wall, religion
photograph “VI.2023 — Faces of home, 222” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Espanya, Catalogne, Catalonia, Cataluña, Catalunya, Lérida, Lleida, Alt Urgell, Ribera d'Urgellet, El Pla de Sant Tirs, maison, house, mur, wall, câbles, cables, fils, wires, jaune, yellow, ciel, sky, ombre, shadow, fenêtres, windows, coin, corner, angle, toit, roof, bois, wood, domicile, home
VI.2023 — Faces of home, 222
photograph “V.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, chat, cat, animal, noir, black, yeux, eyes, moustaches, whiskers, rocher, rock, plantes, plants, portrait
photograph “V.2023” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, bâtiment, immeuble, building, vieux, old, abandonné, abandoned, béton, concrete, laid, ugly, arbres, trees, branches, enseigne, sign, bar, restaurant, Font, fermé, closed down, fenêtre, window, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, pierre, stone, ombres, shadows
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 5” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Voss, Stalheim, Brekkedalen, Brekke, montagne, mountain, vallée, valley, d'altitude, high-lying, vache, cow, arbustes, shrubs, buissons, bushes, profusion
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 5
photograph “VIII.2015” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Angleterre, England, Londres, London, Chelsea, Chelsea Bridge, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, fenêtres, windows, rideaux, curtains, arbre, tree, feuillage, foliage, brique, brick, verre, vitre, glass, métal, metal, passant, passer-by, piéton, pedestrian, homme, man, chauve, bald, crâne, skull, head, tête, tour, tower, cheminée, chimney, station de pompage, pumping station, 1875, waterworks, station hydraulique, architecture, nuages, clouds
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 150” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hordaland, Austevoll, Bekkjarvik, île, island, Selbjørn, port, harbour, bateau, navire, boat, Manon, Bergen, pêche, fishing, vaisseau, vessel, métal, metal, acier, steel, eau, water, mer, sea, Selbjørnsfjord, cordes, cordages, ropes, amarre, cable, amarres, moorings, proue, bow, prow, quai, wharf, quay, pneus, tyres, tires, béton, concrete
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 150
photograph “V.2023” par David Farreny — — Espagne, España, Spain, Catalogne, Cataluña, Catalunya, Barcelone, Barcelona, Bages, Cardona, rue, street, maisons, houses, ciment, cement, mur, wall, fenêtres, windows, béton, concrete, pierre, stone, garages, portails, gates, métal, meta, câbles, cables, fils, wires, gouttière, drainpipe, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, sens interdit, one way, homme, man, vieux, vieil, old, passant, passer-by, piéton, pedestrian, canne, cane, stick, carrefour, crossing, angle, coin, corner, ruelle, alley, brique, brick, toit, roof, tuiles, tiles, dépression, depression
photograph “I.2014” par David Farreny — — France, mur, wall, pierre, stone, peinture, painting, ombre, shadow, arbre, tree, branches, hiver, winter, bâtiment, immeuble, building, maison, house, volets, shutters, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty, câble, fil, cable, wire, angle, coin, corner, ciment, cement, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Rodez
photograph “X.2015 — King of cones” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Auch, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, trottoir, pavement, chantier, works, cônes, construction, cones, plastique, plastic, rouge, red, blanc, white, ombre, shadow, photographe, photographer, couronne, crown, roi, king
X.2015 — King of cones
photograph “XI.2017” par David Farreny — — France, rivière, river, eau, water, reflet, reflection, arbres, trees, rive, bank, herbe, grass, profusion, nature, automne, autumn, fall, Odilon Redon, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Valence-sur-Baïse, Baïse
photograph “IX.2024” par David Farreny — — Andorre, Andorra, Canillo, Prats, soir, evening, grange, barn, séchoir, tabac, tobacco, dryer, toit, feuilles, leaves, accrochées, hanging, séchage, drying, roof, bois, wood, poutre, beam, mur, wall, pierre, stone, tracteur, tractor, vieux, old, Fiat, roues, wheels, pneus, tires, plancher, floor, fenêtres, windows
photograph “XI.2014” par David Farreny — — France, chantier, démolition, demolition, site, mur, wall, fenêtre, window, baies, windows, gravats, rubble, béton, concrete, nuages, clouds, verre, vitres, glass, parpaings, breeze-blocks, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez
photograph “II.2020 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, ville, city, capitale, capital, Tage, Tagus, fleuve, river, eau, water, bateaux, boats, homme, man, piéton, pedestrian, horizon, pierre, stone, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds
II.2020 — Whatever
photograph “I.2012” par David Farreny — — France, chantier, construction, site, béton, concrete, fenêtre, window, étai, étançon, stay, prop, strut, métal, metal, planches, planks, polystyrène, polystyrene, plastique, plastic, emballage, wrapping, matériaux, materials, enseigne, sign, arbre, tree, reflet, reflection, échappée, breakaway, vista, bois, wood, pièce, room, coin, corner, coulures, drips, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez, Bourran
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 274” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Bohuslän, Västra Götaland, Tanum, Fjällbacka, Skagerrak, mer, sea, paysage, landscape, îles, islands, rocher, rock, eau, water, nuages, clouds, village, bourgade, town, église, church, clocher, bell tower, maisons, houses, toits, roofs, port, bateaux, boats, rochers, rocks, bruyère, heather, Ingrid Bergman, carte postale, postcard
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 274
photograph “« Me. Self-portrait » (1901), Eugène Jansson (1862-1915)” par David Farreny — — Thielska galleriet, galerie Thiel, Thiel gallery, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Eugène Jansson, Jag. Självporträtt, autoportrait, self, portrait, homme, man, fenêtre, window, moustache, nuit, night, soir, evening
« Me. Self-portrait » (1901), Eugène Jansson (1862-1915)
photograph “V.2013” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Angleterre, England, GB, UK, Sussex, East Sussex, Eastbourne, jetée, promenade, pier, mer, sea, Manche, Channel, eau, water, pilotis, stilts, métal, metal, rouille, rusty, rust, plage, beach, galets, pebbles, shingle, filets, nets, front de mer, seafront, structure, profusion
photograph “VIII.2024 — Whatever” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Tarn-et-Garonne, Septfonds, rue, street, route, road, voiture, car, maison, house, pilier, pillar, crépi, roughcast, toit, roof, soir, evening, enseigne, sign, pizzas, restaurant, pizzeria, parasol, Nestlé, glaces, ice-creams, grillage, fencing, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, fenêtres, windows, porte, door, arbres, trees, trottoir, pavement
VIII.2024 — Whatever
photograph “« Nordic summer evening » (1899-1900), Richard Bergh (1858-1919)” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västra, Götaland, Göteborg, Gothembourg, Gothenburg, Konstmuseum, Musée des Beaux-Arts, art, tableau, painting, peinture, Nordisk sommarkväll, Richard Bergh, 1899, XIXe siècle, 19th century, terrasse, terrace, balcon, balcony, couple, man, homme, woman, femme, soir, evening, été, summer, robe, dress, arbres, trees, lac, lake, eau, water, bateau, boat, barque, rambarde, guardrail, piliers, pillars, paysage, landscape
« Nordic summer evening » (1899-1900), Richard Bergh (1858-1919)
photograph “III.2012 — Faces of home, 52. π” par David Farreny — — France, domicile, home, rue, street, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, peinture, paint, escaliers, stairs, rampes, banisters, ciment, cement, porte, door, bois, wood, gris, grey, gray, portillon, gate, métal, metal, ville, city, entrées, entries, entrances, π, 14, 16, Occitanie, Rouergue, Aveyron, Rodez
III.2012 — Faces of home, 52. π
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 273” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, Fjærlandsfjorden, Falun, bois, wood, jaune, yellow, métal, metal, rouge, red, rouille, rust, rusty, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, toit, roof, bâtiment, building, grange, barn, vache, cow, tête, head, artificielle, artificial, fenêtre, window, haie, hedge, vert, green
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 273
photograph “« Rosendal\'s garden » (1903), August Strindberg (1849-1912)” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sweden, Sverige, Västra, Götaland, Göteborg, Gothembourg, Gothenburg, Konstmuseum, Musée des Beaux-Arts, art, tableau, painting, peinture, Rosendals trädgård, August Strindberg, 1903, XXe siècle, 20th century, jardin, garden, arbres, trees, lumière, light, dorée, golden, or, gold, troncs, trunks, feuillage, foliage
« Rosendal's garden » (1903), August Strindberg (1849-1912)
photograph “« On the bridge » (1903), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — Thielska galleriet, galerie Thiel, Thiel gallery, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XXe siècle, 20th century, Edvard Munch, På bron, pont, bridge, jetée, pier, Åsgårdstrand, bois, wood, femmes, women, personnages, characters, robes, dresses, chapeaux, hats, rambardes, guardrails, maisons, houses, village, arbre, tree, soleil, sun, eau, water, mer, sea, Skagerrak
« On the bridge » (1903), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “« Winter at the river Simoa » (1883), Frits Thaulow (1847-1906)” par David Farreny — — Musée national de Norvège, Nasjonalgalleriet, Norvège, Norway, Norge, Oslo, Christiania, Frits Thaulow, peinture, painting, tableau, art, 1883, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Vinter ved Simoa, hiver, winter, rivière, river, eau, water, boat, bateau, barque, femme, woman, rames, oars, bois, wood, rives, shores, maison, house, arbres, trees, reflet, reflection
« Winter at the river Simoa » (1883), Frits Thaulow (1847-1906)
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, cimetière, cemetery, vue, view, paysage, landscape, cyprès, cypresses, arbres, trees, champs, fields, ville, city, bourgade, town, maisons, houses, colline, hill, nuages, clouds, muret, low wall, carte postale, postcard
photograph “X.2017” par David Farreny — — Pays-Bas, Netherlands, Nederland, Hollande, Holland, Amsterdam, ville, city, capital, capitale, cinéma, salle, movie, theater, enseigne, sign, inscription, City Theater, rue, street, immeubles, buildings, bâtiments, arbre, tree, béton, concrete, fenêtres, windows, passants, passers-by, piétons, pedestrians, arrêt, bus, stop, tramway, feuillage, foliage, Pathé, bar, Paris, panneaux, signs, fils, câbles, wires, cable, profusion
photograph “« Young bull jumping the fence » (1849), Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)” par David Farreny — — animal, taureau, bull, bovin, bovine, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, campagne, countryside, peinture, tableau, painting, XIXe siècle, 19th century, Rosa Bonheur, France, Aquitaine, Charente, Angoulême, musée des Beaux-Arts
« Young bull jumping the fence » (1849), Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)
photograph “VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 139” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, Fjærland, Mundal, Fjærlandsfjorden, fjord, abri, shed, bois, wood, métal, metal, rouge, red, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, eau, water, vert, green, verte, herbe, grass, toit, roof, bâtiment, building, ouverture, opening, Falun
VI.2019 — Run away to the North, 139
photograph “I.2018” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, hiver, winter, champ, field, moulin, mill, vieux, old, arbres, trees, troncs, trunks, branches, feuilles, leaves, terre, earth, sol, soil, pierre, stone, gris, grey, gray, noir, black
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Émilie-Romagne, Emilia-Romagna, Bologne, Bologna, ville, city, rue, street, arcades, arcs, archs, arches, brique, brick, mur, wall, voiture, car, métal, metal, store, décrépit, decrepit, chapeaux, hats, fenêtre, window, verre, vitre, glass
photograph “II.2020” par David Farreny — — Portugal, Lisbonne, Lisboa, Lisbon, capitale, capital, ville, city, rue, street, voitures, cars, voie ferrée, railway, rails, railings, métal, metal, cailloux, stones, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, poteaux, posts, poles, texte, text, lettres, letters, caractères, characters, rouge, red, affiche, poster, barrière, guardrail, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, arbres, trees
photograph “« Friedrich Nietzsche » (1906), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)” par David Farreny — — Thielska galleriet, galerie Thiel, Thiel gallery, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XXe siècle, 20th century, Edvard Munch, Friedrich Nietzsche, portrait, philosophe, philosopher, homme, man, moustache, cravate, tie, paysage, landscape, rambarde, guardrail, village, église, church, jaune, yellow
« Friedrich Nietzsche » (1906), Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
photograph “VII.2024 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Biran, tour, tower, tour de guet, watchtower, Moyen Âge, Middle Ages, médiéval, medieval, pierre, stone, soir, evening, nuit, night, arbres, trees, branches, branchages, mur, wall, paroi, lumière, light, flamme, flame
VII.2024 — At night
photograph “« View on Edgar Quinet boulevard » (1921), Hilding Linnqvist (1891-1984)” par David Farreny — — Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XXe siècle, 20th century, Hilding Linnqvist, ville, city, capitale, capital, Paris, boulevard, Edgar-Quinet, fenêtre, window, immeubles, bâtiments, buildings, rue, street, arbres, trees, pharmacie, pharmacy, drugstore, enseigne, sin, assiettes, plates, verre, glass, table, carafe, jus, rideau, curtain, métro, underground, subway, cheval, horse
« View on Edgar Quinet boulevard » (1921), Hilding Linnqvist (1891-1984)
photograph “V.2016 — Lancerotte, 18” par David Farreny — — Espagne, Spain, España, Canaries, Canary, Canarias, Lanzarote, Lancerotte, île, island, volcans, volcanoes, Taús, paysage, landscape, montagnes, mountains, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, noir, black, chemin, path, route, road, rochers, rocks, lave, lava, nuages, clouds
V.2016 — Lancerotte, 18
photograph “« Lapland landscape (Lapp gate) » (1907), Helmer Osslund (1866-1938)” par David Farreny — — Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, musée, museum, Djurgården, Stockholm, Suède, Sweden, tableau, peinture, painting, XXe siècle, 20th century, paysage, landscape, Helmer Osslund, Laponie, Lapland, porte lapone, Lapp gate, montagne, mountain, neige, snow, arbres, trees, hiver, winter, lac, lake, glace, ice, nuages, clouds, racines, roots
« Lapland landscape (Lapp gate) » (1907), Helmer Osslund (1866-1938)
photograph “VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 272” par David Farreny — — Suède, Sverige, Sweden, Uppland, Södermanland, Stockholm, ville, city, capitale, capital, Södermalm, mur, wall, fenêtres, métal, metal, pierre, stone, verre, vitre, glass, bicyclette, bicycle, vélo, bike, pavés, cobblestones, arches, arcs, archs, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, flèche, arrow, gauche, left, ombres, shadows
VIII.2019 — Run away to the North, 272
photograph “IV.2018 — Sweets” par David Farreny — — France, fête foraine, funfair, bâche, cover, tarp, tarpaulin, rouge, red, plastique, plastic, câble, wire, fil, cable, électrique, electricity, power, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, attraction, enseigne, sign, auvent, awning, Festival du sucre, Sugar festival, métal, metal, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Auch
IV.2018 — Sweets
photograph “IX.2014 — At night” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Olemps, nuit, night, arbre, tree, tronc, trunk, rochers, rocks, mousse, moss, feuilles, leaves, feuillage, foliage, terre, earth, sol, soil, sombre, dark, pénombre, darkness
IX.2014 — At night
photograph “V.2013” par David Farreny — — Royaume-Uni, United Kingdom, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, GB, UK, Sussex, West Sussex, Worthing, front de mer, seafront, plage, beach, mer, sea, Manche, Channel, horizon, eau, water, soir, evening, promenade, abri, shelter, bois, wood, fenêtres, windows, verre, glass, vitres, bancs, benches, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, herbe, grass
photograph “III.2021 — Faces of home, 221” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gers, Éauze, Eauze, rue, street, ville, city, bourgade, town, ruelle, alley, porte, door, fenêtres, windows, volets, shutters, bois, wood, bitume, blacktop, asphalte, asphalt, crépi, roughcast, mur, wall, rideaux, curtains, domicile, home
III.2021 — Faces of home, 221
photograph “VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 34” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Fagerheim, Halne, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, cailloux, stones, collines, hills, neige, snow, lac, lake, eau, water, vide, emptiness, empty, montagne, mountain, glace, ice
VII.2012 — Run away to the North, 34
photograph “III.2010” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Aveyron, Rouergue, Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Farrou, zone d'activités, activity zone, dimanche, Sunday, entrepôt, bâtiment, building, métal, metal, tôle ondulée, corrugated iron, enseigne, sign, inscription, produits frais, fresh products, rouille, rust, rusty, sale, dirty, saleté, dirt, citerne, tank, portails, gates, chargement, loading, fenêtres, windows, tuyaux, pipes, Carboxyque, marque, brand
photograph “VIII.2022” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Sienne, Siena, San Quirico d'Orcia, bâtiment, immeuble, building, tronc, trunk, arbre, tree, écorce, bark, fenêtre, window, pots, plantes, plants, arc, arche, arch, mur, wall, grille, railing, métal, metal, feuilles, leaves, rideaux, curtains
photograph “VIII.2024 — Existential warning” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Gascogne, Gascony, Gers, Biran, arbres, trees, végétation, vegetation, désordre, disorder, bidon, métal, metal, can, rouille, rust, rusty, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, route barrée, road closed, inscription, avertissement, warning, dépression, depression
VIII.2024 — Existential warning
photograph “V.2019 — Run away to the North, 149” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Krokeide, ferry, bateau, boat, bac, Hufthamar, Austevoll, Lysefjord, fjord, mer, sea, eau, water, rivage, shore, collines, hills, montagnes, mountains, baie, fenêtre, window, verre, glass, vitre, haut-parleur, loudspeaker, chaises, chairs, rambarde, guardrail, métal, metal, pont, deck, soir, evening, été, summer, spectacle, show
V.2019 — Run away to the North, 149
photograph “X.2019” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italia, Italy, Toscane, Toscana, Tuscany, Pistoia, Montecatini Alto, Montecatini Val di Nievole, rue, street, angle, coin, corner, mur, wall, brique, brick, panneau, sign, routier, roadsign, 1.80 m, étroit, narrow, pierre, stone, gouttière, drainpipe, métal, metal, plaque, plate, bas-relief, low relief, cheval, horse, animal, lampe, lamp, verre, vitre, glass, autocollants, stickers, sculpture, art
photograph “« Pine in Algiers » (1932), Albert Marquet (1875-1947)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XXe siècle, 20th century, art, nature, arbre, tree, pin, pine, mer, sea, Méditerranée, Mediterranean
« Pine in Algiers » (1932), Albert Marquet (1875-1947)
photograph “« The tip of Graves », Louis-Auguste Auguin (1824-1904)” par David Farreny — — Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, France, Aquitaine, Gironde, peinture, painting, tableau, XIXe siècle, 19th century, art, paysage, landscape, marin, seascape, rivage, seashore, océan, ocean, Atlantique, Atlantic, ciel, sky, nuages, clouds, Graves
« The tip of Graves », Louis-Auguste Auguin (1824-1904)
photograph “V.2017 — Anonymous” par David Farreny — — Italie, Italy, Italia, Latium, Lazio, Rome, Roma, Centrale Montemartini, musée, museum, machine, métal, metal, électricité, electricity, statue, sculpture, tête, man, homme, pierre, stone, art, 245, via dei Fori Imperiali, marbre, marble
V.2017 — Anonymous
photograph “VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 84” par David Farreny — — Norvège, Norway, Norge, Hardangervidda, Buskerud, Hol, plateau, paysage, landscape, rochers, rocks, collines, hills, herbe, grass, vide, empty, emptiness, tractopelle, backhoe, engin, vehicle, pelle, shovel, digger, neige, snow, névé, firn, métal, metal, rouille, rust, rusty
VIII.2014 — Run away to the North, 84
photograph “XII.2013” par David Farreny — — France, Occitanie, Hérault, Lodève, musée Fleury, art, tableau, peinture, painting, paysage, marin, seascape, bateau, boat, voilier, sailboat, cadre, frame, doré, golden, porte, door, cartels, labels, radiateur, radiator, mur, wall, texte, text
photograph “« Souvenir : figure for a tomb » (1895), Henri Gourgouillon (1858-1902)” par David Farreny — — musée d'art Roger-Quilliot, musée, museum, Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France, sculpture, statue, tête, head, homme, man, jeune, young, tombeau, tomb
« Souvenir : figure for a tomb » (1895), Henri Gourgouillon (1858-1902)
photograph “Head of a “Smiling” type statuette, Remojadas culture” par David Farreny — — musée des Amériques, Auch, Gers, Gascogne, Gascony, Occitanie, France, sculpture, statue, statuette, Remojadas, souriante, smiling, sonrienta, sonrientes, tête, head, art, Central America, Amérique centrale, Mexique, Mexico
Head of a “Smiling” type statuette, Remojadas culture
© David Farreny, 2004-2025   ✉️🅵

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